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  • If you thought mandatory full facers were a pain for UKGE…
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    Bob. We had to sign a disclaimer b4 we raced at EWS Tweedlove

    And I’m a bit confused by mikes argument
    Are you saying that it was too tough because it wasn’t a trail centre and you had to fit mud tyres ? Coz deviants not picking anything, thats how it reads

    And northwind that some trails are harder than others at different venues?

    It seems like you’re scraping the barrel of your ‘look how shit UKGE’ agenda is

    You were on much firmer ground with ‘Parrs making us have insurance we don’t need and is crap at PR’

    Edit ^^^^ there you go mike thats much easier, innit

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    kimbers – Member

    And I’m a bit confused by mikes argument
    Are you saying that it was too tough because it wasn’t a trail centre and you had to fit mud tyres ? Coz deviants not picking anything, thats how it reads

    And northwind that some trails are harder than others at different venues?

    TBH chief it feels like you’re trying very hard to misunderstand the point, because it doesn’t seem very complicated. But one last try- the issue wasn’t the difficulty itself, it was that it was harder than riders were led to expect by the organisers beforehand and by the previous events. I like hard courses but telling people a hard event will be easy isn’t cool. Or vice versa.

    Not an attack on UKGE obviously, because tons of organisers have done the same thing, as both me and Trekster said. In both directions actually, sometimes easy events are pitched as being above their level.

    Full Member


    Bob. We had to sign a disclaimer b4 we raced at EWS Tweedlove

    Ah. To be honest, I was so giddy with excitement I could’ve signed away my first born child and not even noticed. Still, it was a pain free and pleasant sign on experience.

    Full Member

    my point, was really that recycling a complaint from one of the 1st ever UKGEs 4? years ago on a 12 page thread about compulsory race insurance was looking more like a concerted hatchet job than a debate

    and fwiw when I saw that vid way back when, it made me want to ride one of their events as it looked bonkers!

    Free Member

    If someone wants to mention shoddy timing systems I reckon we might be able to push Kimbers over the edge

    Full Member

    kimbers – Member

    my point, was really that recycling a complaint from one of the 1st ever UKGEs 4? years ago on a 12 page thread about compulsory race insurance was looking more like a concerted hatchet job than a debate

    Don’t see why tbh- it’s relevant to the wider discussion of liability and rider safety, it’s not like you can dismiss Trekster as someone with an axe to grind.

    Full Member

    TIMING SYSTEMS!!!!!!!!!!!


    Full Member

    It’s interesting that Parr etc haven’t popped up on here. Probably because they can’t ban any dissenting voices like they do on Facebook. North Korea allows more free speech than they do!

    Free Member

    Yes kimbers blah blah blah… Somebody else raised the issue and then somebody else posted the vid (link failed so I posted it) it is part of a wide issue with information, communication etc.

    With all these new safeguards in place how much harder will the 2015 tracks be? Are we talking 5 dh tracks on trail bikes? Big gaps? Off piste adventures?

    Will be interesting to see how many people are happy for the technical to be cranked up each year. Perhaps then it will become what appears to be the aim and an elite only series. I hope for the sake of it there are 3-400 of those about.

    Free Member

    [/quote]Yeah because Enduro organisers know everything there is about race organisation? Bike racing has been happening in the UK for over 100 years, it is arrogance to think you can’t learn anything from established organisations. It is pretty clear from UKGE statements on BC that they don’t understand the rules that they were operating under previously.

    Dragon, Enduro racing has been happening in the UK for 9 years, since 2006! ,(Avalanche trophy Glentress) organised by the UCC ( Megavalanche George Edwards). I sat in every single Gravity commission meeting at BC with regard to Enduro, where it was going and what it encompassed etc. I invited them to our races 3 times to see what we did with regard to safety, rider control, medics (never first aiders may I add), timing, rules etc… did they turn up? NO.
    They made their decision in an office looking at figures. The reason (s) they pulled the plug I will not go into on a forum.
    As it stands now we are on our own and as such we have to take as many precautions as we can to protect ourselves.
    Some of the comments on here are misinformed and quite offensive to be blunt.
    Re: Tracks getting harder! Not going to happen, this is Gravity Enduro (R) not DH, anything I deem too dangerous is removed or taped out of the track so please don’t expect gap jumps etc. They are raceable and enjoyable for all (weather aside),I build race tracks not trails.

    Timing systems… 3 discrepancies out of the whole 2014 series!

    Personal insurance: You as a rider accepting the risks involved in this sport by taking out personal insurance (formal acceptance os the risks)and protecting youraself if the worst happens (common sense).

    As for the organisers, We do as much as physically possible to make sure all precautions are taken to ensure rider safety from our end. If you don’t believe me come to a round of UKGE and try and find me between 06:30 and night fall… I’ll be on track somewhere working.

