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  • Have you checked your Strava pricing?
  • leffeboy
    Full Member

    funny video, Ray seemed a bit upset.  As above I like Garmin Connect but the social part of Strava is nice as almost everyone is on it.  That’s available for free though so I can’t see why I would upgrade

    It used to be that all of the app type suscriptions wanted 5$/month but that does seem to have gone up to 12$ now if you look at Netflix/Disney and all the rest.  That’s fine if  you only have a couple but at a certain point it just gets a bit painful if you have more than that.

    Free Member

    Mine renewed in October for £44.99 & says renewal price for Oct 23 is £44.99

    Full Member

    And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, it’ll not be £44.99 come October.

    Full Member

    Mine been 44.99 for last 5 years, and says it’ll renew on 7th Feb for 44.99

    Full Member

    Mine been 44.99 for last 5 years, and says it’ll renew on 7th Feb for 44.99

    If I understood correctly, the new prices won’t be updated online until after the 2nd Feb.  That’s what the video was about, they are not being up front with the new costs

    Free Member

    Just checked mine and I am paying £39.99 and it renews at that price on the 5th Feb

    Full Member

    Just checked mine and I am paying £39.99 and it renews at that price on the 5th Feb

    If I understood correctly, the new prices won’t be updated online until after the 2nd Feb. That’s what the video was about, they are not being up front with the new costs

    Full Member

    Mine says

    Your monthly membership will automatically renew on 2 February 2023 for £6.99

    Be interesting to see if that changes as that is also price change day…

    Although having just typed that, I’ve not had an email warning of a price change once month before, so I assume it won’t change (yet).

    Full Member

    I do sort of miss the heat map

    Heat map is available on desktop on a free account if that helps? I use it for route planning side by side with ridewithgps.

    Full Member

    Are live segments a premium only thing?

    What are the Garmin segments like? I’ve had premium for a while, and love the live segments (for comparing to my own rides, not too bothered about other folks’ times). Is there a garmin live segment version available on fenix/edge??

    Extremely tempted to downgrade next time

    Full Member

    Cancelled mine – Garmin connect will just do fine and like many, cutting back.

    Free Member

    I’ve checked and realised that I used one of the mad PSA’s about two years ago with a gift card I think in Argentine Pesos, and despite it expiring about a year ago I’ve still got Strava premium. let’s see how long this lasts!

    Full Member

    Are live segments a premium only thing?

    What are the Garmin segments like?

    One of the few premium features I liked/used but when they removed the feature for downhill segments they made it rather less useful to me. I’m left with the tally of mileage per bike and it’s cross platform universally used by everyone appeal.

    Garmin segments are fine and work just the same but in practice only Strava have the wealth of user created segments that are commonly known.

    Meh, think a price hike is going to see me drop Strava. All my data is in Garmin Connect anyway as all my devices are Garmin.

    Full Member

    I need to work out how to transfer segments from Strava to Garmin…I found the warnings to let me know a segment was approaching was useful, but since it has been removed I’ve missed it a wee bit.
    I think Garmin can do it but it doesn’t have the wealth of segments as Strava does. I probably need to start creating them from rides I’ve done and then I can hopefully get the Garmin warnings that favourite segments are approaching.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Mine been 44.99 for last 5 years, and says it’ll renew on 7th Feb for 44.99

    If I understood correctly, the new prices won’t be updated online until after the 2nd Feb. That’s what the video was about, they are not being up front with the new costs

    I thought the annual subs got the price updated 30 days before they are due. My card details haven’t been updated anyway, so whatever payment they want, they’ll have to remind me

    Full Member

    Meh, think a price hike is going to see me drop Strava.

    It is becoming increasingly hard to justify. Whilst I do think supporting sites is generally a good idea it does need some return on that investment.
    Several months until renewal time but will be thinking hard then about whether its worth it.

    Full Member

    I almost subscribed before new year as it had 25% off, realised I didn’t need to drop £40 on something and didn’t bother. To be honest given Garmin logs everything if Strava ditched us free users I wouldn’t be too bothered.

    Full Member

    The only thing I don’t have in Garmin at the moment is the tracking of my bikes total mileage. Garmin will do it but I’ll have to see if there’s a way of adding the current totals off Strava when setting it up.

    Full Member

    ^ same. I can’t see a way of using a simple export/import and I’m not keen on updating years of activities with the bikes so I’m looking at a historical dummy manual activity to bring the mileage up to the value recorded in Strava.

    Full Member

    Oddly enough, I track my running shoes in Connect and bikes in Strava…

    Full Member

    Haha, so I just got an email survey from Strava:

    “How likely are you to recommend a Strava subscription to a friend?”

    Anyone else?

