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  • I met SFB yesterday.
  • richpips
    Free Member

    The boggies came to Hayfield yesterday.

    Sadly a grey day, good riding and company though.





    Full Member

    Nice pics, they work better in B&W. I just emailed mine direct to SFB.
    After you left I rode Coldwell Clough with them then dropped down into Hayfield, they went off over Middle Moor direction.

    Free Member

    wow, that first one is steep, the rider is very composed considering!

    Free Member

    wow, that first one is steep

    I was above him.

    Free Member

    yeah, sorry, I couldn’t find the “tongue in cheek” icon. Nice pics though.

    Full Member

    no hairy ass (or any ass) pic? not up to sfb standard

    cool pics all the same ;)

    Free Member

    I don’t remember it being THAT steep :o)

    cheers Rich!

    Free Member

    Who’s that guy with the crazy legs?

    Free Member

    single? :wink:

    Full Member

    Who’s that guy with the crazy legs?

    Very good Ed, I see what you did there… ;-)

    /waves at Aleigh.

    Free Member

    hello there!

    Full Member

    UNLUCKY……. :wink:

    Full Member

    ’twas nice to meet you both, rest of the ride didn’t quite live up to the cheeky bit but some of the ruuty bits dropping down to Kinder Res were pretty good. Nice day out despite the sun never showing.

    I can vouch for Crazy-legs climbing like a goat – when we took a shorter but steeper climb he cleared it and wasn’t even breathing heavily at the top, myself well I was hunting round for spare lungs.

    Free Member


    yes dear, but you only come up to his belly button…
    so you’d both have to be lying down to have a conversation :-)

    Free Member

    myself well I was hunting round for spare lungs.

    one should point out that smokey_jo has destroyed much of his lungs by smerking :-(

    Full Member

    Hmm, this thread is heading downhill even more rapidly than Smokey_Jo managed! Sorry Aleigh, I’m spoken for anyway.

    SFB: where are your pics from yesterday?

    Free Member

    so you’d both have to be lying down to have a conversation

    i’m not that short!

    Free Member

    SFB: where are your pics from yesterday?

    uh, sometimes I have other things to do than mess with photos :-) In due time they will appear, and I have several embarrassing ones of you :o)

    i’m not that short!

    it’s more that he’s unfeasibly tall :-) I’m sure you’re quite normally sized!

    Free Member

    I’m sure you’re quite normally sized!

    I am indeed :-)

    Free Member

    One more.


    Free Member

    Hey, my shed of a bike looks OK in that :-)

    though I’ve noticed most of the air has leaked out of the forks again, so it was almost rigid :-(

    Full Member

    rich, stop it it is horrible.

    Free Member

    rich, stop it it is horrible.

    for balance, here’s a shot of some hunky manflesh boldly taking the sissy track round a minor obstacle:

    Free Member

    There are old bikers, there are bold bikers, but there are no old bold bikers by the looks of your photos SFB….

    Free Member

    these are all callow STW bods out for a trip with evil Barnes in tow (except I was often near the front)

    The faceplanter is fatgit (who isn’t)

    Free Member

    (except I was often near the front)

    Only cos we waited for you. ;)

    Full Member

    8O :? :wink: :lol:

    SFB sorry I missed it yesterday, Im even more sorry that I missed Cutgate! The mighty deerstalker yesterday evening has left me almost immobile, I swear im not doing it again next year ;)

    Free Member

    Only cos we waited for you.

    I was talking about the Claife & Grizedale ride 2 or 3 weeks ago :-)

    Im even more sorry that I missed Cutgate!

    me too! But I was already committed to leading the beginner ride :-(

    I swear im not doing it again next year

    yes, Andrea said today it’s one of those things you only do once:o)

    I swear im not doing it again next year

    yes, Andrea said today it’s one of those things you only do once:o)

    Ha – I feel like I have been run over…… My leg muscles are so tight I can hardly climb the stairs!

    Free Member

    I’ve posted my pics now:
    click pic for more

    Free Member

    Nice pics Simon.

    Free Member

    Nice pics Simon.

    yeah, and thanks for your different viewpoint (and crazy-legs too :)

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