I can't be the only one in this situation, but with all the media advice to bin them it's got me thinking.
I bought one for junior from ebay for christmas- described as 'located in UK', so I assumed they were a UK seller.
After checking their details, it turns out the seller is based in China- so I don't have quite the same rights as I would have had if they were UK based.
Advice seems to be ones with 'clover shaped plugs' are dangerous. Mine appears to have a clover shaped plug.
The plug is also sealed and there is no moulded bit on the plug to change a fuse- which has me wondering if the plug even has a fuse.
It looks like this :
[img] [/img]
So, to those in the know- does this look dodgy?
Alarm bells also rang when I read the instructions :
" 3.It's normal for seeing sparkles when the charger plug in. It relates to the power of the charger. The more powerful of the charger, the easier to produce sparkles."
I haven't charged it yet, so can't comment on the sparkles.
It was described as having a genuine Samsung battery, so I suppose my next step is take it apart and see if there's any branding on the battery. If not, ebay will hopefully refund as it wouldn't be as described.