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  • Learn to ride a bike
  • Nezbo
    Free Member

    I was just at my mum (cos it is mother’s day and all that) and we were talking about how we learnt to ride a bike.

    I remember is well, when I was 3 she found a big grass hill with a long run off and pushed me down it, I learnt to ride very quickly :) never looked back since :D

    So how did you learn to ride?

    Exactly the same as you. Big grass hill. the rest is history.

    Full Member

    i learned by waiting for my brother to put his bike down and i rushed over and grabbed it and rode up the street.
    my brother ran up to get my parents not because i rode off but because i was riding a bike which i had never done before

    kemsing house bermondsey.1972/3

    Free Member

    haha took me **** ages, i remember being the last kid in my street with stabilisers, most of them were younger too. i still remember the first day i rode my blue bmx with stabilisers across a field in Wareham.

    I reckon that it taking so long has something to do with why i still like bikes so much.

    Full Member

    Me dad holding the back of my Raleigh Tommahawk as I pedaled round the park, gradually letting go till I was on me own!!!!
    Then some shouts “he’s let go”, little ‘ole me looks round in panic!!! and falls off.

    Full Member

    and bikes still fookin rock!!!!

    Full Member

    when i was young my dad cycled to work, my older brother and sister cycled to secondary school but i was told i had to wait to have a bike – i guess it was money – so at 8 i borrowed my mates sister’s bike it was too big but i could ride it – my vote would have been staying at his house kissing his sister but she was fine about me sodding off on her bike :cry:

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