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[Closed] Have you changed to non diary milk? which one, how's it going?

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Have not made any as yet of any recipe, but it’s in the pipeline. Assuming 1 x litre of water blended with ? (volume of oats) would roughly equate to 1 litre + ? (volume of oats) minus the absorption. I’m going with ‘roughly just over a litre’ but don’t blame me for the mess!

Was assuming you were an expert and had some q's to ask but thanks anyway! OK am keen to give this a go but am concerned about what brand of oats to use. Currently using Aldi oats in my porridge and they aren't nice so maybe Scott's porage oats would be best.

Posted : 09/10/2019 4:09 pm
Free Member

Oatly all day long in coffee.

+1000 to that! Makes an awesome cappuccino. Nice on cereals too.

Posted : 09/10/2019 4:11 pm
Full Member

I can understand someone who buys it rather than purchasing from a large dairy corp

Often the same dairy corp owns the plant milk brand. Certainly here (Spain) the big brands are owned by leches pascual, kaiku, Danone bought Alpro didn't they? Provemel too iirc.
And then they get uppity about calling it milk. Washes down that cake they're having and eating I suppose.

Best one I've had (and I don't like them as a rule) is Borges Walnut milk. Insanely calorific, nothing better for porridge or weetabix. Bonsoy for a decent stretched microfoam if you've got a good steam wand on your coffee machine (4eur a litre here so I put up with collapsing foam).

Posted : 09/10/2019 4:50 pm
Full Member

I went on Almond some years ago then went to coconut but found that too sweet and now have a carton of oat milk a week.

Have tea & coffee black so it only gets used in smoothies or cereal.

Posted : 09/10/2019 4:58 pm
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my diary milk use is pretty much just coffee and porridge, so oat alternative sounds just the thing.

Posted : 09/10/2019 5:35 pm
Free Member

Does that take into account where the almonds grow Malvern rider ? The fact that the water required in those regions drives thuue people of the region into drought ?

A large amount of UK commercial soya is now coming out of the South American rainforests

Not that I'm pushing dairy just that the ecological choice isn't always clear.

But then I live in a place where water is plentiful. But almond trees won't grow.

Posted : 09/10/2019 5:38 pm
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Jnr is diary and soy allergic so its blue diamond almond breeze here.

Posted : 09/10/2019 5:39 pm
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Oat milk for me. Preferably Oatly. Use it for cereals, tea and coffee. If you get the non chilled stuff, next to the UHT milk at the co-op, it costs £1.50 for a litre. Not bad value to my mind.

Not had cow juice for over a year now, don't miss it.

Posted : 09/10/2019 5:47 pm
Free Member

I understand oatly comes from Wweden Alpro oat from UK.
Current 1L prices: Oatly £1.40 / £1.80, Alpro £1.00
Oatly is much nicer, creamier.

Posted : 10/10/2019 9:53 am
Full Member

I used to go through quite a lot of cows milk, mostly on cereal. After trying quite a few I switched to oat milk about 3 or 4 years ago. Current go to is asda's own.

However, this is just for cereals, not coffee.
Coffee wise I have skimmed latte's. americano's with milk doesn't quite cut it, and whole milk latte's I find a bit chewy.
would like to find a replacement though.
I've tried
soya - tastes like cardboard
cashew - i have a sensitiity to concentrated cashews!
almond - same as cashews
oat - tastes odd.
oatily barista - chewy texture
hazenut - too nutty
hemp - not bad, but not great.
kids soya milk - bit vanilla flavoured, but better than soya, not too chewy.
rice milk - watery and rice pudding-y eww.
coconut - too coconutty, PTSD from a mispent youth and a mates parents malibu.
Rebel Mylk - semi skimmed version is chewy and a bit coconutty. skimmed is less chewy and less coconutty. probably the best out of the lot, but hard to find skimmed version.


Posted : 10/10/2019 11:01 am
Free Member

I love koko unsweetned coconut milk. I used it everyday in my breakfast smoothie.

Her indoors loves lidls organic oat milk.

The key is to get unsweetned as the companies pump a lot of sugar into the other stuff.

Posted : 10/10/2019 11:20 am
Full Member


My dad has a very severe dairy intolerance. I also suffer with milk in an unprocessed form and with yoghurt, oddly cheese and milk in coffee and tea and butter on toast have no impact unless I really overdo it.

