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  • Importing from US
  • SeanOrange
    Free Member

    Anybody clued up?
    Thinking of buying some forks on ebay, so would need to pay import duty. I've looked at the customs website but can't make heads nor tails.
    If I paid £350 + £50 postage, how much would it cost me to be released into the uk?
    Any help much appreciated 🙂

    Free Member

    Roughly, 15% VAT, ~5-15% import duty (you would need to look this up) AND a handling fee from the postal service at this end (£16 for parcel force).

    So budget for 30% customs fees.

    Free Member

    try "search" theres been several similar threads last couple of weeks. for components apparently import tax is ~5% (more for whole bikes), then VAT, but those with experience say the tax is on the whole sum you paid ie. you get taxed on shipping.

    Some people have imported stuff and not been taxed. Others have. I'm still waiting to see if fedex invoice me for some forks I got from jensonusa; parcelfarce hold onto your item til you pay the fees, fedex release it and invoice later.

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