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  • Jihadi John yesterday….
  • globalti
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    Yes lets do what ISIS does with beheaded westerners

    That will show them the moral truth of our way of life 😕

    Glorifying the death of your enemy is the issue here and both sides think they are justified in doing it

    Free Member

    Yes lets do what ISIS does with beheaded westerners

    That will show them the moral truth of our way of life

    Glorifying the death of your enemy is the issue here and both sides think they are justified in doing it

    spot on there JY. this vile piece of shit has had his 15 minutes. if he is now dead lets leave it at that.

    Free Member

    Just heard this on the news:

    BBC News Jihadi John – US Drone strike

    Free Member

    No problem with them doing it, they just need to stop gloating. same when we took out the UK resident, all the uproar just because they though it a good idea to tell everyone.
    Carry on, but FFS keep it quiet!

    Full Member

    Good riddance, pardon my language, but f@£k him. A sick psychopath who delights in torture and murder.

    Free Member

    Jihadi Gone.

    Free Member

    As Jeremy Corbyn would say:

    Free Member

    Anyone else think there’s no need, or perhaps no good in reporting this (or making it a big news story) ?

    Extra judicial killing of a British citizen, probably collateral damage…blah blah blah.

    It’s not hard to imagine IS will soon have a video out showing the civilians that were killed in the strike (whether true or not) and it’ll probably just create a vacuum or an opportunity for someone else in their organisation to step up and show how depraved he is.

    Free Member

    Are there any civilians left in the Godforsaken desert that ISIS have captured? There’s been four years of drought in Syria and most farmers gave up and went to the cities or walked to Europe a long time ago.

    It would have been better if he had been captured and brought to justice. Broadmoor would seem to have been the appropriate place for him to spend the rest of his life.

    Free Member

    Jihadi Paul, George and Ringo must be shaking in their shoes…

    Full Member

    Capture and trial would’ve probably been better, but I suppose it’s a war and wars need propaganda to remind us why we are involved

    Full Member

    Where did “Jihadi John” come from in the first place? Name not actually John. Why did we end up glorifying this scumbag, giving him a rockstar nickname and making him more notorious?

    These things can be pretty grey area but it seems like seizing him and bringing him to justice would have been hard and dangerous to do. OTOH, they say he wasn’t actually involved in ISIS military operations or terrorist planning against the UK so the “self defence” line is a hard sell, likewise the “strike at the heart of islamic state”- he was an accomplished murderer but that seems to be about it, ISIS doesn’t lack scumbags. Quite comfortable about him being dead tbh but not totally happy with the full package. Will it save a single life or will Jihadi Jimbob just take over?

    Ninfan just can’t help himself, it’s a shame.

    Free Member

    According to wiki

    Emwazi was given the nickname “John” by a group of his hostages. The hostages said that he was part of a terrorist cell they called “The Beatles”, and that he guarded Western hostages while handling communications with their families. The nickname refers to John Lennon of the Beatles, and the three other group members share the first names of the other Beatles. The cell members all had British accents.[20] The nicknames “Jihadi John”, “Jailer John” and “John the Beatle” were created by the press.[4]

    Free Member

    spot on there JY.

    not quite – his victims were innocents whereas ‘our’ victim here was not.

    Free Member

    Hopefully he was in a car full of IS members. Nifan 😀

    The UK has been tracking him for sometime, it’s my view we got specific intelligence as to his location and the government tried to use that to get a Parliamentary vote to attack IS in Syria. When it was clear that may not happen we have co-ordinated the actual attack with the US.

    He is indeed just one IS member but killing him is a major proganda victory against IS, add that to Russia’s involvement which once it secures Aasad’s position will turn towards IS and the Kurds recent victories in Iraq – all collectively putting massive actual and physiological pressure on IS. This is a long term war, we and the governments of the Middle East will be fighting them for many years to come.

    Free Member

    It would have been better if he had been captured and brought to justice. Broadmoor would seem to have been the appropriate place for him to spend the rest of his life.

    Nah, a waste of good money.

