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  • iDaves Diet Plan Members…
  • iDave
    Free Member

    tor des geants – a 330km run in the alps

    cking, email me for info

    Free Member

    330km run

    How many hours to complete?

    EDIT: looked on web site 🙄
    150 hrs if anyone else was wondering.

    Free Member

    Nice, sounds like a cracking event 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes molegrips I understood what you meant by a control, i.e. it's good to have you on board as a control. I have already read some of your criticisms (along with TJ's on the other thread).

    anyway i think choritzo and spinach omelettes for breakfast sound pretty good as a starting point.

    Free Member

    But as you point-out, nobody is going to make you

    that's most extraordinarily kind of you 🙂

    Free Member

    and i should say it's not the 'iDave diet'. it's how i eat and it has a sound basis for shedding fat and feeling better. i didn't invent it, i drew from certain things I was aware of and certain new things i learned. i've never been on a 'diet' in my life and i'm not on one now. i just eat differently.

    right now, i have a stone to shift to get to fighting weight for an event in september. i have no doubts i can shift it easily by then, but it won't be by avoiding fat and counting calories

    Now if you havent alreadly lost a load of weight you are a stone overwight from eating like this? Doesn't seem like a really achievable change in eating habits.

    Full Member

    I was going to ask the same Maxray, how come you've a load of weight to shift if you're on this diet/non diet?

    Free Member

    To be fair maxray and nickc it is possible to be a healthy bodyweight for every day life but need to lose an amount in order to compete in an event such as the one iDave is going to do.

    Would think most athletes have an off season weight and an on season weight.

    Free Member

    Would think most athletes have an off season weight and an on season weight.

    but is this relevant to PorkyTrackWorld.com members ?

    Free Member

    but is this relevant to PorkyTrackWorld.com members ?

    Some of whom are hardcore athletes*, and some of whom want to be hardcore athletes**.

    * not me
    ** me

    Free Member

    Can someone point me in the direct of idaves food lists please!

    Free Member

    Email him and he will send you it.

    Free Member

    Can someone point me in the direct of idaves food lists please!

    it's a secret, you have to be on the list or you're not joining in 🙁

    Free Member


    Would think most athletes have an off season weight and an on season weight.

    but is this relevant to PorkyTrackWorld.com members ?

    Yes that is exactly why I'm doing it. What's the problem with that or any other personal reason someone has to have a go?

    Have you not got anything better to do than haunt this thread like a bitter old lady?

    Free Member

    Have you not got anything better to do than haunt this thread like a bitter old lady?

    Now you have done it. Insults are like catnip to simonfbarnes.

    Free Member

    any chance of a copy of the info please

    Free Member

    I didn't mean it as an insult, more of concern. 🙂

    Free Member

    Have you not got anything better to do than haunt this thread like a bitter old lady?

    as it happens I'm interested in the dynamics of belief as reflected in this thread. So far bitterness hasn't come into it.

    Free Member

    as it happens I'm interested in the dynamics of belief as reflected in this thread. So far bitterness hasn't come into it.

    Fair enough, but approaching it from a cynical or negative view point will cloud any results you may come to. Why not give it a go and then see it from a different/ clearer angle? You can always put the weight back on after if you don't want to be thinner.

    Free Member

    Why not give it a go and then see it from a different/ clearer angle?

    as I said, I'm interested in what people will believe, not weight loss. Whether it works or not is beside the point.

    Free Member

    jeeeysus, your mum must be proud

    Free Member

    What, because he's examining how people behave and not handing out unoriginal insults?

    Free Member

    he's a patronising ****, its like me signing up to a Christian forum and saying what about buddah, how about the big bang.. ect..

    im sure 99.9% of the people on this thread dont give a toss to what he says, its a sorry state of affairs

    Free Member

    I see where he's going with it… but I can see how it's annoying.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    What, because he's examining how people behave and not handing out unoriginal insults?

    Personally I think "haunt this thread like a bitter old lady" is a little more original than calling over weight people "porkie". Also you can't really examine anything if you approach it in a bias opinionated way can you?

    Free Member

    jeeeysus, your mum must be proud

    ^^^ that was the unoriginal insult. The old lady one was quite good 🙂

    As for Barnes, I think he's commenting on the way that when this diet thing first came up, everyone sort of fell to iDave's feet asking for enlightenment and salvation from all the confusion and struggle they've been labouring over… Ok that's exaggerating a lot, but that's what I think he is getting at!