    A little about me: I have raced Gravity Enduro, Descent marathon, XC, Enduro (Marathon), Road TT, BMX and Cyclocross for the last 13 years, By the time most people had heard of Enduro I’d done 25 plus races on the continent and every one of the UK based ones right up to the point I stopped in 2013 and channelled all my knowledge back into the UK Gravity Enduro series, Mini enduros and anyone else who asks for my help.
    This is my job and its my passion.
    Your safety is my SOP,
    Charlie Williams
    UK Gravity Enduro (R)(aka the flash)

    Free Member

    I have raced Gravity Enduro, Descent marathon, XC, Enduro (Marathon), Road TT, BMX and Cyclocross for the last 13 years, By the time most people had heard of Enduro I’d done 25 plus races on the continent and every one of the UK based ones

    Ark at ee!!!!

    Free Member

    Personal insurance: You as a rider accepting the risks involved in this sport by taking out personal insurance (formal acceptance os the risks)and protecting youraself if the worst happens (common sense).

    Awesome so if I may ask why does obtaining the cheapest possible PA insurance make me more aware of the risks involved and how does it formalise acceptance of those risks? As many of the policies provide little or nothing more than the level of “cover” than work sickness benefit for example, what does it offer me in protection?

    Free Member

    As it stands now we are on our own and as such we have to take as many precautions as we can to protect ourselves.

    however, rider personal insurance doesn’t protect you the organiser from anything.

    Full Member

    wrecker – Member

    Ark at ee!!!!

    He’s just explaining why he can speak from a position of authority and experience since people were calling it into question, it’s not willy waving. IMO anyway.

    Free Member

    They made their decision in an office looking at figures. The reason (s) they pulled the plug I will not go into on a forum.

    Why? Surely the riders interested in the sport should know.

    Free Member

    Yer first one was better Northwind 😛

    Full Member

    Yeah, I thought I would tone that down a bit 😆

    monkeyfudger – Member

    Why? Surely the riders interested in the sport should know.

    I’m dead curious. But “just because the public is interested, doesn’t mean it’s in the public’s interest”, I’m not sure we have a right to know. Maybe BC members do- I’m no longer a member or licence holder which is annoying because it means I can’t cancel my membership and tear up my licence. But I suppose a current member could reasonably ask the question.

    I had some really interesting conversations with Roger Wilbraham but I heard he’s left?

    Free Member

    Why? Surely the riders interested in the sport should know.

    That’s for BC to share – if they want to.

    Free Member

    He’s just explaining why he can speak from a position of authority and experience since people were calling it into question, it’s not willy waving. IMO anyway.

    Yeah I know, I was just joking. Can’t give charlie too much shit, he’s the lone voice of reason from UKGE at present.
    I reckon they’d not go far wrong if they let him do the PR/media stuff in lieu of a pro.
    Good work “the flash”!
    I want to be iceman. Can I be iceman?

    Free Member

    Personal insurance: You as a rider accepting the risks involved in this sport by taking out personal insurance (formal acceptance os the risks)and protecting youraself if the worst happens (common sense).

    Under UK law this holds about as much merit as signing a disclaimer or waiver.

    Does not give them the organisers any more protection.

    Free Member

    You can be Iceman 🙂

    Free Member

    You can be Iceman

    New tattoo inbound 😀

    Free Member

    brings a whole new (biking) meaning to

    ive got bogies all over me!

    Full Member

    Ill poke my head up to say….

    looking at facebook people have found insurance <£50 for the year and the ukge team have OK’d it, though the requirements for that one seem less than bespoke.

    Free Member

    Yep, you can insure with cycleplan.

    It covers for competitive cycling & disablement, which they have confirmed is acceptable. You can get the cover for about £16 for a year.

    The levels of cover are crap (as are Bespoke’s) but for the vast majority it’s being done for a piece of paper they seem to want to see in order to race.

    Free Member

    Just had a look at cycleplan, and if you select £0 for bike value, but select competitive cycling+ personal accident cover (death+disablement) its £6.60/year

    Will that do? Considering the only reason I’d get the cover would be to tick a box.

    Free Member

    Yep – there is a post on the UKGE FB page where someone has asked exactly that & Charlie confirmed it was ok.

    Might be worth taking a screen print of that to take along to the race – just in case…

    Free Member

    Just had a look at cycleplan, and if you select £0 for bike value, but select competitive cycling+ personal accident cover (death+disablement) its £6.60/year

    Will that do? Considering the only reason I’d get the cover would be to tick a box.

    You can’t get a £0 policy, superfli, when you enter £0 and press update it removes what option of insurance you have – Bike or PL. You need to choose one of these options to have the PA and competitive use options. Therefore the cheapest way of doing it is through the PL option, plus PA and competitive use = £17.60

    Free Member

    10% cashback via Quidco as well for Cycleplan

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