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  • Attn Fat Clubbers
  • marsdenman
    Free Member

    I’ve had more than one request for weekly updates so I’m thinking of posting the results up here.

    I’d propose to post a list of members with 3 other columns, one showing the loss that week, one showing the cumulative loss and one showing that loss as a % of target, NO mention of start weights or target weights to be posted as that’s for us to know.

    This is an all or nothing option i.e. we show everyone or show no list at all- If THE MAJORITY are happy with this then i’ll start it with this next weigh in.
    Do please let me know your thoughts


    Free Member

    Work away. I’m not shy.

    Free Member

    Do not mind. I am sucking at this at the moment so might as well add public humiliation to the list of incentives to crack on a bit more :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    bash on that man!

    Full Member

    No problem with my performance being shown (or lack of it). :oops:

    Free Member

    I’m fine with that.

    Free Member

    Actually, before you publish the results i better go saw a limb off or something so i get an impressive drop early doors :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    judging by the scales this week I think need to feel the shame of it going public :-(

    hope everyone else is doing better!

    Free Member

    I’m happy for you to publish :-)

    Free Member

    Go publik

    Free Member

    Yep, go ahead, would be nice to see how everyone else is getting on as well. Personally would like to see start and target weights too, don’t see an issue with publishing them. As above, its helpful to be slightly shamed into losing more weight.

    Full Member

    I have no problem with this either.

    Wouldn’t have a problem with start and goal weights being displayed either tbh.

    The more potential humiliation on a public forum, the better lol

    Free Member

    No problem from me. In my ignorance I thought the results were to be published anyway…kind of a motivation thing

    Free Member

    I was thinking the same too! Put em up!

    Free Member

    Thumbs up from me and my non-decreasing love handles.

    Full Member

    Post away, I have nothing to hide – except my belly perhaps!

    Free Member

    okey dokey, not quite a majority vote but we’ll do a Bush and carry on regardless!
    Will publish them in the next day or so, i say that ‘cos.
    1. still getting some stragglers only just letting us have their details…..
    2. I need the household excel expert and she is at work – I’m trying to cut and paste relevant columns into an easy to read format but they have formulae in them which is cocking me up…. :cry:

    Will follow that up with posts mid-week – just to provide that extra little prod as you start the 48 hour count down to weigh in…… :D

    Free Member

    a bit late, but fine by me here.

    Free Member

    Columns might not work too well on here. Unless…

    name start end
    fred 1 tonne 0.9 tonne
    jimmy five bellies 233 tonnes 234 tonnes

    Nope, code tag doesn’t seem to work.

    You might need to screenshot, save as an image and host online somehere.

    Free Member

    Fine by me. I’ve not sent in any updates yet as my scales are broken! You could put it on google docs?

    Free Member

    OK by me, but please do it quick before I plateau :-)


    Free Member

    fine by me I think a public showing can only help with reaching the targets :-)

    Free Member

    Im sure any of us that sensitive wouldnt have joined up in the first place.

    Full Member

    Yes, fine by me. Start and target would be fine by me. It’ll be another motivator, though if I’m not in negative weight loss this week then I’ll be amazed.

    Still, no Xmas sweeties left any more and I’m not buying any more…


    Free Member


    prophet2 1 1 1
    psling 2 2 2
    rexated 3 3 3

    ok, lifted colums cut ‘n’ paste stylee from the excel spreadsheet, ok, it don’t look that sweet, but i believe it is functional :D

    awaiting input from MrsMM ref the issues I have with with working the spreadsheet and the full list will issue forth :P

    Free Member

    though if I’m not in negative weight loss this week then I’ll be amazed.

    I’ve been in negative weight loss for years, still, it sounds good!

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