With that background our choices are...

Dad - has replaced everything with goat milk products (it doesn't have the protein that he has an issue with). That includes milk, yoghurt, cream, butter and cheese all used just like cows milk. It's a bit richer in taste but fine for all sorts.

After a biblically bad dose of food poisoning I spent three weeks avoiding cows milk and exclusively on goat products. After a few days barely noticed the difference.

Me - I'm not as severe but I tend to have a couple of litres of UHT Koko which is a coconut based milk substitute that I use on cereal. Benefit is it keeps longer than goat milk and I'm not a regular cereal eater so it needs to have a week of usable life when opened.

We also take it camping as it seems fairly tolerant to bad storage and for that it gets used in tea, coffee, cereal etc without complaint even from my rather particular wife (who is still distrustful of my tea making skills after 13 years).

Posted : 10/10/2019 10:42 pm
Free Member

The Mrs has almond milk for environmental reasons in their non recyclable cartons.

Posted : 11/10/2019 7:24 am
Full Member

OK a wee update ... followed recipe from @Malvern Rider's link (4 cups water, 1 cup oats and 1/4 cup cashew nuts) and it's turned out pretty well. It is a different taste for sure and wouldn't want it without cashew nuts.

Posted : 07/11/2019 3:08 pm
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Another successful recipe from MR 🙂   (I use his bean casserole one all the time)

I've gone almost entirely to Oat milk and enjoying it.

Posted : 07/11/2019 4:30 pm
Free Member

I’m dairy intolerant, over the last few years I’ve tried most substitutes coconut, almond, soya, hazelnut, etc etc. I continually return to soya milk as the best all round option, for both drinking and cooking.

Posted : 07/11/2019 5:13 pm
Full Member

nickc - successful? Um, yes and no really as it doesn't work in tea. Tastes fine to drink on its own though. I'd reverted to lactose-free after a period with raw Jersey milk which incidentally was also awful in tea!

Do you buy oat milk or make your own?

Posted : 07/11/2019 5:35 pm
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Make porridge with water!!!!

Posted : 07/11/2019 6:42 pm
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Make porridge with water!!!!

No, why should I? next you'll be telling me I need to stand in the rain with a sour look on my face while eating it otherwise I'm not doing it right.

CG, buying it at the moment, might try to make some though. looks simple enough.

Posted : 07/11/2019 6:48 pm
Free Member

Wouldn’t making porridge with oat milk be like making a ham sandwich between two slices of Spam?

CG that’s great, still not gotten aroundtoit myself. Maybe needs an emulsifier, oil etc to blend with tea?

Nick glad you like the casserole, must make one myself again if I can find the recipe 🤣. There’s a good veggie recipe thread on the forum atm.

I’m still enjoying Lidls own sweetened soy milk, 59p or something a litre. Mostly in tea. Also occasional glass cold with a biscuit. Tend to make porridge with water,salt honey and apple chips 😬

Checked today to see if the soy milk was rammed with sugar and other chemical soup TM and it seems ok? just apple extract and also B12 which can’t be bad. Someone may soon be along to disabuse me of my ignorance for which I’d be most grateful and more inclined to get busy with oats!

[URL= https://thumbs2.imgbox.com/b7/23/jve463hJ_t.jpe g" target="_blank">https://thumbs2.imgbox.com/b7/23/jve463hJ_t.jpe g"/> [/IMG][/URL] [URL= http://imgbox.com/1ycE2kRF ]
[IMG] [/IMG][/URL]

Oh yeah - my non-dairy rice pud. Short grain rice, lidl sweetened soy milk, half a can coconut milk/cream, brown sugar, zest of orange, pinch salt, pinch or two nutmeg. Cook in pan or oven. Omnom. Substitute coconut milk with Oatly Cream Oat if you like. Or pour some on top once served. Omnomx2. For variety cook with a teaspoon of almond essence as well as the zest.

See any regular rice pud recipe for rice/liquid/sugar ratios.

Posted : 07/11/2019 6:59 pm
Full Member

Wouldn’t making porridge with oat milk be like making a ham sandwich between two slices of Spam?

You would imagine so!! Porridge really doesnt need milk of any sort. Just make it a bit slower and stir it a bit.

No, why should I?

Because you said you wanted to cut down on dairy?

