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  • Just need a stamp…
  • Nezbo
    Free Member

    Just filled out the application form and filled in the cheque for the TransWales all i now need is a stamp for the envalope 🙂

    Does anyone know of a good training program(calender)etc… that will help me train for the big day(week) next august?

    Free Member

    Stamp is on and the entry for is in the post box 🙂

    Free Member

    Now I did the TW last year (2008) and if I can complete it (Every.Single.Mile!) then anyone can! I just rode a lot. Then a LOT more. Then did some spinning classes, then rode home from the spinning classes, then went for a ride in the evning and then rode…… Well, you get the idea. Ride a LOT. 70-80 mile road rides, Meridas, Mayhem, anything.

    And learn what your body needs. Mine, for instance, doesn't like certain energy drinks (Gives me a bad tum!) so I experimneted and found one that didn't. Mule bars are all natural and I like them too, for instance.

    And you gotta make sure your bike fits PERFECTLY. You gotta love that saddle. Comfort and reliability come first, above EVERYTHING else. I fitted a complete new drivetrain and pads. I never had any sort of mechanical, but there were others on flash bikes failing around me because they didn't prepare their machine properly.

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