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  • Jacob Lynch Mobb
  • billyboy
    Free Member

    Yes, but…. if you ask an entire country if they are willing to be ruled by a confederation of foreign states (out of 751 seats, we have 73- it is de facto rule by foreign states), and the majority decision is NO, then the emphasis must be on getting OUT. The imperative is to make sure we are not ruled against our will by this confederation of foreign states. Yes, try and sort all the other things out, but getting out is the priority.

    Full Member

    But if JRM is speaking out for the majority of us who want to get out of the EU against the bulk of the establishment who want to frustrate that, then I’m ok with that

    Yeah what’s blocking the brexit you want is the utter failure of the Brexiteers to come up with a plan to make it work, May’s deal is a shambles, but it’s the only one on offer because the brexit they promised you is undeliverable.
    We can’t keep the benefits of membership after we leave, whatever Mogg & co told you.
    Keep blaming THE ESTABLISHMENT if it makes you feel less foolish for putting your faith in conmen like Mogg, but sadly for you unicorns don’t exist.

    Free Member

    and the majority decision is NO, then the emphasis must be on getting OUT.

    Right then, whats the plan? I mean you do have one don’t you?

    Free Member

    IN or OUT….. that is the reality nay-sayers cannot grasp. OUT is not sort-of staying, cake and eating it.

    How wrong you are. In 2016 remainers were clear and unified on what they wanted, which is still the case. A continuation of the 4 freedoms was at the heart of their vote. When ANY deal is struck which removes even one of those freedoms, I am sad to say but that is Brexit.

    Not a single remainers thinks that the removal over their right and others right to freedom of movement is a case of having their cake and eating it.

    Theresa May has secured the right to restrict freedom of movement. If Brexiteers are not happy with this they will never be pleased.

    Full Member

    You are Trump.

    Trump’s the 2nd biggest **** after JRM

    David Davis was Secretary of State for leaving the EU. He did the square root of f*** all for 2 years. I hope he pays back that minister’s salary for that period.

    The best thing about Brexshit is that I now know which (former) friends are extremist farage buttlickers.

    JRM is the elitist of the elite. All he cares about is his assets, ironically offshored to haahaha the EU. He’s a user. He’s using you and using the “they stole our jobs”.

    Free Member

    The man’s a socket.

    I don’t understand the appeal to his ‘fans’ it’s like someone said “design me a caricature Tory Toff, you know the type they’ve been trying to hide for decades” they did, and somehow some people like him, it’s utterly bizarre that people actually think that a multi millionaire city boy from the industrial revolution has the interests of anyone but himself at heart.

    Free Member

    After 2 years I still don’t understand what Brexit supporters thought and had planned regarding the trading, customs arrangements, practicalities, technology and infrastructure arrangements with the EU at the Ireland/NI border would entail.

    After being so intertwined with the EU for 40 years I reckoned removal from it would have been extremely challenging at every turn. Does anyone suspect that when putting the cross against leave, voters may have been ignorant to this and other trifling problem.

    Free Member

    PS don’t expect sensible discussion from someone who chooses the username “billyboy”. Ask your Scottish or Nirish friends why.

    Free Member

    I am in Scotland and wondered about the user name. Could be a genuinely unfortunate coincidence.

    Free Member

    Does anyone suspect that when putting the cross against leave, voters may have been ignorant to this and other trifling problem.

    It’s been fairly obvious by the way people still believe people like JRM who use their air time to simply declare it’s all just people being awkward and it’s so obvious we can just do what we want, probably then head off home to play land of hope and glory at full volume.

    Full Member

    You are not much of a Saxon, Saxonrider! A true Saxon would be on top of Senlac Hill bashing his shield and shouting “Out, out, out”.

    Do you have any idea how wrong that it? This is PRECISELY the problem with so much of what I have heard in this debate. History has been completely misconstrued and mis-cast.

    The whole European world at the time was very Rome-focused, with free interaction between Rome, Gaul, Britain, Ireland, and Hibernia, happening all the time.

    Indeed, the closest Saxon parallel we can draw to the current argument around Europe is the Synod of Whitby of 663, at which the British decided to go with Rome instead of being insular.

    Free Member

    Exactly Mike. ‘Nebulous’ about sums it up. You just want to speak out slowly.

    ”W H A T…D O… Y O U… W A NT….. A N D………. H O W….. D O….Y O U.. .S U P P O SE…I T.. C A N…..B E…D O N E?????

    Free Member

    SR stop bringing facts to this. What we want is more

    Full Member

    Is that not the Scots Greys? OK, admittedly, charging the French at that point in time but come independence that’ll be pretty much what our army looks like…

    Free Member

    So whoever said he said good stuff and he thought he was alright has failed to present any evidence of that. How strange….

    It’s a forum not a court of law . Do you ask any of the people who agree with you to prove what they say or just me because I disagree with all of you apart from billyboy who is doing a good job of arguing his corner .

    Free Member

    It’s a forum not a court of law . Do you ask any of the people who agree with you to prove what they say or just me because I disagree with all of you apart from billyboy who is doing a good job of arguing his corner .