    Full Member

    Just watched the video. The whole thing seems very bizarre. If it is going up massively then I’m out

    Full Member

    My Strava has updated and although it tells me I’m renewing in June, the price has disappeared.

    Full Member

    I stopped using Strava earlier this year, i used it once in 2023… My rides on Zwift still log to it, but all are private and i think I need to leave it in place for racing as it needs to see a profile associated. But i’m so far past caring about Strava these days.

    Free Member

    For me it’s currently a £1 a week and sounds like it’ll increase to less than £2 a week.

    I get enough ‘value’ from it as unlike many above I actually ride (a lot) – I’m connected to a few hundred others so get to see where they’ve ridden and what’s new (MTB & gravel) etc. It’s also got all my stats for +10 years which I like.

    Oh, for anyone jumping, download your data first – easy enough to see in Excel.

    On a side note, rather stupid of them to have kept the same price all these years, they could easily have upped it by a Pound or two each year and now would be faced with far lower increases.

    Free Member

    So its about £1 a week – and you lot are moaning about it !

    Full Member


    All members can see the heat map

    Only premium members can plot routes on the heat map. It’s still clunky and has problems with the underlying knowledge of where paths go. But you at least know your clicking some where cyclists go.

    That’s essentially what I pay for

    Full Member

    just in the same manner that anyone posts anything involving a monorail… requires automatic Simpsons quotes….

    it will be the same now on for Giant…

    “What’s it called?




    Free Member

    I saw an article where Strava clarified it’s going to be £8.99 in the Uk I think. That said I can’t find the article now!

    Free Member

    Just looked at mine and it says it’ll renew in July for $79.99 – my location is set as UK, does anyone know how I update so it’ll give me the price in GBP?

    Not sure if I’ll renew or not!

    Full Member

    September renewal for me, annoyingly I already pay more then some people who’ve posted on this page!

    Since this is a Strava captive audience, I dont like the new 3d map for bike rides, when I go to change it to the old default setting, I have to do this twice, as the first time it wont update, does anyone else have this issue?

    Full Member

    I’m just using the free subs for social ride sharing…Garmin connect does all the “training” stuff for free (ie included in price of garmin device.)

    I used to look at segment times but found strava never understood EMTBs (first hiding the elec bike choice below wheelchairs like they thought this was funny) so now segments tend to get dominated by incomparable times.

    Might have subscribed if they a) worked out that a specific BIKE was electric not individual rides, and b) used some background processing to identify those bikes and put their segments in the electric category (retrospectively as well, of course) So basically a big draw of subscribing – competing against all comers – was killed off for me.

    (And also had a means to start-date a segment – a number of regular downward trails get extended or deliberately slowed down through modifications over time so you can never reach an old PB even if you’re faster)
    OF course even if these features now appear it looks like with more price rises I’m out anyway

    Free Member

    I thought they said we would get ~30 days notice of any price increase from this farce?

    My annual sub, due for renewal in less than three weeks, has changed from £48.99 to £54.99 sometime in the last few days.

    Prices are goig up because they add features I have no interest in, such as the newly announced FATMAP integration.

    Full Member

    I dont like the new 3d map for bike rides, when I go to change it to the old default setting, I have to do this twice, as the first time it wont update, does anyone else have this issue?

    You can now (finally!) select the default map in your profile – Profile/Settings/Default Maps/uncheck ‘use 3D map for trail sports’. (And yes it always took several attempts before – I ended up using both ActivityFix and Strautomate to beat it to submission).

    Had the email this morning that my renewal is going up by just under 14p a week – meh.

    Full Member

    renewal in May…£53.99. They can stick it. Already cancelled.

    Full Member

    Well I cancelled mine, as above numerous subscriptions to other services been a subscriver since 2013. Garmin Connect and Training Peaks do what I want it to. I find Garmins Route tools prefereable or I’ll just use Memory Map oh and this “so now segments tend to get dominated by incomparable times.”

    Free Member

    I’ve never had a Garmin GPS unit but I’m considering one.

    Does Garmin Connect (a free to use site for their units??) give decent ride analysis for things like power up a segment length of your choosing?

    Free Member

    Prices are goig up because they add features I have no interest in, such as the newly announced FATMAP integration.

    FATMAP is a really good tool for scoping out trails in Europe. I used it much more than trailforks last year in Switzerland.

    Full Member

    I think I’ve missed a settings as I’ve added some segments on Garmin and marked them as favourites, but no warnings yet…so I’ve not got it sorted yet.
    If you’ve ridden the area before, you can easily create segments on Garmin and then make them public or private. I think I’ve a setting needed switched to use Garmin segments instead of Strava.

    Full Member

    im paid up until July and its now showing the new price (£55 from £40).
    its still not huge amount but its a big hike for nothing extra.

    I think i’ll cancel and see what happens

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