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  • Laura Trott
  • DrJ
    Full Member

    I keep seeing a young woman called Laura Trott on telly spouting Tory nonsense. It makes me stop and think “Laura Kenny’s lost the plot big time “ until I realise it’s just someone else with the same name and very roughly same appearance. And in fact it’s me who’s lost the plot.

    Full Member

    Fair enough

    Full Member

    Surely the cold, dead eyes give the Tory MP away.

    Full Member

    I’m always have to do a double take when I see a young Tory. But then I read their Bio, and it sort of makes sense. Still sad though.

    Full Member

    I’m always have to do a double take when I see a young Tory.

    I blame the parents!

    Free Member

    Hoorah Henrietta

    Full Member

    Laura Trott (MP) is a fascinating demonstration of how a very attractive person can be seriously ugly because of their politics.

    Free Member

    The links go deeper than looks, you have to be rich to be successful in sport and thats a big no no for STW

    Full Member

    Dame Laura must be glad she got married and changed her name. This kind of association isn’t good for the brand.

    Full Member

    The links go deeper than looks, you have to be rich to be successful in sport and thats a big no no for STW

    WTF you on about?

    Laura is from my home town and is in no way from a privileged background.

    Free Member

    Not familiar with this young lady or what “Tory nonsense” is, but I have noticed a lot of good looking young women on the right of the spectrum these days, as opposed to the usual angry, ranting hypocritical mirror-busters of the left. Michelle Dewsbury on GBeebies 😍

    Full Member

    good looking young women

    Michelle Dewsbury

    Eh ?

    Free Member


    Fair enough. ‘To each, their own’…

    Free Member

    The links go deeper than looks, you have to be rich to be successful in sport and thats a big no no for STW

    You wot?

    Full Member

    I thought it was Daisy Haggard.

    Free Member

    you have to be rich to be successful in sport

    Yeah, all those successful footballers with their private educations.

    Muhammad Ali, the well known Ivy League sportsman.

    I could go on.

    Full Member

    Laura is from my home town and is in no way from a privileged background.

    And the other Laura is from the same home town as Sir Keir Starmer. Makes you think.

    Full Member

    I initially thought it was Shona from Coronation Street and my good lady wife accused me of being an idiot.

    I then had to turn off because Fiona Bruce makes me annoyed.

    Full Member

    Don’t mock, for some kids dressage is the only way out of the ghetto.

    Full Member

    Yeah, but dressage is like a gateway drug to polo for inner-city youth.

    Free Member

    Came across as quite condescending on question time last night.
    She’ll go far that one ;)

    Free Member

    I thought it was Daisy Haggard.

    No, no, no – that was Bruce Wayne.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I thought it was Daisy Haggard.

    No, no, no – that was Bruce Wayne.

    incredible work.

    Free Member

    “but I have noticed a lot of good looking young women on the right of the spectrum these days,”

    Do you think it’s because the Tories have started promoting young women because of their looks rather than their talents to appeal to randy old pervs like you Jambo?

    I can’t say for sure but the correlation between looks and the ability to spout vacuous nonsense persuades me somewhat, as more and more Fox News floozie types and **** Barbies are wheeled out by the right over here.

    I’m not suggesting there’s necessarily any quid pro quo arrangements behind their appointments either, though I suspect the phrase “good looking filly’ does the rounds in the Conservative paddock when it comes to seeking out young ‘talent’ for the future.

    Free Member

    i though you meant laura tott, first dates, lovely..

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