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  • Have you checked your Strava pricing?
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    Hilarious video from Mr Rainmaker

    I’m not a Strava Premium user so it won’t affect me, but I wonder if this should be in Hannahs State of the Industry thread.

    Full Member

    Cheers. I’ve set a calendar reminder to check 30 days before renewal and cancel if necessary.

    Free Member

    due to renew on 28/1/23 – £3.99

    Full Member

    I’ve set a calendar reminder to check 30 days before renewal and cancel if necessary.

    just cancel now. It’ll run the time out without chance of renewing but they’ll send you a reminder!

    Free Member

    oh new prices doesn’t update until February 2nd 2023

    Free Member

    what’s strava ?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    thought that was the take from the DCRainmaker vid? monthlys, pricing will update on 2/2/23 for next payment, for annuals 30 days before?

    Free Member

    get so much more info from garmin connect and its free

    Free Member

    Even more complicated than I was aware of, just looking at the UK, where they were recently offering new customers a discount to make it ~£41 for the first year! :lol:

    Less than 30 days before my renewal date, so looks like I will stay at £47.99 for the year, if I uncancel.

    Just don’t know, loads of stuff I’m not bothered about and I was much happier on the old “analysis pack” that was less than £20.

    But my fitness is in absolute tatters after Covid almost 4 months ago, no way can I see myself challenging segment PBs this year and I’m not sure paying ~£4 a month to see crap for me power stats is a good deal this coming year, when inflation is biting in many directions.

    :lol: at number of screens you have to press “cancel sub” button to finally confirm you have cancelled, worse than I thought Amazon Prime was!

    Free Member

    Mine says to renew on 19th July at £47.99 which is £3.99 a month.

    I have premium for the route planner and beacon buddy which I’d not like to lose really

    Free Member

    Mine is due at the end of January and has gone up to £54.99 a year. I’ve cancelled mine this year – going to cut back generally on subscriptions to save some cash.

    Full Member

    Mine says to renew on 19th July at £47.99 which is £3.99 a month.

    Yeah – but it’ll not say £47.99 when renewal comes around, hence a good idea to check just before it does.

    Free Member

    OK 👍

    Free Member

    Mine is due at the end of January and has gone up to £54.99 a year.

    I reckon if I’m only paying an extra 50p a month I’ll stick with it.

    Full Member

    My Strava premium allegedly expired last January but is still working. It appears as I used a voucher code to pay for it the first time it’s on a recurring charge of £0.

    Full Member

    Can someone distill DCRs video into a simple flow chart for me???

    (Monthly) Strava premium member due for renewal on Jan 24 and still showing old rate (which I’ve been paying since Sept 2014).

    Only two premium features I’m interested in are
    (1) personal heatmaps
    (2) classification of segment times (particularly “Today” as that’s a good indication whether a trail is open ie not snowed in or closed due to downed trees)

    Full Member

    I had a cheaper price from a while back (and it even honoured it when switching from monthly to annual)

    But my renewal in the app is showing as the higher price, and no email to tell me it’s gone up. I’ll probably let it go to free now as I’m not really using any of the premium features, and I presume those using the route planner is only for road riding as I find it completely useless for off-road (doesn’t know the difference between footpaths and bridleways, and kept trying to direct me down footpaths that have been lost and are essentially in people’s back gardens so the popularity routing wasn’t working either!)

    Full Member

    I used to subscribe to Strava until my credit card expired, then didn’t bother sticking the new number in. I do sort of miss the heat map and the complete segment information, but not enough to pay for it. Garmin Connect has more than enough to make up for the rest of it.

    Full Member

    Is there any way to access the desktop version of Strava from an Android mobile? To manage your subscription it says to go to, but in doing so on a mobile, even with desktop site toggled, you don’t actually get the desktop version and therefore can’t manage your account. Infuriating

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Elon’s not been buying shares has he?
    It’ll be blue ticks next…

    Free Member

    I’m another that’s happy with Garmin Connect. I still have a free Strava account but don’t even bother uploading to it now.

    Free Member

    Mine says renews in Nov for 39.99???

    Full Member

    I cancelled mine a year ago. Now showing my member price as Annual £55 or monthly £8.99 a month.