Posted : 07/11/2019 7:02 pm
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I'm making it with the oat milk, it's lovely actually,  so no dairies are harmed during the making of my breakfast. I don't like how porridge made with water tastes.  Although I suspect by using oat milk, that is effectively what I'm doing anyway.

oh, rice pudding, you say? will try that one out!

Posted : 07/11/2019 7:16 pm
Free Member

I switched to Oat Milk about 18 months ago when I started trying to cut down on the amount of meat/dairy I was consuming.

I started out with Oatly following a recommendation from a work colleague. I stuck with it for a while, but found it had two limitations - it separated in the carton (I forgot to shake a couple of times when having breakfast) and displayed similar behaviour in tea/coffee.

So I tried the Alpro Oat Milk which is much better - I've gone to the unsweetened version now and it's decent stuff. It doesn't have the same problem as Oatly.

The only other thing I've tried is the Oatly single cream replacement, which I actually prefer to normal cream as it tastes lighter to me.

Posted : 07/11/2019 7:17 pm
Full Member

I've been using Oatly and Oatly Barista for a while. This week my regular supplier was out of the barista, so I picked up the Rude Health Barista oat milk instead. Big mistake. It's even more expensive, doesn't froth well for a cappuccino, has a weird saccharin-like aftertaste, and doesn't have any calcium in it. Avoid.

Posted : 08/11/2019 11:35 am
Free Member

As some have said above, you need to find the right replacement for the job. I currently use Yosoy coconut (no idea if you can get that in the UK) for cereal but don't really use milk or its alternatives for anything else.

Posted : 08/11/2019 2:04 pm
Free Member

Milk intolerant for 3 years now. I tend to get the Aldi unsweetened Soya Milk for the Mrs, shes not fussy and I get the Aldi Lactose free milk which is perfect for me, tastes nice, doesn't split in coffee and goes well with morning porridge plus its cheapish, think its about £1 per litre. Cant stand the taste of Soya milk at all, its not nice in tea and it splits in coffee, its just gross and leaves a film at the bottom.

Posted : 08/11/2019 2:24 pm
Full Member

Malvern Rider yes, feels as though something else is needed although have been pontificating about water to oat ratios. Other recipes have stated 3:1 whereas mine used 4:1 along with cashews.

May well buy a carton of Oatly (last used some 25 years ago and stopped due to difficulty sourcing) and see how that goes.

All interesting stuff in this thread!

Posted : 08/11/2019 4:01 pm
Free Member

Goat milk for me and been doing so for the last 4 years or so.

Cow juice and associated products cause my psoriasis to flare up. Goat milk makes it go away, simple choice really.

Posted : 08/11/2019 6:26 pm
Free Member

Local Waitrose having a sale today on these two Swedish plant milks, £1.25

Never tried either so went mad and bought one of each

First, the pea milk - wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s a bit of a ‘ thats different’ moment. Had a cool glass of it to try. I like it somewhat, certainly more ‘dairyish’ than nut, oat or soy milks I’ve tried, in that it has that very slightly ‘acidic’ quality that cow’s milk has. Not unpleasant, surprising, probably good on cereal. Slight hint of a dry aftertaste as a standalone drink.

The Oatly Barista OTOH was immediately more-ish to my tastebuds. Could have sank the whole carton. Sproud also do a barista version, haven't tried that.

This has renewed my resolve to DIY some oat milk. (Finbarrrristaaa! *snek*!)

Sticking with Lidl soy drink at the price, for adding to tea. Will make oat milk for drinks, cooking and cereals.

Oatly Barista ftw today.

Posted : 14/11/2019 5:08 pm
Free Member

*Oatly Barista in coffee hits the spot IMO. Well chuffed. Probably like it more than the Oatly Creamy Oat I recommended upthread, which can get a bit much if enjoyed too often, same as with dairy cream . This stuff will work out better for the budget too. 👍🏼

Posted : 14/11/2019 5:41 pm
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Oatly Barista ftw today.

It's become my "go to".

Posted : 14/11/2019 5:49 pm
Full Member

Thanks for the update MR and glad you've found something that's palatable. If only there was one product that worked in porridge, coffee, tea and wasn't silly money!

Posted : 14/11/2019 5:59 pm
Full Member

I got oat milk in my coffee by mistake (asked for "ordinary" milk) - bleurghhh!!! horrible!!! like drinking ovaltine 🙁 Needed a double espresso to take the taste away!

