Good luck if you want to be a life model, difficult to stay still for 30-60mins.
The only advice I can give is DO NOT EAT ANYTHING while you are a life model! This one model at art college used to eat when she was supposed to be standing/sitting still…think large-ish tattooed naked woman loudly gnawing away on breadsticks for two hours solid, thoroughly offputting when you are trying to draw. The other model we used to draw was terribly skinny so we actually wouldnt have minded if she’d eaten something beacause frankly she looked like she needed the carbs, on the plus side she used to walk around the art class during her break (no robe) and would always look over your shoulder at your work, v. distracting for an 18yr old art student causing much shakey linework. Ah, happy days 🙂
As for the male model, our group never had the opportunity to draw him but we had it on good advice from the other class that he tended get a bit, ahem, excited… 😯