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  • Life class modelling
  • BikePawl
    Free Member

    I worked as a life model years ago in Aberdeen, good money for old rope, the first few days were the most embarrasing. The staying in the same pose is the hardest part of the job. The worst I had was having to stand all day with my hands behind my head, not bad for the first 45 min, they had to move my arms down at the end of the day. You can deal with the stationary aspect in different ways I meditated, I’ve known others who compose music or write.
    To keep the wood down I thought of standing naked in wet y-fronts in front of a naked maggie thatcher.

    Free Member

    good money for old rope



    Full Member

    standing naked in wet y-fronts in front of a naked maggie thatcher

    Ah, oh dear.

    Hang on, I’ll just clean up.

    Free Member

    I used to do it, in basement studio. You never got to see the artists, all you heard was the clunk as they put the money in the slot to be able to continue painting. Other times you would hear furious painting as they tried to finish the piece before the shutter closed. You could tell when the managed this, they would give a yelp of success and then they wouldn’t need to put any more money in the slot.

    Free Member

    Thanks Charlie I never realised that vinegar strokes referred to the final strokes of paint applied to a picture.

    Free Member

    my bother did it, loved it. he is ripped and hung like a donkey tho. he was young and had loads of flings off the back of it. bast**d.

    Free Member

    That was all very genteel. We even had a tea break half way through. Got given a big fluffy robe ( v clean!!) to change into and did two poses. I’ve got a crick in my neck now from looking over my left shoulder. I got to see some of the drawings. One was just of my torso with no head! ( weird) got £20 and a receipt!

    Free Member

    you have to just sit there with nothing to do

    Can’t you take a portable TV to watch?

    Free Member

    Can’t you take a portable TV to watch?

    that is a sad indictment when elsewhere on this thread people have spoken of meditation.. and composing music or works of writing..

    jeremy kyle anyone?

    Free Member

    I’ve been doing this about once a month for the last three years. It’s trying to think of different things to do while sitting starkers encircled by 15 strangers. The fun is in trying to work out which bit of you will seize first, or playing stare at that spot, poetry or trigonometry but it is £15 an hour too; so not bad.
    My boner killer is John Prescott walking up the drive with a bottle of wine and flowers knocks on the and Maggie opens the door in a negligée. You are welcome.

    Free Member

    £15ph seriously you can get much more than that, especially as you’ve done it before. I private tutour in art currently it’s about £30 for someone with no experience, the models that advertise in art magazines charge more, they must get some work as they advertise each week. Cheers for the mental image anyway

    Free Member

    Austerity measures.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    I used to do it, in basement studio. You never got to see the artists, all you heard was the clunk as they put the money in the slot to be able to continue painting. Other times you would hear furious panting as they tried to finish themselves off before the shutter closed. You could tell when they managed this, they would give a yelp of success and then they wouldn’t need to put any more money in the slot.

    Fixed that for you 🙂

    Full Member

    I can’t believe nobody else has said it yet, but…

    This thread is useless without pictures!!

    Full Member

    Good luck if you want to be a life model, difficult to stay still for 30-60mins.

    The only advice I can give is DO NOT EAT ANYTHING while you are a life model! This one model at art college used to eat when she was supposed to be standing/sitting still…think large-ish tattooed naked woman loudly gnawing away on breadsticks for two hours solid, thoroughly offputting when you are trying to draw. The other model we used to draw was terribly skinny so we actually wouldnt have minded if she’d eaten something beacause frankly she looked like she needed the carbs, on the plus side she used to walk around the art class during her break (no robe) and would always look over your shoulder at your work, v. distracting for an 18yr old art student causing much shakey linework. Ah, happy days 🙂

    As for the male model, our group never had the opportunity to draw him but we had it on good advice from the other class that he tended get a bit, ahem, excited… 😯

    Free Member

    I’ve done countless hours of life drawing. There’s nothing pervy or sexual about it. You get paid for sitting still, naked. It’s totally objective, you’re looking at the angles and negative space in someones armpit! or the light bouncing off their nose. They just turn into shapes and angles and spaces and measurements. But you have to stay still. proper still, it’s not easy. sometimes you have to hold stuff or flex muscles, for ages.

    Free Member

    Have you posed naked Kevevs? 😯

    In the name of Medical Science…

    Free Member

    err no. I didn’t say that! I’ve had my brain scanned for medical science and they found a lost squirrel and a piece of marzipan.

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