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  • in court today and…
  • neilsonwheels
    Free Member

    its full of a**holes. I have been moved from the family court to the normal courts down stairs. Good lord it’s like a real life Jeremy Kyle.
    Whatever Jeremy Kyle is. :wink:

    Full Member

    everyone else’s looking at you and posting much the same thing on their usual forums, I suspect ;-)

    Free Member

    yup sure is.. Been throu for a driving offence and its full off track suit, gold chains and nike cap lovin folk with bad acne…

    Free Member

    Just like the Olympics then?

    Free Member

    >yup sure is.. Been throu for a driving offence and its full off track suit, gold chains and nike cap lovin folk with bad acne…

    and they’re the barristers….

    Full Member

    This thread reminds me of a letter in an old issue of “The Chap” magazine.

    “Dear sir, I recently had the misfortune to be sent to prison. Imagine my surprise when I found it was not full of Genet’s “Angels with speckled faces”, but with absolute rotters. Yours sincerely…”

    Free Member

    yup sure is.. Been throu for a driving offence and its full off track suit, gold chains and nike cap lovin folk with bad acne…

    So you just drive like a chav?

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