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  • Kids
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    The events at Beachy Head have quite upset me, so let’s end the day with some happier kid related stuff.

    Two big men having an adventure.

    Full Member

    7 yr old the other day mid ride….

    7 yr old the other day post ride

    9 wk old the other day smiling :D

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    Superb stuff!

    sc-xc – Top pic- Location?

    Full Member

    It’s the North Face trail at Grizedale. Perfect for kids, the climbing is pretty easy and there’s loads of interesting bits. He has done quite a few trail centres but this one is his favourite!

    Free Member

    hey sc-xc, we’ve got a 10-week old. The smiles help don’t they? :-)

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    Free Member

    LOL – splat….video cut.

    All teeth still present?

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    Getting some air


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    he was fine…he’d built up to that height on the bank after about 6 goes, all the others were dead straight and in control, he just set off crooked and never got it back!

    now he won’t pick up his feet much at all, but not cos of that crash…’i don’t want to go fast and break my arm like daddy!’ (see my other thread!)

    Free Member

    My eldest aged 10

    My youngest aged 7

    Free Member

    still a way to go to get them on bikes, and they had a very shaky start in life, all OK now though, and my wife will not be happy that I posted this picture but they are simply amazing:

    Full Member

    i have a 17yr old son, who got his girlfriend pregnant.
    she is expecting in a month…when we found out i was **** fumming with him.
    7 months on i am coming round to the idea of being a 43 yr old grandad.
    all i can say is, i hope my son gets as much joy and love out of his child….
    and my 12 yr old daughter is awesome too, i just hope she don’t come home preggers at 17….
    kids, who would have em…………….. :D

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    Full Member

    Well done, Harry_the_Spider. It’s got me thinking about my own kids now… :-)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    (Nice one H-t-S)

    My handsome boy

    Free Member

    3 years ago now, doesn’t even seem like last year!

    Bit more recent, hard to imagine we were under inches of snow only 4 months ago.

    Full Member
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