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  • Juicy 7 bleeding help please, before I go postal……
  • marsdenman
    Free Member

    Had my rear caliper apart a week or two ago, resolved a sticking piston problem by breaking one in attempting to remove it so fitted new ones…
    thought i’d done a spot on job for a first timer when it came to bleeding the system but that is evidently not the case as the brake lever was right back to the bars when I took it down from storage yesterday (storage = hanging by the front wheel…), that wrote of yesterdays ride, no time to do a re-bleed. Out with family today, had hoped to be out riding tomorrow though so…..
    just bled the system again, per instructions in the Bleed Kit Instructions, all seems to have gone well, not an air bubble to be seen……. when I ‘finish’ the job, feel at the lever is that of instant bite but, bounce the bike up and down a bit and all starts to go soft – any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
    Cheers Chris

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    Free Member

    cheers scardeypants
    the vid showed I was doing the one thing I was worried about correctly – the contact pad adjust thing, looks like i’m just not moving quick enough to replace bleed port screws….
    <heads off to try again>

    Full Member

    I think the degasssing bit, and then the slight pressurising of the system before disengaging the syringes, is pretty important

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to force fluid back into the system prior to removing the syringe. Got the same ‘lever to bar’ when I first did it by following the instructions but, by pushing fluid into the system, all was good.

    Free Member

    degassing was not my problem, not putting pressure back in prior to disconnecting at the lever end was the issue
    t’would appear the job is sorted 😀
    we’ll know for sure in the morning
    Thanks again all.
    <heads to fridge for a beer>

    Full Member

    The manual doesn’t even mention anything about pushing fluid back in! Very important, and the video does mention it of course.

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