    Free Member

    I think its probably just that time of year where dieting is on peoples minds and it just happened to fit a niche that people were wanting

    anyway day 2 and i feel great, not hungry at all, god its a hard life.

    Full Member

    Alexxx trust me when I say Barnes is mere shadow of his former self, this is positively chatty for him.

    he's asking reasonable questions as well.

    Free Member

    alexxx – FWIW I think you are spot on re SFB. I have been following this thread as I have been following a similar plan to the one suggested by iDave for 3 weeks but haven't posted as I'm not on 'this plan'.

    His comment "as it happens I'm interested in the dynamics of belief as reflected in this thread" boiled my piss. WTF does he think he is that he can 'study' people. Its all bolox of course, he's just a sad attention seeking ****t who can't bear to be left out, even when his input is neither constructive or wanted.

    Good luck to you all BTW, the weight is dropping off me quite nicely 😉

    Free Member

    just to clarify, i'm not a bloater, but have a stone to shift to get to the race weight i want to be for the event in September

    also to clarify, i had 6 weeks without any training

    my apologies for not being like lord adonis

    like i said, shifting a stone in 6 weeks will not be difficult

    Full Member

    idave, and everyone else………..
    i have been reading this thread, and someone kindly emailed me the list of foodstuff and the plan.
    one thing that i thought straight away……..this is the atkins diet, or very very similar.
    am i wrong??

    Free Member

    Sorry idave, wasn't meaning to sound mocking or whatever, misunderstood and thought it was a way of life rather than a crash diet. To my mind subtle changes that are permanent must be a better plan for all the mere mortals on here rather than yoyo style diets which are fine if you need to go from healthy to race trim rather than chunky to healthy.

    Full Member

    i did the atkins diet…………….i stunk like a rotting corpse…. 😀

    Free Member

    no worries, in my mind it isn't a crash diet at all and weight tends to stabilse when all the fat is shifted.

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    idave, and everyone else………..
    i have been reading this thread, and someone kindly emailed me the list of foodstuff and the plan.
    one thing that i thought straight away……..this is the atkins diet, or very very similar.
    am i wrong??

    Yes – plenty of carbs in this diet.

    Full Member

    it lookes like it is all protein stuff to me.
    very good for muscle growth i suppose.
    and wind……….. 😉

    Free Member

    " is a little more original than calling over weight people "porkie".

    however, it was non specific, and for all you know might apply equally to myself…

    Also you can't really examine anything if you approach it in a bias opinionated way can you?

    does suspecting people believe things on inadequate justification amount to bias ?

    Free Member

    WTF does he think he is that he can 'study' people

    He can study us all he likes, so can I or you for that matter.

    Ton, the carbs comes from the pulses/legumes (from memory, currently surfing on a painful dongle with poor signal so can't look back to the original post).

    Free Member

    Just as long as you don't call it a cult…

    Free Member

    it's a secret, you have to be on the list or you're not joining in
    No, I don't think its a secret, you just have to mail iDave or someone and ask for a copy.

    It may interest you to know that this isn't a Diet for me.

    I intend to use what I learn from participating, to compliment my existing eating habits, my existing, daily diet.

    However, I am not on a Diet.

    Furthermore, I'm not interested in being on a diet. The modern, media fuelled, concept of dieting is complete rubbish, imo. In the same category as the use of the phrase "De-tox".

    I am using this to make me think about what alternatives I can come up with, rather than eating stuff that puts weight on me.

    I'm a significant part of the way there, already (soup for lunch rather than a sarny), but these ideas just might help tie-up some loose ends in my eating habits.
    Intend to prove iDave's suggestions, for myself, by trying them for a few weeks, after which there'll be no harm done, and I'll be, hopefully, a little wiser.

    that's most extraordinarily kind of you

    SFB. I'm not looking to pick on anyone or get into an argument 😉
    Observation is fine 🙂 by me.
    If people do not wish to be studied, then posting on an open forum may not be for them.
    However, I have felt at times that you're just out to trip people up, catch them out.
    As I think you can see, that would be irritating to folk.
    But if you think you're going to understand something, then stay with us.

    anyway day X and i feel great, not hungry at all,
    Yeah, me too. Its no trouble at all.



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