    Any of you 3 i think it was aimed at, if you want to convince us give us something to go on there, otherwise the moon is made of cheese, I don’t need to prove that you you cause it is.

    Full Member

    I blame Biggles.

    Free Member

    It’s a forum not a court of law

    The minimum STW standard is at least one peer reviewed study, statistics from a verified independent source, several charts, a personal reference, disclosure of medical records and voting intentions.

    Free Member

    I’m afraid I find the fanatical willingness of a minority of my fellow citizens to force a legitimate majority of us to live under the rule of a foreign power we have roundly rejected to be repulsive and fascist in nature.

    We’re not living under the rule of a foreign power. What a silly thing to say.

    Rees Mogg, Farage and Johnson primarily see Brexit as a career opportunity. They don’t have the skills to be effective politicians that actually get practical stuff done, but they are clever demagogues, so they’ve hitched themselves to a movement that gives them the opportunity to publicly preen themselves at every opportunity.

    Full Member

    . Do you ask any of the people who agree with you to prove what they say or just me because I disagree with all of you apart from billyboy who is doing a good job of arguing his corner .

    Joking aside, you were apparently a remainer a few months back. Now you’re a fan of Rees Mogg?

    Free Member

    You are not much of a Saxon, Saxonrider! A true Saxon would be on top of Senlac Hill bashing his shield and shouting “Out, out, out”.

    Do you know who the Saxons were?

    Full Member

    Do you ask any of the people who agree with you to prove what they say or just me

    I assume you dont have any examples of him talking sense then and are feeling a tad defensive?
    Its not unreasonable if someone says “x talks sense” to ask for some specific examples.

    Full Member

    Rees Mogg, Farage and Johnson primarily see Brexit as a career opportunity.

    Boris definitely.
    Farage probably.
    Rees Mogg is more dangerous though.

    Full Member

    Could billyboy be one of our absent friends,or is he homegrown ? Every time I read his posts I hear a faint clip-clop.

    Free Member

    Sorry BWD you are confusing me with Theresa May I have always been on the side of remain , I just think that not all of what he says is as disagreeable as others on here seem to think . The whole sorry saga reminds me of the poll tax debacle in many ways . Maggie said that she’d abolish rates but she couldn’t really come up with a system that wasn’t worse but she ploughed on anyway(“The lady wasn’t for turning”) and after much misery eventually gave up .

    Free Member

    I just think that not all of what he says is as disagreeable as others on here seem to think .

    asking for trouble here… but give us an example

    Free Member

    After 2 years I still don’t understand what Brexit supporters thought and had planned regarding the trading, customs arrangements, practicalities, technology and infrastructure arrangements with the EU at the Ireland/NI border would entail.

    Your average brexit supporter probably couldn’t even point to the border on a map.

    Free Member

    I just had a vision of Jacob Rees Mogg – Steampunk Brexit Secretary.

    Jean and Michel are standing outside in the sunshine awaiting the arrival of the UK negotiating team. They arrived in Brussels by High speed train and and angry at the lateness of the the UK delegates.

    From the suns glare looms a huge mechanical beast. The sound is deafening, like a mechanical dragon. The BD-1 airship appears trailing a 6000 square foot Union Jack and Brittania figurehead similar to those currently displayed in the Naval fleet. The smell of burning coal and reek in the air is overwhelming to The senses. The BD-1 is named after the former PM and amateur inventor Disraeli, however is affectionately named the BeJay by the British resistance after the initials of the current foreign secretary who has an excess of hot air and a penchant for sexual acts upon animals of the swine variety.

    On board the right honourable Member for the 18 century is piloting the airship himself. He has instructed his communications officer Flight Lieutenant Raab to wireless back to Prime Minister Lord Davis to inform them of his arrival. Lord Davis sips his gin cheerfully having recently overthrown Lady May From her position and is currently holding her in Pentonville Prison.

    From this lofty position above the EU negotiators Jacob is sure the sight and sound of the pride of the British Air Force will strike terror into them. He commands the engine room to cease stoking the boiler for descent.

    Jacob has planned meticulously for this day. His silver stakes have been sharpened to a razors edge. His crossbow and matchlock musket are in prime working order, cutting edge technology from the finest gunsmiths and forges in London. He carefully caresses the cross beneath his leather flight jacket. As backup he can call upon his extensive vocabulary of French and Latin to baffle and bemused his opponents.

    Upon landing there is a brief delay as flight mechanics struggle to free a stuck door mechanism. Once overcome he confidently strides from BD-1 to view his negotiating adversaries. As he catches a glimpse however he is terrorised by the sight of Jean Claude and Michel. He tries to cover his fright as he removes his flight goggles to reveal his soot covered features. A head of sweat runs down his cheek.His plans have disintegrated to dust and he would have to think on his feet having been incorrectly informed he was to go into battle against Emperor Napoleon and Count Dracul.

    Most of his thoughts evade him, but bravely he carries on and with a whimper and a dry croak manages to exhale a few words.

    “Carpe Diem…..ahh. Bonjour…aahhh. Je m’appelle Jacob????”

    Full Member


    the majority who voted for Britain to exit the EU.

