I know there are a few arty types on here, so worth an ask...
I have a big blank wall in my living room, it could do with repainting as theres a section right in the middle about 2m long by 1m high where the previous owners had several small pictures hung.
This is above a radiator where they must have had candles burning as there are several rectangular soot marks!
I could just re-paint the whole wall, but being an inherently lazy git, and not being a fan of big blank walls I thought I could just put up a big print/mural/multi part canvas print type thing but I'm struggling to find anything 'off the shelf' that would be big enough, probably needs to cover 3m x 2m or thereabouts.
Any ideas?
If the surrounding wall is OK and it's just the bit in the middle that needs covering up... I had the first level of Prince of Persia (made up of all the individual screens stitched together) as a giant mural printed onto a self-adhesive wall-art material on the wall of my old flat, was about 6' x 2' I think but obviously you could go bigger (I thought) it looked brilliant
I had the first level of Prince of Persia (made up of all the individual screens stitched together) as a giant mural printed onto a self-adhesive wall-art material on the wall of my old flat, was about 6′ x 2′ I think but obviously you could go bigger
Something like that could work, I was thinking something more organic/natural or semi abstract looking to brighten the room up, but realy it's the media thats the problem rather than the picture, Don't want a huge 'poster', or picture print wallpaper, for example.
Where did you get it from?
You need a Binners. This is mine
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/QdjdRbB5/20230718-183402.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/QdjdRbB5/20230718-183402.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
You need a Binners. This is mine
Yeah something like that, but twice the size, is such a thing possible?
Or a multi canvas thing like this, but more/bigger - ingnore the actual picture
Thats 1.5m x 1m . Binners will do any size
Maps are also good. I have Scotland on one wall. Europe onanother and the world on another. This is at my parents house but similar
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/jjHHXvJ1/20230808-181613.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/jjHHXvJ1/20230808-181613.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Take a few pictures of your favorite view on the bike and turn it into a big panorama picture to look at on a rainy winter's day
I have Scotland on one wall. Europe on another and the world on another.
I can see a theme there. I can foresee a future where we’ll have to address you as ‘Emperor’ …… if we don’t want to be exiled to whatever dark and dismal place you don’t have a map of.
Some of these look ok:
£150 for the XL 5 piece sounds good but..
from china
Returns & exchanges Not accepted
Hmm... what if the colours are dull or a blurry image..
that would be big enough, probably needs to cover 3m x 2m or thereabouts.
measure your door and the route to the room. Otherwise you’ll maybe have bought yourself a very big garden ornament
I used to transport contemporary art for a living and it happened more than once that when I turned up to collect an artwork it became apparent that it didn’t fit out through the door of the artist’s studio
when I turned up to collect an artwork it became apparent that it didn’t fit out through the door of the artist’s studio
Good point...
Just measured up it needs to be about 1.4m tall, 2.6m wide.
A single piece would fit into my house to where it needs to go, but for transport/damage practicality a multi piece thing might be easier, and I'm not opposed to that either as it can look as good/better with the right print.
Take a few pictures of your favorite view on the bike and turn it into a big panorama picture to look at on a rainy winter’s day
...and then send it to Binners who will turn it into something quite incredible. I spend as much time looking at mine as I do looking at the telly.
Map FTW.
Calvin and Hobbes?
Superb. I want. I need.
Thanks all, good info...
I guess at this moment, the subject of the picture is of secondary importance assuming it can basically be anything, I guess I'm just trying to suss out the construction/material of the thing first (and who can do something so big)... for weight and ease of hanging... That's whay I was thinking a multi piece thing with gaps between might be more practical and possibly look better than one great big thing.
I guess I'd want it to be a frameless canvass type thing attached to a wooden frame behind, so it stands out from the wall a bit, but the backing doesn't need to be wood.
Like this kinda thing (ignore the subject, although it looks pretty cool, my living room is kinda gray and wood so it would probably be a bit opressive!)
My "Binners " is printed on an alloy sbeet and stands off from thw wall maybe 15mm
Only problem is the man himself turned up with it and made me drink beer
My “Binners ” is printed on an alloy sbeet and stands off from thw wall maybe 15mm
That sounds ok... @binners, could you give me some idea of sizes/prices?
Buy a mounted canvas and spray it several times with the closest you can get to International Klein Blue. Read up on his concept and there you have it, a nice piece of sky/deep sea in the room and a conversation piece (if required).
What BillMC suggested works pretty well.... you can always have a go at something else, but it might not work?
What do you like artwise? Have you tried looking for sale locally ? There's likely someone selling something that'll work
We got a pair of big woodcut prints recently from a Manchester artist, both about 1m2. Considering swapping the glass for less reflection now we have them home since they hang opposite a big bay window.
