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  • Islabikes to Cease Production
  • squirrelking
    Free Member

    anyone who didn’t listen inevitably has a child that doesn’t really ride.

    Erm, just to say, that is nonsense.

    Yup, my daughter has had a Rohan, a Dawes Academy and an Orbea MX20, all of which are as light, if not lighter and easier to use (trigger shift and hydraulics) than an Isla. She still isn’t that interested but appreciates having a decent light bike.

    There are plenty of good alternatives without the Isla tax, as far as things go go though I’d say the company was a massive success if you measure by where they dragged the industry.

    Full Member

    I added 2” BMX tyres to one of the Beinns we had. It really didn’t change the weight much and a semi-slick BMX tyre was fine for trail centres where a child doesn’t need super-tacky grip.

    Free Member

    I did the same as igm, but 1.95s on the Beinn. Worked fine.

    There was an Isla tax but others closed the gap when I’ve looked.

    I was one of the apparent few (a mug?) who bought a rothan, Beinn, and awaiting a creig (for £600, half price). My 2 kids got 4 and 5 years out of them per bike combined so once the sell on is calculated it’s a hell of a lot better all in value than the £300 I spent on a power meter crankset… (Replace ‘power meter crankset with any other bike component you want)

    Full Member

    thanks @brant

    Fascinating angle here –
    Posted 1 hour ago

    for posting this!

    Full Member

    anyone who didn’t listen inevitably has a child that doesn’t really ride

    What a weird thing to say. My lad had a piece of shit, then a Carrera blast 16, then an Orbea MX 20, then a Carrera blast 24″ custom build by me, a Giant Trance x, a sonder evol, and now rides a Canyon Strive and is bloody good.

    My Daughter on the other hand learnt on a islabike something or other, but doesn’t give a shit about riding!

    Full Member

    The market for a business making new kids bikes is smaller today, so many are available now second hand and there are more competitors.

    There’s a couple alternative business models; Hope Academy effectively control the second hand market by renting their bikes so don’t just have to keep selling new ones. Brompton export, though that can be hard to do cost effectively.

    Free Member

    Re the Article about being a Quaker. Very interesting background. In essence Rule 1.

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s pretty much how quakers work as I understand it.

    Does add a new angle to the decision, maybe there were compromises needing to be made that just weren’t in keeping with her standards.

    Might explain why it’s not been sold on either.

    Full Member

    As for not selling the brand, would you sell your integrity to Mike Ashley

    TBH I would, but then I don’t have the same moral/religious compass as a Quaker.

    The thing is by bowing out of the market Isla do still leave behind a bit of a blueprint behind in terms of products and maybe some cautionary lessons on marketing(?)

    I don’t want to get drawn into the standard ‘debate’ on the topic but I do reckon the ‘B-word’ shares a chunk of the blame here.

    Between a German parent (deliberately?) crashing the UK’s biggest online bike retailer earlier this week, and now another homegrown, successful bike brand that genuinely sought to do something different to the rest choosing to shut up shop, it feels like the UK bike industry is about to get knocked back to the early 90s “cottage industry” sort of status it used to have.

    Free Member

    What is incredibly reassuring here is that a business that treats people right and stands by its principles can be a huge success. I guess Brant and others are doing the same thing.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to get drawn into the standard ‘debate’ on the topic but I do reckon the ‘B-word’ shares a chunk of the blame here.

    Well there’s certainly something in the air, third business in my sphere this year I’ve heard of winding down whilst it can still hold on to it’s dignity.

    Full Member

    I’ve been on a gravel ride on Cannock today. First time I’ve ridden a hot spot in ages. Loads of kids on really nice bikes. A kid in the event had a mini Ribble Gravel bike. Loads of kids on lovely little FS bikes, not in the event. I think part of the problem is branding. If your buying a really nice 24 inch wheel FS bike do you want a kids brand? I think the brand that junior and parent want is grown up brand. So that squeezed Isla out of the growth area, leaving then competing with Frog etc. on less capable bikes

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