• This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by GW.
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  • Innerleithen- tommorows ride
  • rockthreegozy
    Free Member

    Whos attending, whats the route plan? I’m on a heavy bike, so looking forward to the downhills I must say..

    Free Member

    I’ll be there. Route plan is whatever folk want to do. I know the area fairly well 😉

    Free Member

    Rock3 – I’d stick to the DH tracks then TBH. the XC route’s descents are all pretty flat and pedally.

    Full Member

    i am in a heavy body mate.
    and i have had a skin full today.

    the traquar route is pretty good if i remember well.
    glupton said he would show us some local stuff too.

    see you all a 10ish.
    5am start for me and my lad.
    long old drive from leeds

    Free Member

    any pics ?

    Free Member

    GW- I enjoy going to GT, the descents there are fun enough to keep me entertained (when done at speed)

    Is the XC pretty tame then? Have never ridden it, just the DH stuff so was hoping it would be good fun..

    Free Member

    Nah, it’s all good fun, just a little too pedally for either a DH bike or big soft compound tyres. perfect for a nice wee hardtail really.
    There’s also a hell of a lot of uphill to get out the way before you even get to the first decent length descent.

    GT is better in that respect, loads of short DH sections you can ride flat-out with just short(ish) climbs between them.. if you get what I’m saying.

    Ps. if Glupton (or anyone else who knows the area) suggests doing the woods next to caddonbank rather than the drops – do the old XC course woods, that way’s loads better, fast tight, twisty and rooty – the way inners should be ;o) (and you still end up jpoining back on and doing the better part of Caddonbank anyway.

    Free Member

    SHould I rush out* and put a semi slick Larsen on the rear/maxxpro on the front instead of the 2.5 ST front/2.5 MP High Rollers fitted?

    Its a trail centre, so there won’t be mud, right?

    *in the morning

    Free Member

    I would


    infact 2.35 60a single ply at most if you have any.

    Free Member

    My tyre selection GW;

    4 ST 2.35 Swampthings
    1 Michelin Mud 3
    1 worn 2.7 ST 2.7 High Roller
    2 MP 2.5 High Rollers
    1 ST 2.5 High Roller
    1 ST Larsen 2.35
    1 Michelin DH15 2.1

    All dual ply

    So slightly limited for the XC stuff 😉

    Free Member

    Shit! with that selection I’d stay in bed 😯

    with XC tubes and a bit higher pressures you shouldn’t be walkng too often. 😛

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