So in those other threads were you argued until you were blue in face that your body is different to mine and mine is different to everyone else’s and how you suffered low energy levels and alllll that crap and how ideit wasnt working for you it does just boil down to the fact that you can’t lay off the cake?
Question is, why do I like cake so much?
Since you brought it up.. it’s quite an interesting subject imo. If I don’t do any exercise at all, I can easily stick to the diet. The problems start when I exercise. I’ve got a lot of fast twitch muscle, so when I exercise I end up consuming muscle glycogen unless I’m really careful. But sprinting is instinctive, so it’s really hard to sit and spin and quite boring. And when I deplete glycogen stores, that’s when I start to get unbearably hungry and crave carbs (not just cakes – bread and rice mostly, but also coke).
And why did you leave it a week to begin.
I raced last weekend on both days, so I didn’t want to be crash dieting before that.
So just been for a run and weighed myself, 89.7kg! Will see how much goes back on this afternoon when I eat.