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  • ipod help
  • maxsatnav
    Free Member

    sons nano has stopped being recognized by the PC that itunes and the ipod were regestred on… it wont connect to charge, but will connect to other pc and xbox to charge

    other USB items are ok when plugged into same ports on pc

    any suggestions????

    Free Member

    plug it in

    control pane>system>device manager

    expand all the USB serial bus controllers

    does one say ‘unknown device?

    Free Member


    you are a genius sir.. it should as disabled just clicked enable and away we go

    saved me from the wrath of teenager “its all dads fault” syndrome

    Many Thanks

    Free Member

    just pretend you knew it all along and HE is stupid for not knowing what the problem is, after all YOU were’t taught about computers at school and HE is so should know better or is HE not paying attention

    then dock his pocket money for as long as it takes to save it up for something shiny for your bike

    as you can tell i don’t have kids

    Free Member

    i gave my secret away….

    you can find the answer to anything via the STW masses.

    Free Member

    whilst you clever people are around – how do you delete songs off your play list? i have a few i wish to get rid of!

    Free Member

    click on the playlist in left hand menu/window thing. click on song. press delete.

    Free Member

    (I presume you’re talking about doing it in itunes? You cant do it on the iPod itself)

    Free Member

    sorry – yes i mean in itunes.

    i’ve tried everything and i dont get the ‘delete’ option anywhere

    Free Member

    press delete on your keyboard is what i mean!

    Or right click on the song then select delete from the menu

    Free Member

    i do and it doesnt work. i promise im not being a dumb ass!

    Free Member

    Weird. You are deleting it from the itunes part bot the part that appears when you have the ipod connected? (in other words unplug the ipod if tis plugged in atm)

    Sorry if I make it sound like I’m talking down to you, just trying to make it clear as computers can be a reeeet pain!

    Free Member

    you can’t delete in playlists. only in the ‘music’ folder.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    but in the music folder it only plays the flaming album 8O

    i have to unplug my ipod to delete do i?

    Free Member

    8O you’ve lost me

    are you trying to delete it from your computer or ipod?

    Free Member

    from the computer – i didnt think i could delete it from my ipod

    Free Member

    Using this pic, can you explain where you are trying to delete the music from?

    I imagine you’re trying to delete it from the playlist, not the entire library, just removing it from that playlist. in this case, its called january 2006,so we’d just click on that, then the song, then press delete on the keyboard.

    Free Member

    i plug it in, get my playlist, highlight the song and press delete and nothing happens. i disconnect the ipod and do it and nothing happens – it’s like my delete button doesnt work. i even go to edit to click delete there and it wont highlight

    Free Member

    i click ‘recently added’ to get my list, then i get the list – highlight, press delete and then nothing

    Free Member

    Yeah….you cant delete from “recently added” UNLESS you right click on “recently added” and “edit smart playlist” and then uncheck the box live updating.

    The reason that you cant delete is because, its making the playlist automatically based on the date. So it will always want to put those new songs in there unless you uncheck the box!

    Free Member

    so how do i get around that? create another folder or something? i cant believe what a pain this is! thanks for your help so far :D

    Free Member

    if you delete it from your library it will dissapear from the playlist

    Free Member

    Don’t worry guys, we have successfully found out the root cause of Aleigh’s problems with iTunes and her iPod.

    I shalln’t embarrass her too much, but needless to say I think her problem is that she is a woman, and not a man :wink:

    Free Member

    Cheeky git! I believe a man invented this flaming ipod crap – if it was down to me it would be less complicated!

    Free Member

    was she pressing the backspace key not the delete key?

    or was there nail polish remover involved?

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member

    was she pressing the backspace key not the delete key?

    or was there nail polish remover involved?


    If only it were that simple!

    No comprehension of what a playlist is, how they are important, or why she should have them. :wink:

    I’m just impressed that there was any music on her iPod at all, but seems we might have made a technological breakthrough now! Trying to explain everything over MSN isn’t the easiest though, especially to a woman. That said, I could have taught a monkey to do it in half the time!

    Free Member

    she has a name you know!

    i didnt have a playlist of my own or something – its a load of rubbish if you ask me! :wink:

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