after reading anagallis_arvensis's thread I too am both pissed off with the lack of prosecutions for cars hitting cyclists and the number of near misses I experience whislt out cycling.
we have the right to cycle on all roads except motorways and cars must be encouraged to share the road, it is useless to explain the error of their ways as, you either get verbally abused,"you dont pay road tax"(it never goes down well when i say well actually I have two vehicles and therefore probably pay more than you!) or they deliberatly drive at you/swerve towards you.
these 3 default behaviours happened on Sunday on a long road ride after I said "excuse me would you mind leaving a bit more space when overtaking cyclists" to a particular driver.Unfortunately I dont have a photograpic memory or I would have reported the driver to the police. A number of other near misses happened with other vehicles just because they could be bothered to wait a few more seconds to overtake or even when they had pleanty of space still left less than a foot.
I have had enough!
I contacted the minister for road safety today and would encourage all to do so both directly and via your local MP(the official way to do things)
we need a road safety campign to encourage drivers of other vehicles to share the road and give cyclists pleanty of room
I have been riding for more than 30 years and in my experience drivers are becoming less and less considerate of cyclists
lets do something about it