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  • Last Tarvo review
  • singletrackross
    Full Member

    The Last Tarvo with its progressive geometry, stable pedal platform and predictable handling is certainly capable of a podium or two.

    By singletrackross

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    Full Member

    Good luck actually getting one if you order.

    I’ve been waiting on a Glen frame since late Sept, it’s stuck in customs and I think it’s going to be returned. I have asked Last for help but they are not doing much.

    The Tarvo & Cinto are stunning though.

    Full Member

    *awaits ‘still too heavy’ comment.

    Full Member

    Have you not called up customs/PF, from my dealings with them you need to be a pain in the ass proactive  to get things moving

    Full Member

    I’ve defintely been a PITA. I got a letter from Parcelfarce Saturday with the email for the high value customs stores and have been pushing since.

    Full Member

    i was going to buy a glenn a few years ago. when i asked what the seat angle was, as it wasn’t listed in the geo chart, i was told that there was no standardized way to measure the seat angle and he wouldn’t tell me.

    Free Member

    It would probably be easier and certainly quicker to just go and collect it from Germany. I did this buying a frame in the UK to bring to Ireland it’s a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s not about getting around taxes but what is the correct rate depending on what components are made where.

    Full Member

    leegee – have just navigated this whole customs stuff getting a Last frame in. Assuming you got the customs notification from Parcelfarce… if yes then fill in the form & send recorded + email it ASAP with the tracking ref + cage ID no if you have it. Once they have that it should get processed [takes about a week] & then sent to local depot. Then another week to get the actual custom charge with letter ref to pay the charge, after which its next day delivery.

    Edit … what Bruneep said … stay on it as PF are useless ******s

    Full Member

    Cheers, Last have been helpful since my last post and emailed PF.

    The problem was, my invoice had several items with 0 value, things like custom colours, no seatpost etc. Pf wouldn’t accept this.

    Last kindly emailed them to explain and it’s now waiting for clearance.

    Which frame do you have?

    Full Member

    I wonder how you get recruited to that part of parcelforce “Right, this is the department where we hold stuff hostage. You are under no obligation to actually help anyone. On those occasions where you do reluctantly have to release an item to its actual rightful owner, you can then charge them a “service fee” for all that time you were failing to do your job.”

    Full Member

    The problem was, my invoice had several items with 0 value, things like custom colours, no seatpost etc. Pf wouldn’t accept this.

    yup exactly that … utter f****wittery on their part. Chatted to LAST – they really need to use DHL ‘end to end’. Unfortunately they are actually using Deutsche post … so that’s PFarce once it lands over here.

    It’s a Coal.. have had LAST frames before, the quality is worth the wait though, makes our more expensive homegrown stuff look pretty shonky in comparison. Hope yours arrives soon.

    Free Member

    I bought the cinto in spring last year… I had to wait 4 months and then mess about with customs for another month and pay import duty (another brexit win)…however…its absolutely brilliant. Best bike iv bad by a long way. Only problem is I can’t decide if I want to try out mullet, or even get the tarvo linkage?!

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