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  • Let’s forget all the doom and gloom! If you made a christmas film…
  • belfastflyer
    Free Member

    Can’t believe no one has mentioned “The night the reindeer died”?!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I would make one about an incontinent but extremely generous local bike shop owner who because of his affliction cant cycle more than 5 minutes before needing to relieve himself .

    Due to a major cock up ( no pun intended )  he also over orders on Enve wheels and as its near to Christmas decides to give a full set  away to each of his first customers every day from the beginning of December to Christmas eve ..

    As a story that’s as far as I’ve got ..but the film would be called

    ” Piss On Earth And Good Wheels To All Men “

    Free Member

    Groundhog Christmas.

    Starring Johnny Vegas playing the part of Bill Murray, a man forced to endure, over and over, an entire day working as a shop assistant in the “run up” to Christmas, where the only soundtrack is Slade and every customer is a complete twunt to him. Over and over. And over. And over.

    As yet I’ve no idea how he escapes this fate worse than death.

    Free Member

    Remake of It’s a Wonderful Life with Russell Brand as the lead…

    Franz Kafka’s “It’s a wonderful life”? (Bindun)

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    ‘Home With a Bone’

    It’s a lighthearted 1980’s themed shaggy-dog romp through seasonal faux-pas and comic tribulatons whereby a South Florida family forget to load the family dog into the car before driving  across country to visit relatives for Christmas all the way up in New York State

    ‘Oh my GOD…..WE LEFT TIMMY’

    Timmy is of course locked in the house on Miami Beach, and soon runs out of food.  Luckily for Timmy – that night two hapless opportunist house-burglars named Frik and Frak notice there are no lights on in the house, but hear Timmy’s bark,  so they leave sausages through the letterbox hoping to outsmart Timmy by scaling the gutter to a rear bedroom.

    Timmy’s hearing is just as keen as one might expect so he cunningly waits for them at the top of the huge curved staircase of polished marble*.  One of the thieves gets in, sees Timmy, bricks it, and leaps up to a light ceiling light/fan fixture to try and climb away from Timmy’s big barking jaws.

    As he grabs the light/ceiling fan with both hands and begins rotating with it we can briefly see the surprised crook’s skeletal features illuminated in neon-blue sparks as it begins to spin faster.  Frak luckily has a sausage left so lobs it across the room to Timmy expecting him to eat it and run away with it.  Timmy licks his lips ruefully, but always one step ahead he heroically ignores the sausage and pads smartly to the CB radio in the study, pressing the ‘on’ switch with his paw. Meanwhile  Frik is still spinning while Frak is trying to grab him, but keeps getting kicked lightly in the kisser every time Frik’s flailing feet makes a pass.  Frik’s hair is on end and he’s crying for his mother.

    *Can’t tell you any more because spoilers. 🐶🎄🐾🤸‍♂️🏌🏻‍♀️

    Edit – Note to Seymour Butts and other entrepreneurial derivative directors – I’ve registered all the rights to most imagineable ‘alternative’ titles.  Maybe.  (Shotwink, ‘click’). Oh yeah.

    Full Member

    Home with a Bone sounds brilliant but from the title I expected a very different film!

    Free Member

    “Home : a loan”

    Miserable Londoner has to explain to his kids that they can’t have any presents this Christmas because Daddy has to pay a million quid for a three bedroom house.

    Full Member

    Surely there is a film about Darcey Bussell discovering Enduro as her way of keeping fit and meeting a life partner….? 😉

    Free Member

    Shite Christmas.

    Doesn’t really need a blurb.

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