    Free Member

    the big question for me is why now? i mean they could have got him at any time, given the claimed surveillance technology and intelligence.
    how do we know he is dead for definite? did somebody on the ground go and confirm the kill? or have ISIS confirmed it?
    if so have ISIS said “yeah you got him good and proper” just to get the west off its back over him?
    we know how “reliably accurate” US drone strikes are…i’d be amazed if it was actually him they got…not to mention the countless number of civilians they more likely have struck.
    tome it seems like they are trying to give his “claimed” demise some airtime and whip up some applause while they bury some more bad news elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Agree with Junkyard

    Free Member

    @gonzy, see my post. I think we wanted to target him but as that’s not possible we’ve handed the intelligence over. It’s also possible the specific location intelligence we only have now or we’ve been tracking go him and my tiring his communications to collect additional information on other senior IS figures

    Full Member

    Remember the poppy thread and folk talking about the glorification of war?

    Free Member

    No point second guessing the whys and hows. We’ll probably never know.
    Reading the language; I’d be very surprised if they hadn’t got him. Good for them. Still no reason for it to be in the papers though.

    Free Member

    He is indeed just one IS member but killing him is a major proganda victory against IS

    and equally ISIS can come back and sey “here he is still alive….you missed”
    its all propaganda from both sides and its a load of bollocks.
    they didnt need to make this into a news item and give more publicity to him and ISIS.
    i suspect they have brought it up and stuck it in the news to divert everyones attention from something else

    Free Member

    they could have got him at any time, given the claimed surveillance technology and intelligence.

    Maybe they decided to monitor and wait until they could get him with the minimum possible risk to innocent civilians?

    how do we know he is dead for definite? did somebody on the ground go and confirm the kill? or have ISIS confirmed it?

    S’funny, I recall the lefties (inc. Corbyn) making similar allegations about the death of Bin Laden

    Free Member

    Taste, please, taste….

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    scotroutes – Member

    Remember the poppy thread and folk talking about the glorification of war?

    Do we think the drone had a poppy on the side of it?

    Full Member

    He is indeed just one IS member but killing him is a major proganda victory against IS


    we started the propoganda by giving him the name, glorified his activities, and then glorified his death, if there’s any propaganda going on here, you seemed to have swallowed it whole.

    Full Member

    Dunno, but do drones get kill markings?

    Free Member

    we started the propoganda

    What’s this “we” business? The newspapers don’t speak for me, do they for you?

    Free Member

    I’ve got no problem with them wiping him out, he was/is a direct threat to UK citizens and therefore a legitimate target.

    However, I agree it shouldn’t be sensationalised, but if reporting it deters other UK citizens from travelling to Syria to get involved in this, then maybe it can be justified.

    Free Member

    Jihad John Hellfire missile catching champ 2015

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    jambalaya – Member

    He is indeed just one IS member but killing him is a major proganda victory against IS,

    I wonder. We gave him visibility and notoriety here; how much do ISIS, or ISIS supporters, or civilians in the area, care? Or even know? Was he a household name in Syria? And if he is, will it be a propaganda blow or a martyrdom?

    It’s a propaganda victory here, for sure. Not sure that’s really very important.

    Full Member

    his victims were innocents whereas ‘our’ victim here was not.

    That’s entirely a matter of perspective.

    Free Member

    I wonder. We gave him visibility and notoriety here; how much do ISIS, or ISIS supporters, or civilians in the area, care? Or even know? Was he a household name in Syria? And if he is, will it be a propaganda blow or a martyrdom?

    I was listening to a podcast a few days ago wherein a former US Navy Seal was recounting his exploits in Afghanistan, notably looking for Bin Laden. He commented that they’d be asking people in Afghanistan if they knew where Bin Laden was, and the people replied “who is Bin Laden?”.

    Free Member

    Yes lets do what ISIS does with beheaded westerners

    But its not the same at all – the people he killed were innocent civilians

    I’m delighted if hes dead, disgusting scum. Hope he rots and this is some small comfort to the families of those he killed.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member

    Dunno, but do drones get kill markings?

    I hope so, don’t want them to start off annoyed when they become self-aware!

    Free Member

    how do we know he is dead for definite? did somebody on the ground go and confirm the kill?

    Are you volunteering?

    The reports I’ve seen haven’t claimed certainty anyway. If he is dead that makes the world a slightly better place. IMO of course.

    Free Member

    I’m sure a few psychiatrists would have been interested in interviewing him in prison, to get an understanding of the levels of intellectual and sexual frustration amongst Muslim youth that leads them to extremism.

    Free Member

    That’s entirely a matter of perspective.

    ok, who amongst the journalists and aid workers that he beheaded wasn’t ?

    Free Member

    its all propaganda from both sides and its a load of bollocks.

    I think that about covers it. It all seems murky and odd. The media highlights a number of UK individuals who appear in glossy ISIS propoganda. They are then killed without any questions being asked.

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