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  • Howies – how much?????
  • Hairychested
    Free Member

    How bloody much???
    Saville Row pricing 🙄

    Free Member

    i have loads of howies stuff and yes it is expensive but it works!

    their sizing is odd on some items and i have had a couple of quality issues which they have have always dealt with to my satisfaction

    check for their sales which they ocassionally have

    Free Member

    If you think it’s too expensive, just don’t buy one. I don’t imagine Howies themselves are expecting to sell too many of them.

    Free Member

    Sale is starting in a few days online, today/tomorrow in their shops.

    Full Member

    Agreed, howies ain’t cheap. I think they’d agree themselves.

    But consider:

    – The quality is generally very good (and like gooner says, when it’s not, they’re very cool about sorting it out)
    – They don’t do sweatshop nonsense
    – Stuff is built to last, so you’ll have this stuff for a good while
    – They’re into organic materials (cotton pesticides = often nasty stuff)
    – Check out their sales. Standard prices are high, but when they do sales, they do them with pretty good prices. The sample/seconds sales are worth looking out for. £80 jeans for £25, anyone?
    – Supporting howies means supporting stuff like this:

    Free Member

    that is a bloody nice jacket, but I got a very similar one from Paul Smith for 1 tenth of that price in last years sale

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