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  • How doomed are you?
  • binners
    Full Member

    With all this relentless doom and gloom about – On a scale of one to ten? How doomed are you personally? How bleak is your outlook?

    I’m a definate 9 at the moment. Is anyone a ten? Just to make me feel better

    Free Member

    about a 2

    Free Member



    (I’m assuming 10 is real bad and 1 is all beer and skittles)

    Free Member

    a non-cresserish 2 out of 10.

    Free Member

    2 but only because i’ve got man-flu

    Full Member

    You’re not making me feel better chaps

    Free Member

    I’d say 1!

    Single, no mortgage or debt… and just been promoted and have pay review next month :)

    Full Member

    Excellent – a revival of the ouevre of the man they call Cressers.

    An average of around 5.

    But it looks like Mrs North isn’t handling her return to work too well, so I have advised her to sack off her job. Which will take up the doom/risk stakes to about 7.

    Free Member

    yeah but you live at home conor so that doesn’t count ;-)

    Free Member

    Could be a big fat 10 very soon. Lots of personnal and company debt, the latter also secured by yours truly and we’ve just offered the staff a 3 day week to save redundancies. And i’ve got man flu !!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Im going on for an 8 i guess.

    Broke, sober and single and borderline suicidal give a take once a month.

    Free Member

    A few years ago I was unfairly dimissed, lost thousands and broke a few bones to boot. (all in two months). TBH, I feel lucky compared.

    Free Member

    Working in retail Energy, Id say 1 or 2 at the moment, however one of our smaller competitors announced 450 redundancies today. But not directly related to the current recession as they have been unprofitable for a couple of years.

    Full Member

    There’s a slight chance I may be made redundant later in the year which, to be honest, I’d be quite happy about.

    I’d say about a three.

    Free Member

    9-10 here, i’ve my kids near to me, a bike and that’s enough to stop me losing it completely.

    Full Member

    Marcus. Sorry to hear that. Much the same reason as I’m a 9. My biggest client is about to go bump and kindly came over to tell me yesterday that there’s no chance of me seeing a penny of the whacking great big mound of cash they owe me.

    I expect to lose my


    in that order. Very soon. Hurrah for Gordon’s economic miracle

    Free Member

    0 here (sorry!)

    Business has never been better, kid on the way and as a first time buyer I’m going to be buying a castle for 10p the way prices are going!

    Full Member

    binners, I would offer to join you for a pint to drown sorrows but I can’t afford a pint.

    About 8-9 for me too.

    Full Member

    Well, I guess in the light of binners problems i’ve just moved from around 8 to about 5.

    Free Member

    **** binners, thats a nine point five at least. Fingers crossed for us both.

    Free Member

    Hmm, taking 10 as the maximum (could this become the ‘Cresser’s Scale of Doom’?), and taking points off for good stuff, adding for bad..

    Roof over head: -1
    Enough to Eat: -1
    Clothes on back: -1
    Warm and comfortable: -1
    Healthy (apart form mild ear infection): -1
    Happy in career/job/work: -0.5
    Have positive, happy relationships with others: -1
    Not living in constant threat of war, disease, famine, etc: -1
    Happy with current environment: -1
    Enough money to not have to worry about bills and stuff: +1

    So, 1.5. Life’s pretty bloody good, to be honest!

    Of course, I could just mope around all the time, moaning about stuff…

    Free Member

    BTW, not intended to make light of anyone else’s woes. Binners, I hope things don’t turn out too bad, mate.

    Full Member

    Binners – you can always come and be my bitch, you’ll get room, board, and a good nine inches :-)

    Full Member

    IHN – like that’s going to cheer him up.

    Well, it might…

    I’m currently a 3, but that might increase to a 9 or 10 depending on what happens in the next week.

    Free Member

    Binners, lets face it. You wont miss that Czechtractor ;)

    Free Member

    Probably 5. Could go either way at the moment!

    Free Member

    Sorry to read about people’s difficulties. At the moment I am about a 3 but should I fail to sell my house (currently underway) and lose my job (distinctly possible in the current climate) I would move rapidly to a 6 or 7.

    The downturn in the economy has only hit hard in certain sectors right now. If you haven’t yet been hit you probably feel OK (more cash in your pocket vs last year etc etc). It is only a matter of time and degree though…

    Free Member

    about 2-3, but I do feel very guilty about it, compared to the sh&t that a lot of folk are going through at the moment.

    Full Member

    Wanna buy it then Hora?

    *shudders at the thought of Hora having that underneath his boot*

    Full Member

    8 Find out Monday if I still have a job…

    Free Member

    If it carries on like this, for another 6 months, we will all be out of jobs here, so is that a 9 or 10 on the scale?

    Looks like I will be doing quite a bit of cycling come August.

    Anyone looking for a Photographer? 20 years of experience about to go down the swanney ;-)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “Doomed” implies something is going to happen. How do you score if its already happened?

    Free Member

    Wanna buy it? I’m a Subaruwhore for the foreseeable future.

    Full Member

    1 or less

    Job is as secure as can be, I can live within my means.

    I don’t have the spare cash I once had but that’s mainly due to having 2 kids.

    Free Member

    Pretty good here. I’ve got quite a lot of marking to do and I hate marking, so maybe a 1 on the doom-o-meter.

    Free Member

    aleigh – Member

    yeah but you live at home conor so that doesn’t count [;-)]

    FFS girl I have a reputation to maintain!!

    Free Member

    Binners – you can always come and be my bitch, you’ll get room, board, and a good nine inches

    9 times a day then, lucky Binners :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ll give it a 6, job will probably go at some point soon, but i am alive and am going on holiday next week.

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