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  • I’m not into fixies but
  • muddy_fox
    Free Member
    Free Member

    I agree awesome indeed

    Free Member

    Well shot, well cut, but **** me that was w@nk.

    Free Member

    I would, would you?

    Free Member

    that is a beautifully shot clip, love it (though agree it is a tad w@nky :) )

    and yes, indeed I would :)

    Free Member

    Film is quite cool but this is utter sh!te

    The film spins a visual ballad between the two cyclists experiencing the city in their own unique ways. Both cyclists are city dwellers who amidst the chaos of the concrete jungle have created a private and peaceful psychological space as they traverse the streets. They are both alone and yet they are both very much aware of each others presence.

    Free Member

    just a crappy viral

    Free Member

    Ms Martinez is my favourite cyclist 8)

    Free Member

    what a horrendous dribbling of shite!

    Free Member

    and whats more those hubs of her’s actually filled me with rage!

    Free Member

    I liked her hubs… but then, I do live in London ;)

    Free Member

    allybee has just saved me from even bothering to look at that twaddle. I assume it was and is twaddle, so I shall not bother.

    Free Member

    What tyres to create a private and peaceful psychological space to traverse the streets. .

    Free Member

    nicely shot video of two image conscious riders, cycling in one of the greatest cities in the world. I’m glad I don’t have my head stuck in the sand.

    Free Member

    oury’s which look like they’ve been used! don’t see that every day.

    sexy video

    Free Member

    a private and peaceful psychological space to place my head up? :lol:

    Free Member

    So what’s the technique with fixie skids? Only time I’ve ever stopped pedalling fixed the back end went on a jollie and I nearly lost a testicle ;-)

    Free Member

    weight forward, toes down slightly and stop and lift a bit? at a guess?

    Free Member

    So you’re pre-empting the kick the bike will give? It ain’t gonna be pretty is it…

    Free Member

    if you unweight the rear wheel and lift slightly its going to loose all traction so the “kick” should only be the inertia? then keeping the front weighted lightly drag the wheel whilst keeping the pedals locked (no weight on the rear) and it should just skid?

    that said I’ve got a lever on my handlebars that does the same job but with far more control! :lol:

    Full Member

    I would, would you?

    punch him if he cut me up while I was walking on a zebra crossing ?

    too right !

    (what are those urban-wnak tyres then ?)

    Free Member

    MrNutt –

    that said I’ve got a lever on my handlebars that does the same job but with far more control!

    That idea might catch on someday.

    Full Member

    Seemed like more pretentious shite for wannabes.

    Free Member

    man fixie riders cop some stick on this forum! we’re all bike lovers right? peace out people :)

    and that guy has some skills, admit it ;)

    Free Member

    i’m coming out…..i ride a fixed wheel bike….!

    as for skiddies: weight to front, when pedals at 9-3ish resist with rear foot and pull up (assuming clicked or clipped in) with the other. once a skid starts it is fairly easy to hold when on smooth ground. the pedals will begin to turns once the traction builds up again at a lower speed. then you continue on.

    feels good when coming to a corner and you get the back end out and drift round and then carry on as normal.

    still a good idea to have a front brake for steep or long descents and when schmidt isn’t looking and pulls out infront of you. the fixed wheel negates the use of a rear brake.

    nice video though.


    Free Member

    psychle – Member
    man fixie riders cop some stick on this forum! we’re all bike lovers right? peace out people

    It just dawned on me……I dont love bikes. Im obsessed with mountain biking but I can take or leave bikes it would seem. And honestly if you ride like that you deserve some serious flack for giving ALL cyclists a bad name.

    psychle –

    and that guy has some skills, admit it

    I never new looking like a complete tit was a skill but when you take it to that level then I suppose you have a point. As for bike skills ……come on wheelie dropping three feet? are you serious? If anything that is such a vain attempt to look cool it’s laughable.

    Free Member

    That’s a very nice film with some amazing shots and some wonderful light.
    Obviously the narrow minded brigade on here is going to bash it because the guy rides a bike they don’t understand, but hey you can’t have it all.

    Free Member

    narrow minded brigade on here is going to bash it because the guy rides a bike they don’t understand

    I understand it, I just think they both look like a pair of egotistical pouting poncy **** gliding about on their “Hip hop slave bikes”*, That said I think I may buy one just for riding around in Paris on ;)

    *Credit where credit is due:

    Free Member

    LOL….I wonder what half of this crowd would be riding if it weren’t for the so called naff marketing they slate….

    Free Member

    juan – Member
    That’s a very nice film with some amazing shots and some wonderful light.
    Obviously the narrow minded brigade on here is going to bash it because the guy rides a bike they don’t understand,

    Dont understand? About what? Fashion victims? Marketing? Tragic attempts to look cool? Cinematography? Editing? Bike skills?

    I wonder what I’m missing here, must be pretty dope though.

    Free Member

    I really like that, and I’m sorry for all those who lack a private and peaceful psychological space on their bikes.

    I don’t look, or want to look, like either of them (especially the guy), but it’s well enough executed that that doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of it as a piece of film.


    Free Member

    brack is that the new Jones “Camden Flyer”? :lol:

    Free Member

    His bike – nice enough. Fixie – fair enough, whatever floats your boat. His riding – nothing exciting, dangerous and thoughtless at times.
    Her bike – goddamn aweful. Her riding – boring.
    Images, colours, lighting – very nice, well shot. Conveying some connection between the riders? I think not. Just a decent advert really, nothing more.

    Free Member

    LOL have no idea…but check out those thighs!

    Reckon he could give that Hoy chappie a run for his money!!

    Free Member

    Yeah he’s pretty slick riding that fixed wheel round New York, but i’d like to see him do Garburn Pass on that POS.

    Free Member

    I wonder what I’m missing here, must be pretty dope though.

    The fact that’s a very nice advert, just that… I don’t really see the guy being a fashion victim or trying to look cool. He probably was riding fixies way before you even knew a fixie existed.

    Free Member

    Nice scholars bonus.

    Free Member

    guy rides like a cock.

    Free Member

    With no pedals and a crotch constantly rubbing on the top tube…..what do you expect??

    Free Member

    LOL have no idea…but check out those thighs!

    ?? Look like chickens legs to me?

    And on second watching, those hubs make me mad too.

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