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  • I reckon Rob is poisoning her…..
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    Well, that was a bit of a cliffhanger for a Thursday!

    Full Member

    I am pretty sure the radio was on but I seem to have completely filtered an entire episode (well the last five months to be more accurate). I registered a couple of monologue episode but concluded that they were all deeply irritating unsympathetic characters. After forty years of listening (sometimes consciously) it’s going to take a major reset to contemplate listening again

    Free Member

    It’s back to being good now!

    Free Member

    Is it safe to start listening again?

    Free Member

    Yes. A good mix of silliness and some pretty hard hitting stuff at the moment. The human slavery story is bubbling under at the moment as well…

    Free Member

    How long before the horses bolt? It was going ok before the gambling angle, now it is daft with Kursty getting involved.

    Great to hear the Snells back on form

    Free Member

    When did the monologue stuff end? Want to start listening again but drifted away during that period!

    Free Member

    Wow last night’s episode was brilliant, Siobhan from beyond the grave, very moving.

    Rory being bi is just rubbish.

    Free Member

    Holy sheeeeeet.

    (No spoilers for omnibussers)

    Free Member

    It’s Ruairi by the way!

    Free Member

    Wowzer that was full on 😳😳😳

    Full Member

    Much debate about it being realistic on various forums. Why didn’t Chris call help earlier etc… In my view the shock factor means people don’t always do what somebody external sees as obvious. The only thing that didn’t ring true was Alice say that she was alcoholic. Its incredibly rare for someone to say that they are a gambler, alcoholic, addict at an early stage of being exposed. Great radio.

    Free Member

    That Philip is just **** evil!

    Free Member

    Having watched a mate really struggle with alcoholism over the last few years, that episode with Alice was a very hard listen. There was some of it that didn’t ring true (in my experience) but lots of it did. One thing they didn’t mention was total abstinence can be very dangerous one you’ve been drinking heavily for some time.

    Siobhan from beyond the grave was also a blinding episode – lovely but very, very emotional. I have a 3 year old and couldn’t help wonder what it would be like if I had to record a message for him. Doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Free Member

    What has Kirsty done now!

    Free Member

    Well I’m rather behind on the Archers and have just listened to the Alice episode in the early hours of this morning as I couldn’t sleep and often it helps me drift back off and i have to replay it during the day. Not this time! Wow that was so powerful and painful i had tears running down my face.

    I think what makes this story line so real is that they’ve been building this in a natural way for many years as my quote from 3 years back shows!

    Free Member
    Anyone else noticed that Alice seems to get really pissed quite often these days? I reckon they might be setting her up for a story line of alcoholism in the future.

    Posted 3 years ago

    Full Member

    I’m still waiting for Eddie’s installation of the log burner to poison Linda

    Free Member

    😂Hasn’t she been through enough already!

    Free Member

    Philip Moss the clock is ticking.

    Free Member

    How can it get any worse for her!

    Bloody hell!

    Free Member

    How can it get any worse for her!

    Well, even if she manages to get clear of her immediate problem there’s always the Proceeds Of Crime Act 2002 waiting in the wings!

    Free Member

    Jazzer and Tracy with a very risqué joke for Ambridge 😂😂😂

    Poor old Kursty

    Free Member

    Jim Lloyd is a savage

    Full Member

    I’ll drink to tonights episode. This was the first realistic bit in the sorry Alice saga. They couldn’t have kept it secret for so long

    Full Member

    This was the first realistic bit in the sorry Alice saga. They couldn’t have kept it secret for so long

    Alcoholics are devious and deceitful people, it can take a bit of time to figure out what is going on. We weren’t aware that my godson was being abused by his drunken mother until his older sister was in her twenties.

    Chris has done the right thing for the child, our god-children have a weak father who didn’t chuck her out but enabled the drinking.

    Free Member

    Now what happens it is all out in the open

    Free Member

    Wow Alice layeth the smack down. That was a devastating rant

    Free Member

    Well, I have to say I’m very disappointed in you guys.  I’ve been a devoted Archers fan for several decades, until Covid spoiled things. So now I rely on this thread to alert me to anything exciting.

    However, you didn’t tell me about the Mystery Guest at the Village Fete, did you?  Luckily the episode is still there on BBC Sounds:

    Full Member

    And Sundays are back!

    Full Member

    But it’s all so depressing!

    We need a little light relief. Maybe something even more awful could happen to Shula?

    Free Member

    Maybe something even more awful could happen to Shula?

    A threesome with Neil and Susan?

    Full Member

    The whole Neil camping weekend was pretty funny. Now he’s found sh*ggers online website he can barely keep his eyes open.

    Free Member

    The whole Neil camping weekend was pretty funny. Now he’s found sh*ggers online website he can barely keep his eyes open.

    I’m about a week and a bit behind but unless Neil and Susan’s marriage has totally crumbled in that time I think you mean Roy.

    Full Member

    It’s not Neil I’m thinking of, quite difficult as they all sound the same. It’s why they have to name check each other in each conversation.

    Full Member

    Neil’s the one who always sounds like his finger has just gone through the bog roll.
    Still, probably more fun than being married to Susan.

    Roy is the only person in the world who could end up in bed with Liz from t’posh house and not enjoy it.
    He’s the one who sounds like he’s dressed entirely in beige, inexplicably ended up with Sexy Lexie then let her get away.
    The only person in Ambridge with worse luck than Cursedy.

    I quite like him…🙂

    Free Member

    He’s back!!

    Full Member

    Now this is going to be good……..🙂

    Free Member

    Will the covid rats return…?

    Free Member

    Is it confirmed that it’s Rob?

    Good to see this thread getting some love again.

    Free Member

    Is it confirmed that it’s Rob?

    I hereby confirm that it’s probably Rob.

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