Help me train my bo...

[Closed] Help me train my bowels!

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I've got a serious issue that is not doing my office cred any favours right now!

My bowels are lovely and regular, sign of a healthy gut, right? All the fibre must be doing some good. Problem is, my bowels have set their own alarm clock without consulting with me first. They have decided that 11am is the wonder hour - when I'm at work! On the mark every day that familiar urge down below starts a grumbling... I can pretty much set my clock by it!

Now I wouldn't mind, but this means the inevitable - I've gotta use my works bathroom to "do my business".

Issue 1: There is only one communal bathroom available in my offices with one, very posh, single stall

As far as loo's go, it is magnificent, full soft, smoothe toilet roll so my cheeks are cherished, proper toilet brush with chrome holder, fabreeze air freshener available as well as a bit of hand cream (dont mind if i do!)but...

Issue 2: Nothing covers the tell tail signs that someone has just deposited a parcel in the posh toilet, and what's worse, that lingers!

Still would be all fine if no one knew it was me...

Issue 3: the enterance to this single bathroom is in eye sight of all the desks of the loveliest girls in the whole entire office, there's no where to hide! 😯

So my question is, can I retrain my bowels to a more convenient time, one where I won't be using the only available communal unisex toilet with a free for all view of who is responsible for the, some might say unpleasant Eau de Toilette?

Prior trials:

Tried cranking it out before work, doesn't happen, nothing is ready for evacuation at 6am

Tried holding on to it all day, what does happen is the bathroom smells better, but the air around the vicinity of my desk becomes a lethal veil of noxious gas, ready to pounce on anyone that comes close. Lesson learnt from that trial - touching cloth is never a good thing, even for the sake of self sacrifice in the name of the posh bathroom

Tried the match trick, what's that all about?!?! It just made it smell like I was trying to crank one out while having a puff on the old cigar at the same time!

So the wonders of singletrack world, please help me train my bowels!

Posted : 14/11/2012 11:50 am

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