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  • Jones Plus
  • Gotama
    Free Member

    Surely having the bars that high is going to royally screw up the handling given it’s pretty high at the front anyway? And interesting you’ve gone for normal 29 rather than plus tyres?

    Those Plus bikes do look good and a likely upgrade from my standard jones spaceframe one day when that style of riding becomes the primary rather than the secondary.

    Full Member

    Can you explain to me how to put the headset and fork together? :P

    I think that’s the first bike you’ve ever owned that looks like it fits you.

    I’ve got an 800mm flat bar you can borrow if you want to try a lower bar position?

    Free Member

    They do come with instructions now
    Whatcha getting confused with?
    Steerer is separate to the fork so you line it all up and insert (using a mallet) the steerer.

    Full Member

    It was a little joke aimed at Nige. :x
    No mallets required if you do it right. :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ve done more than my fair share of them and a mallet (rubber headed) helps no end.
    The 23″ demos just had the same treatment 8)

    Full Member

    I could show you a very simple trick where you’d no longer need your mallet. :-)

    Free Member

    You can skin a cat many ways. Point 10 works for me :0)

    Free Member

    Really digging the green :)

    Anyone tried a fat front on a plus?

    Free Member

    This is quite a nice riding bike :)

    It feels so small now after initially feeling big

    Full Member

    mine looks smaller when i am on board……..errrm wonder why :D

    Free Member

    Anyone wanna swap their 25+ for my 24+??

    Free Member

    Oh dear, went too small?

    Perhaps Biff could help you?

    Full Member

    That bikes made for you Paul! However if you are selling let me know ;-)

    Free Member

    Yeah, could try Biff…??
    Clink- the bike is ace and fits good but wanna really go for mega long wheelbase just for the fun of it.

Viewing 14 posts - 81 through 94 (of 94 total)

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