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  • How to turn off the videos?
  • Flaperon
    Full Member

    Is there a way to turn off the videos inserted between posts in the forum? They’re playing automatically and chewing up my data allowance.

    Full Member

    Partially, yes. You can disable them in your preferences


    But they will still appear and play when a page refreshes or you hit the page from a google search etc.

    If there is a way to properly disable them I’d love to know it as they are damn annoying

    Full Member

    they will still appear and play when a page refreshes or you hit the page from a google search etc.

    Not for me.

    Full Member

    Thank you Mr Rubber Buccaneer. Thank you so much.

    Full Member

    I’ve already got the ‘disable video’ box ticked but videos still appear and autoplay between posts. Damn annoying. Chrome desktop broswer and also Safari iOS.

    Full Member

    The control works by setting a cookie on your device attached to your login cookie. If you have any settings that prevent cookies being set then that could interfere with that.  Also, it’s linked to your login cookie so if you are not logged in the videos will show. Often when accessing the site from an external link it can open the page in a different browser than the one you have logged in with. If that happens you will need to login to your account in that browser. Cookies are browser specific so if you are logged in on Chrome and then open the site in Safari you will usually need to login again. 

    Full Member

    Not for me.

    Well you are both lucky and special, sadly I am neither 🙁

    Full Member

    Partially, yes. You can disable them in your preferences

    Well, my stalker has finally broken cover….

    Full Member

    That’s fixed it, thanks 🙂

    Full Member

    @rubber_buccaneer same for me. If you click on a link in a thread for example and then the back button you get videos. I’m sure they know this happens its just a stealth way of doing it while pretending to let you turn them off…

    Full Member

    I doubt it’s deliberate, just a little gap in the testing.

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