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  • Is it me, or……
  • itchy
    Free Member

    Are the classifieds turning into a bit of a battleground since the new site was opened?

    Folk getting stressed out because someone asked for photo’s then never bought their bike. Certain folk copping a load of flak, whether necessary or not, because of comments he wrote months ago. And quite a few people saying they would sell something to one bloke then sell it half an hour later to someone else and getting grief for it.

    Is it the credit crunch causing a bit of stress, or am I just talking b*ll*cks again ;-)

    Free Member

    Talking bollocks i reckon.

    Free Member

    its all YOUR fault!

    Free Member

    It’s always my fault, ask my Mrs!

    Full Member

    It’s always my fault, ask my Mrs!

    Hold on I’ll give her a nudge.

    Free Member

    Drac – Member

    It’s always my fault, ask my Mrs!

    Hold on I’ll give her a nudge.

    I literally lol’d at that.

    Free Member

    Drac – tell her I need her back before nine mate, car needs an oil change before the morning.

    Free Member

    Sorry the car’s gonna have to wait mate, she’s promised to tarmac my drive before sun up!

    Free Member

    She’s always been a good lay, so to speak!

    Full Member

    “tarmac my drive”

    nope, been onto the urban dictionary but Nothing doing

    is it a waxing of some sort ?

    Full Member

    Drac – tell her I need her back before nine mate, car needs an oil change before the morning.

    Did she make it back?

    Free Member

    Did she make it back?

    sh*t is that the time?

    ‘ere girl you best get your kit on….

    Free Member

    Can she wax my drive?

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