So, every few weeks we have sausages Yorkshire puddings etc. With gravy, for which I need to cook some onions, in the oven, sprinkled with demerara sugar, honey and chili oil.
Only a bit of the onions goes in the gravy, the rest is just a crunchy Beilage.
The problem is that I'm incapable of making enough onions to keep the kids from fighting over them. This evening I made 5, then just added another two, but they'll still need to be weighed out, yes literally, to ensure the oiks get fair amounts.
Some crunchy sweet, chili onions, a few minutes ago...
Make what you think is enough.
Then get them to take turns in dividing the onions.
The one that divides them in to portions then watches as the other(s) select which portion they want.
Now the stress is all on them and not on you.
^^^ totally this. I use it on my two (although not with onions), it’s a brilliant approach.
Teach them how to make them so they can decide how many they need to cook? I do regret not taking any interest in learning to cook when I was younger...
Will be trying this onion method next time I have sausages, thanks!
Why do you feel the need to sugar your onions?
Why do you feel the need to sugar your onions?
Cos they go crunchy and delicious.
the rest is just a crunchy Beilage.
Well there's a new word I've learned.
Surely they just sort it out like us kids did back in the day with a good old fashioned fight?
Send them out to the world.
It's just a great big onion....apparently.
Make more. Do I have to think of everything?
They sound ace, never occurred to me to do onions in the oven. I'll have to give that a punt.
but sugar
you can of course never cook enough onions
Make more. Do I have to think of everything?
But I made 7 of the bloody things. That's like a whole packet.....
but sugar
You do make a fair point... but I feel it's OK in this instance. Its not like it's a cup of tea or anything.
^^^ totally this. I use it on my two (although not with onions), it’s a brilliant approach.
Eh in this house hold of two its used regularly to ensure I get a fair share!
Onion based humble brag.
I'll give this a try and aware this makes me sound stupid but -
Chop the onions so they are rings and spread over an oven tray/dish (I'll probably use tin foil for fear of bonding food to tray).
Sprinkle some sugar, honey and chilli flakes over them (I probably won't do the sugar...type 1 already but don't fancy type 2 as well!).
What temp and for how long?
Is that it?
Grow or buy onions bigger than your kids and make them slippy. 😉
Sounds tasty but
That’s like a whole packet
I will never understand why onion packaging is a thing
What temp and for how long?
+1 enquiring minds need to know
Chop the onions so they are rings and spread over an oven tray/dish (I’ll probably use tin foil for fear of bonding food to tray).
Sprinkle some sugar, honey and chilli flakes over them
I went with chili oil rather than flakes, but sounds like a good plan.
Mix them up well to get them fully coated.
You could use white sugar of course, but I use the brown crystallised ones because demerara.🤩
The pan is indeed a nightmare to clean, so might be worth tinfoil or paper, though it may just weld itself to that instead.
Think it was 200c, but hard to tell as the oven was rammed with sausages, chips and Yorkshires so hard the tell.
The key, and slightly tedious, thing is that you need to check them every few minutes and remove them as they go brown. For some reason they always take differing time to cook, so you need to scoop the ready ones out and put the rest back in again, otherwise you end up with some perfect and the rest either mushy pale or burnt to ****.
the rest is just a crunchy Beilage.
Well there’s a new word I’ve learned.
Me too, thanks thegeneralist! Not sure I'll ever use it, mind.
the rest is just a crunchy Beilage.
Well there’s a new word I’ve learned.
Me too. Seems it's German so now I'm wondering, how are you (all) pronouncing it? From what little I remember of high school German it should be something like "buy lager".
Keep one, sell the rest.
From what little I remember of high school German it should be something like “buy lager”
Google confirms your "buy lager", I'm glad you asked because if I'd ever tried to use it I'd have guessed French and gone with "baylaj" or something similar!
Spot on Cougar, and quite weird because I was considering just that about an hour ago. I reckon it's a cross between
Buy lager and Buy Laguh
I'm so fed up today, slept shite all week after a big week last week ( or as the Germans would say "overlast week") and am too tired to do any exercise. So busy packing for Fontainebleau bouldering next weekend and posting shite on STW.
On an even more stupid side note, @continuity bet you didn't guess this was my thread?
And speaking of fed up, when the (German) in-laws were finished breakfast at some B&B in the lake district years back the host asked if they'd like any more toast?
"No thanks, I'm fed up"
@thegeneralist Do you cook them whole or slice them up first before coating and cooking?
Defo slice them up. And indeed separate the rings, for maximum crispiness
I’m with the other posters here; your onions sound incredible and I’ll be trying to recreate them.
Which leads to the conclusion of the thread. No one else has ever made onions of this calibre, much less described them as a “crunchy Beilage”. So either stop being that awesome, or accept you will drive people mad with your mad onion skills.
From my experience of oven roasting anything with honey, make the one who has the largest portion clean the oven tray.
Sounds lovely though.
be trying to recreate them.
Right. Crispy caramelised chili onion photo competition!
/Goes off to find that blowtorch....
Das grosse SingletrackWelt ZwiebelWettbewerb.
Kids and onions, it's always going to involve tears.
Kids and onions, it’s always going to involve tears.
*sucks teeth*
Your kids eat onions?!
Your kids eat onions?!
I've always thought mine are weird because they won't eat fried onions in burgers, hot dogs, etc. This is surely the whole reason for eating those things.
Your kids eat onions?!
I'm with you on this. Why is it my kids can't find the shoe or schoolbag that's literally in front of them, yet they are able to locate with laser accuracy, a piece of onion millimetres across, apparently rendering the entire meal inedible?
Could you not monetise this in some way?
How about allowing them to fight for the onions, but equip them with savage medieval weaponry, then start your own YouTube channel to broadcast the resulting gladiatorial combat?
You could call it Medieval Gladiator Onion Carnage, though that does sound a bit like a Fall track