I am probably going to get flamed to hell and back for this but here goes anyway.
We had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago and the most I can muster feeling wise is ambivalence. I keep pretending to everyone that I feel great about being a father but the truth is, so far, I hate everything about fatherhood and the baby.
I am even struggling to think of the baby as a person and catch myself referring to her as "it" or "the child". I just feel that it is another thing that has come into my life recently that is causing so much aggravation that I am beginning to struggle with the delicate juggling act of keeping everything in the air.
Things came to a head last night when she wouldn't settle and I ended up dumping her on Mrs. M's bed and coming in to work at 3am ,leaving my wife confused and upset, just to get away. I am dreading going home and having to deal with the baby this evening.
So, singletrack dads of the world, 2 things:
1. Did any of you feel like this and did things improve? or,
2. Am I the worlds biggest bastard?