    A tiny, statistically insignificant majority voted to leave the EU. Why would you ride roughshod over the other half?

    JRM is saying we should leave the EU. That is what the majority of UK voters said in 2016. The majority think he is right.

    See above. Also, that was two years ago. Is that still the case? I assume that you’d back another referendum to find out, and respect that decision if it was no longer the case?

    Do you want to be IN or OUT of the EU. The question was simple and clear. The answer was simple and clear.

    Oh dear. No, no, no.

    The question was simple. The answer is incredibly complicated. Which is the problem.

    I said this on the EU thread a couple of days ago. Before the referendum I could understand why people thought we could just leave. But if two years after the referendum you’re still sitting there going “I don’t understand why we can’t just leave” then you’re an idiot and I suggest you go do some reading before commenting further, the reasons why we can’t “just leave” are now very well documented.

    I’m afraid I find the fanatical willingness of a minority of my fellow citizens to force a legitimate majority of us to live under the rule of a foreign power

    We don’t live “under the rule of a foreign power,” that’s prime Daily Express bollocks. The UK does and always has made its own laws. EU regulation which has come our way has almost exclusively been voted in favour of by the UK and in many, many cases was actually proposed by us in the first place.

    It’s a cliché now but I’m going to ask it anyway: which EU laws do you object to?

    The EU was never going to deal with us on an honest and decent basis. They were always going to try and punish us for having the audacity to reject their rule.

    The EU has been open and transparent since before the referendum about what is and isn’t acceptable, and they haven’t changed their minds. The notion that they are “punishing us” is more Daily Express bollocks. If it comes as a shock to you that when we leave a club we no longer get club membership benefits, then you’re an idiot.

    The lead story on (IIRC) the Express today is about how we’ll have to pay to visit EU countries after we leave. In Dailyexpressworld this is the EU punishing us; in reality, it’s an abject failure of leavers to realise that when we end freedom of movement – something that Leave wanted a lot – it applies in both directions.

    Had she put serious measures in place for a no deal it would have given her leveridge.

    Had she put serious measures in place for a no deal she’d have been an idiot for entertaining that as a desirable option.

    JRM asked Verhofstad if he was going to put up a border. Verhofstad said he wasn’t. We are not going to either, so where is the question? The argument is over a border nobody is going to erect!

    See, now I need the Malcolm Reynolds .gif

    If we leave the customs union, we will need a hard border between the UK and the EU. This isn’t anything to do with “punishment” or being told what to do by the EU, it’s a cold hard fact of international trade. It’s not just us, this is applicable globally. If nobody is going to erect a border then, ipso facto, we cannot leave the customs union. This is what the backstop arrangement is all about.

    if you ask an entire country if they are willing to be ruled by a confederation of foreign states (out of 751 seats, we have 73- it is de facto rule by foreign states), and the majority decision is NO, then the emphasis must be on getting OUT. The imperative is to make sure we are not ruled against our will by this confederation of foreign states.

    Out of 28 member states we hold a tenth of all seats? That’s better than I’d realised.

    Going back to the start here, what if the majority is now yes? Would you happily go “oh, ok then” and back remaining? Y’know, if it turns out that it’s the will of the people?

    Full Member

    The EU was never going to deal with us on an honest and decent basis. They were always going to try and punish us for having the audacity to reject their rule

    No one really actually believes this sort of horse shit do they?

    Free Member

    No one really actually believes this sort of horse shit do they?

    It does appear so

    Free Member


    I’m sorry if you didn’t understand the question asked of you in the Referendum.

    In essence it was… Do you consent to be ruled by a foreign power?

    I don’t. The majority don’t.

    That is it.

    You want to force us to be ruled by the foreign power the majority have said they don’t want to be ruled by.

    Trust me, however much you think JRM is a ****, you are worse.

    Full Member

    where’s the report button? I’ve never clicked it before.

    I followed in my grandfather’s footsteps to pursue a career in breaking down barriers and international cooperation. Are you really accusing me of being the insular, wall building one?

    Why the heck am I feeding the troll?

    edit: did a mod just tidy that up? if so, ta! :)

    Full Member

    I’m sorry if you didn’t understand the question asked of you in the Referendum.

    I understood it just fine, thanks.

    In essence it was… Do you consent to be ruled by a foreign power?

    No it wasn’t, because we aren’t. Do pay attention, I just explained this.

    Which “foreign power” rules do you object to?

    Free Member

    Well it’s nice to know the Russian troll bots are paying for “P” these days ;)
    If you saw all that text under the leave box then maybe get an eye test.

    Free Member

    We all know there is only one foreign power we want to be ruled by

    Full Member

    edit: did a mod just tidy that up? if so, ta!

    Yeah, he got a warning for that. Bang out of order.

    Full Member

    good :)

    deserved it. thought the loctite would have come out before I clicked submit.

    Full Member

    If Saxon rider is a true saxon then he is a descendent of German invaders!

    Full Member

    funny thing is… Billyboy is a brand of johnnies in Germany and Austria etc.

    apt to name oneself after an EU barrier ;)

    @ mods feel free to remove this (but i thought it was entertaining ;) )

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