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  • Joblesstrackworld Interview time
  • jova54
    Free Member

    Finally, three months after my last job interview, I have just been told that I have an interview for a full-time job on Friday.

    YESSS!!!! :D

    Free Member

    Good luck :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    good luck! :-)

    Free Member

    Good luck! Wish I was in your shoes :|

    Free Member

    Cheers all. I’ll let you know what happens.

    Now, where did I put my suit?

    Full Member

    Good luck. Had an interview Friday, first one in 2 months no suit needed for this one though :(

    Free Member

    :wink: Good luck dude all the best.. I’ve just recently graduated with a post grad degree, 60 apps later and still no job… Not even a shortlist.. Given up now. Mite as well enjoy the summer rather than stressin myself out.

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