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  • Issue 138 Is here
  • Mark
    Full Member

    Well the downloads are.
    Issue 138 is available here

    Printed copies should start dropping in the next few days.
    App issue due by thursday.

    Full Member

    How does this come round so quickly?!!

    Free Member

    Does seem to have been quick. Glad though, need a new mag :)

    Full Member

    Had quick flick through the PDF looks like a good issue. Hopefully it will on the doorstep before I head on hols Thursday afternoon.

    Full Member

    Brilliant! Be my first hard copy of a magazine for years! Can’t wait!
    Sad I know :)

    Full Member

    The app version is now live too.

    Full Member

    I’ve only got as far as the Helvellyn piece, which is excellent. Proper laugh out loud moments and I also liked the refreshing honesty. More of this from the 3 amigos please! 😁

    Full Member

    Postman just made me jump as he shoved it very hard through the letterbox whilst I was making lunch. Thats the wet weekend sorted :)

    Full Member

    Postman been here too – looks good

    Brought my CyclingUK mag as well

    Full Member

    Spooky, literally as I was reading this thread the postman pops the mag thru the letterbox. Great timing for a miserable (weather-wise) weekend.

    Free Member

    Re: Contents photo – 3.5 months old “trail dog” – surely not? How jolly irresponsible!

    Full Member

    Enjoyed the mag, particularly the Classic Route. However I have a small quibble. Barney talks about a lot of places in the article but none of these appear on the route map. I realise the article is in association with Komoot so you are bound to use their mapping, but it is difficult to follow the route when you can’t see where you are.

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