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  • Job Adverts – Legal Question.
  • Smee
    Free Member

    My wife has seen a job that would be perfect for her. Unfortunately, the advert for it says that to apply you must live in a certain area. Is this legal?

    Free Member

    Is this legal?

    yes – why not?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Perfectly legal.

    Free Member

    They could have had someone who struggled to commute in before and it had an impact on their work etc.

    Free Member

    Also if the job is funded then there might be a proviso that local jobs (for local people) are to be created

    Free Member

    What exactly does it say?

    Full Member

    got any relatives or freinds that live in the area specified?

    Mp’s have 2nd homes – why not your wife…

    Free Member

    In a sane world, if the job was perfect you would move house. But we live in a mad world, so you’re wondering whether you can sue the person advertising the job. :-)

    Full Member

    There are lots of reasons for that, but often it’s to stop the hundreds of candidates from the Philippines, India and Pakistan who apply for every job needing to be responded to.

    That was not a casually racist comment, it’s an accurate observation.

    Also, it’s usually impractical for people to consider relocating for a low paid job, especially when there may be more than enough perfectly good candidates on the door step.

    If you know you are perfect for the job, send a CV without an address (all recruitment agencies leave the address off, as well as salaries and those corny hobbies and interests bits) but with a powerful short and personalised covering note. Just give a mobile number and deal with the location issue once you have got the job offer.

    Free Member

    There are lots of reasons for that, but often it’s to stop the hundreds of candidates from the Philippines, India and Pakistan who apply for every job needing to be responded to.

    Have these agents not got email filters?

    This internet job thing is a disaster for good people trying to get jobs!

    Free Member

    But we live in a mad world, so you’re wondering whether you can sue the person advertising the job

    Perhaps they are not wanting to sue anyone, just want to have the equal opportunity to actually apply for the position?

    Full Member

    Second what BigJohn said, and follow it up with a call to the agency.

    Free Member

    But we live in a mad world, so you’re wondering whether you can sue the person advertising the job

    Perhaps they are not wanting to sue anyone, just want to have the equal opportunity to actually apply for the position?

    They do have an equal oppertunity to apply for it. No one is stopping him renting a house within the area required and applying for the job.

    Free Member

    They do have an equal oppertunity to apply for it. No one is stopping him renting a house within the area required and applying for the job.

    But they don’t have the equal opportunity to be considered for it…

    Besides, it seems a daft way to go around trying to get a job. Spend money renting a house just so you can be considered for a job?

    Surely if you are interested in the job, irrespective of your location, you should be considered as you would clearly only apply for a job that you were either prepared to relocate or commute to?

    Free Member

    To be illegal it would need to be proved on the grounds of discrimination due to

    Sexual Orientation

    Each of these strands of diversity has separate acts of parliament to regulate discrimination

    Any type of discrimination that isn’t covered by one of these acts is not illegal in itself – not yet anyway.

    Free Member

    There could be a myriad of reasons for that requirement,.

    On call and need to respond in a given time frame being one of the more common,

    If the job is ideal and you would be prepared to move if she got the post say so in a covering letter with the application,

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