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  • Just ridden my new bike, woo-hoo!
  • robdob
    Free Member

    Well it finally happened, I got out on my bike for about 1/2hour round the streets and into Greenhead Park (hora will know) to ride some steps, on this:

    I tell, I have never owned a full sus bike and it was a bit weird, but not as weird as I had feared.

    Free Member

    Who put spesh mondeo as a tag? Own up!
    I don’t think you’ll see many of them around at all, Spesh didn’t make many in 2008 and they didn’t sell so all the stock became the 2009 model. All sold within weeks so there’s been a lot of talk about them but I am sure you’ll see hundreds more Enduro’s and Stumpys than my bike.

    So there. Most expensive bike I’ve ever bought and I’m proud as punch.
    😛 😆

    Free Member

    Nice – looks a bit like mine but not as good. 😛

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