    Full Member

    I think I might wait till spring to sign up that “last chance” 60 day trial that was on offer before Christmas is still being dangled there’s still going to be one come April/May I reckon, and I might still go monthly to have it for the peak of summer then cancel before September. they’ll get maybe £25 out of me and I don’t get stuck with an annual sub I forget to cancel and don’t really use much during the depths of winter.

    I reckon that’s what plenty of people probably do isn’t it, drop back on the free account for their less active periods.

    I already bung a tenner to veloviewer each year as I find that a useful tool (reminds me I need to log in and update VV)…

    Full Member

    Yeah. I still use VeloViewer, though I wish they’d change the layout a bit as I don’t need to have so much of the page taken up with blank fields that are only generated if you have a Strava Premium account. They’d be better having such data on a separate tab. I also wish they’d expand their input sources a bit – like using Garmin Connect instead of Strava. That way I could dump Strava altogether.

    The other one I’ve been looking at occasionally is It’s “nagware” at the moment, with a request for $4 per month that is easily dismissed. If it was half that I’d likely subscribe but as a non-racer, much of the information doesn’t really offer me much so it also is above my cost:benefit threshold. I might find if there’s a payment option to through some dosh their way though.

    Full Member

    Anybody else pay in Swiss Francs ?
    I do, for some unknown reason, 10CHF per month

    Full Member


    I think last time I was away from home and trying to get on the desktop site, desktop mode toggled and at the point it keeps trying to switch to the app, click and hold the link instead and open in incognito mode or open in new tab (I can’t remember which)

    Full Member

    DC Rainmaker’s voice makes my head hurt but this was useful, if crazy!! I like the Live Segments thing but probably not worth subscribing just for that. If only Garmin Connect wasn’t such an utter POS the choice would be easier.

    Full Member

    Checked, still free. Never felt the need for a sub

    Full Member

    I hope the free side of it doesn’t disappear, it could do given the way things are going. Used to subscribe but don’t miss the added features. Its a good training aid to be free as you have to up your fitness until you appear in the top-ten of any local segments you’re interested in, if you want to see the position… Any history of segment times otherwise is easily achieved by keeping a log in notepad on the desktop. Its not the sort of thing I’d pay to use these days, but then I’m tight as a gnats rs.

    Free Member

    @dougd I’m on android and I get a message pop up to ask if I want to open in the app or chrome. Chose chrome. That assumes you use chrome, but I’d assume it asks for whatever browser you use.

    Full Member

    Mine renews in July and its saying £39.99, expect that’ll update at somepoint.
    will probably cancel and stick with garmin connect for a bit.

    Full Member

    I use to pay a few years ago but other than logging the ride I never used any of the other features so canceled back then when they increased the price.

    I never minded paying a couple of quid to support the site but I refuse to pay over the odds for something I didn’t really use. I have thought several times if they would ever cancel the free side and make it a pay-only site.

    I used to use Garmin Connect years ago but found it clunky to use, might have to have another look at it.

    Full Member

    I reckon they’ll lose my money when I come up again; don’t really use much of the premium stuff so it’s not worth much to me.  This’ll either crash them or push them to full-subs model (or rather, I bet that’s where they’re heading – 2 levels of sub rather than free & sub)

    Free Member

    I’ve had a Garmin account for years but only really started using it in the last year since getting my Garmin watch. Used it last week to plan some gravel rides and it was fairly quick and painless. Lot more data with it compared to the free version of Strava. I’m no longer interested in Strava segments, I think the trails would be better of if it had never existed, so all I really got from Strava was keeping track of how much I’ve been getting out.

    Free Member

    Next it will be no free subs. Then less features and another price increase. Death.

    Full Member

    Renews in Nov for £47.99. TBH I have no idea how much it is now, I’ve been a subscriber for a long time, it just comes out my account like so many other things I waste money on! This is not to say I can afford it, I need to get a grip on it!

    I started paying for the beacon feature primarily, but I might sack it off when it’s time to renew, I’m not getting vfm.

    What disadvantage is there to testing the free version? Just a few ad’s?

    Full Member

    Less features i.e. can’t see leaderboards, I think the heatmap options are very limited.

    I thought beacon was available on the free one as well…never used it myself, so not really sure.

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