Mrs PP and I are off on a 12 day cycling/camping holiday round Devon and Cornwall in a few weeks, towing a trailer, and riding day 6 is shaping up to be a belter!
Starting off at [url= ]Bolberry House Farm[/url] campsite, we ride 4 miles to Salcome and take the....
[url= ]South Sands Ferry[/url] over the harbour. How cool is that? 😀
(Yes they do take bikes)
And pick up the partially traffic free National Cycle Route 2 on the other side and pootle off to a nice pint at the [url= ]Start Bay Inn[/url] -- "14th Centuary Inn located on the beautiful sweep of Slapton Sands"
Then another bimble to the awesome sounding[url= ]Singing Kettle Tea Shoppe[/url] for lunch and tea and cake before taking the
[url= ]Dartmouth Higher Ferry[/url]
And finishing up at [url= ]Upton Manor Farm[/url] campsite in Brixham. Which looks lovely!
Is it wrong to be this excited by something so simple? **claps hands in glee**
It's only 24-25 miles. It's not meant to be hard, and we shall stop a lot and admire the views. And quite possibly go for a paddle. 😉