I printed it myselfSomething like that could work, I was thinking something more organic/natural or semi abstract looking to brighten the room up, but realy it’s the media thats the problem rather than the picture, Don’t want a huge ‘poster’, or picture print wallpaper, for example.Where did you get it from?
That's my effort at the beginning of my little dabbling with carving during the lockdown. Canvas was abolut 15-20 quid iirc.
Something understated classic simple, clean lines and simple colours.
You jest, but a huge print of that (as is) I think would actually work in my front room from a colour/composition point of view... the subject matter might be a little bit iffy though!
Get some cheap canvases, a paint pot with a hole in the bottom and some string and give pendulum painting a try. It's an easy and mega cheap way of doing abstract paintings.
Here's one that's approx 1500x600mm in our living room I did a few years ago.
Here's a screenshot from youtube showing you can go any size.
Map +1
5 piece canvas thing from China -1
Spraycans....do old skool graffitti
I'm looking to do a bigger one
It's done with Indian Ink and Cola Nib pens.
Or a giant Clint...
I can see a theme there. I can foresee a future where we’ll have to address you as ‘Emperor’ …… if we don’t want to be exiled to whatever dark and dismal place you don’t have a map of.
I have all of the earth on maps onmy walls and have Mars and Jupiter on order.
So you can have Mercury,Venus, Luna, Saturn, Neptune or Pluto plus various moons tho I have my eye on Ganymede next.
Paint it first, you dirty lazy git. Then get something nice as suggested above. Respect the art
We have a similar sized wall. Bought a metal abstract map of the world and then surrounded it by pictures of places we have visited which we can update as we go along.
Graphic wallpaper.
Do the whole wall innit.
Seeing as you don’t really know what you want art wise and the cost/faffage involved I vote just sort the wall out properly and wait until you see some art work on your travels that strikes a chord. Crikey a bit of filler, tin of paint and roller/brushes and it’ll be sorted.
I just don’t get it, to avoid easily sorting something you’re spending more money and time just hiding the problem rather than dealing with it. Do you perhaps work in politics/for the government?
Another vote for Binners.
His full wall art print at Biketreks in Ings is brilliant.
Come on, surely
Calvin and Hobbes?
I'm pretty certain that Bill Watterson refused any merchandising rights for Calvin and Hobbes, so if you care about copyright and stuff (which the artists amongst us I would imagine very much do) that is officially dodgy.
At this rate I'm gonna go for a huge 'live, laugh, love' sticker.
I'm digging the Clint Eastwood pic though.
that is officially dodgy.
In a person's house? on a child's bedroom wall? How do they officiate theses things? (if people don't post them on the web that is)
How do they officiate theses things?
With copyright law.
It's illegal to sell images that you don't own, or have the rights to reproduce.
I'm sure Binners would be a bit peeved if I downloaded some of the pics of his work from his site, printed them out and flogged them.
If you want my artwork I could send you a copy, large variant to size you need.
You will need to find printer in your patch of the woods though.
Might think about doing some more western posters.
That giant Clint is epic!
Hi! I believe I’ve been summoned! Did someone say my name three times while looking in a mirror?
Filling walls is what I do!
TJ has posted his up, which was a pleasure to do. Here’s another commission from a member of this very parish of Ben Nevis, again on alloy sheet
this one is a geographic mash up printed on vinyl and applied like wallpaper
and this one is another mash up printed on a canvas then stretched over an alloy frame
And graffiti, you say? That’s what started all this nonsense in the first place, only nowadays I don’t get arrested
Heres a recent one but I don’t get the cans out any more. More civilised to draw up the outline in pen, scan it, live trace it then colour it up in illustrator. This is printed on a 2 metre alloy plate
theres loads of my other big pieces on www.adamrowlinson.co.uk
With copyright law.
It’s illegal to sell images that you don’t own, or have the rights to reproduce.
When I say "in a person's house, on a child's bedroom wall" I mean the fella who painted it did it in his house, on his child's bedroom wall. Nobody mentioned selling anything.
Cool. Never done it myself, there's a big-ish (3m x 2m maybe) water board metal cabinet type thing at the end of the bridleway from my place, right next to a main road, looks a state as it's been tagged all over - I was vaguely considering buying some spray cans and somehow learning to graffiti something cool over it instead!! Could easily do it in a few night-time stealth missions I guess. How hard can it be?And graffiti, you say? That’s what started all this nonsense in the first place, only nowadays I don’t get arrested
When I say “in a person’s house, on a child’s bedroom wall” I mean the fella who painted it did it in his house, on his child’s bedroom wall. Nobody mentioned selling anything.
Sorry, I was referring to the Etsy link to the Calvin and Hobbes print:
Calvin and Hobbes?