Posted : 18/11/2019 10:28 am
Free Member

^unbelievable. No accounting for taste or poncense 😋

Update: We tried Sproud Barista (still on offer) in 3 ways

1. In glass as a drink - like a ‘dry’ dairy milk taste (more acidic than oat or soy) with a tiny hint of what I describe as ‘liqueur’ and Mrs Rider describes as ‘BleRGH NaIL POLISH REMOVER!’. Disclaimer - she hates dairy milk as it ‘tastes like gak and acid’

2. In coffee - Tastes pretty much the same as dairy milk IME.

3. On a bowl of shreddies - Again, slightly dry and slightly acidic, like a (albeit less-sweet) dairy milk taste, but definitely takes some getting used to. I prefer the oatly by far as a drink. In coffee I like both. Mileages obviously vary enormously.

Posted : 18/11/2019 11:03 am
Full Member

Our local Sainsbury's seem to have been having some supply/stocking issues with Oatly (maybe as a result of all the endorsements by the influencers of STW). So I picked up some M&S Oat milk. I was quite hopeful about this - said all the right things on the pack, contained calcium...
But it's not great. Tastes cardboardy, useless in cappuccinos. I shall just have to keep a larger buffer stock of Oatly to mitigate Sainsbury's supply issues.

Posted : 29/11/2019 11:30 am
Full Member

Our local Sainsbury’s seem to have been having some supply/stocking issues with Oatly (maybe as a result of all the endorsements by the influencers of STW).

Only bought one carton of Oatly from my local Sainsbo but the poncey Barista was nowhere to be seen. Made porridge with it, as opposed to pouring it on after microwaving, and found it lacking in the taste department. Haven't tried it with coffee or milk I must confess.

Still want to give up cows milk but until such time as there's a decent tasting alternative that doesn't cost as much as a pint of beer then lactose-free consumption will continue.

Anyway @Malvern Rider have you made any oat milk yet?

Posted : 29/11/2019 12:09 pm
Free Member

So, how long do all these different options keep in the fridge relative to regular milk?

Posted : 29/11/2019 12:39 pm
Free Member

Its just what you are used to. If you want to give up dairy, just do it. Cows milk will taste horrible if you've not had any for a while.

They usually keep fresh for a bit longer. Up to about a week in the fridge after opening.
Most brands are actually long life, even if the supermarket sells them in the chiller. So can keep for months before you open the carton.

Posted : 29/11/2019 12:51 pm
Free Member

Anyway @Malvern Rider have you made any oat milk yet?

No! Lazyarsed because of sale prices on various Oatly drinks last week. They seem to last many days in fridge. Tastes amazing in tea. I like Roobois Early Grey with sugar. Delicious cuppa, yet seems somehow to trigger tea snobs if they catch you drinking it 🧐

Did you experiment further?

PS OAT base (water, oats 10 %), rapeseed oil, acidity regulator (dipotassium phosphate), calcium carbonate, calcium phosphates, iodised salt, vitamins (D2, riboflavin and B12)

dipotassium phosphate is to stop it ‘splitting’


Posted : 29/11/2019 1:28 pm
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Its just what you are used to. If you want to give up dairy, just do it.

Couldn't agree more, coffee tastes...well, like coffee now. don't notice anymore

Posted : 29/11/2019 1:37 pm
Free Member

Are you gluten free cinnamon_girl? Oatly Barista in the UK isn't

Posted : 29/11/2019 6:52 pm
Free Member

Great thread and very interesting. Cows milk in very calorific and not great for the environment. I'm currently on Alpro Oat milk, it makes a great cappuccino and good on cereal.

Posted : 29/11/2019 9:51 pm
Free Member

Think we have tried pretty much everything now, including making our own oat milk for a fair while. Now exclusively use Oatly Barista and just buy it in bulk and stack it in the larder.

Interestingly we were discussing it today and calculating that we probably use roughly half the amount of barista to normal Oatly that we'd put into a cuppa, so actually it is reasonably priced when compared. Even so it's the only extravagance in our miserable Church of No Fun life, so we don't begrudge the cost

if you accidentally drink cow milk it tastes vile now.

Something that was touched on earlier in the thread made me think about what I am actually drinking these days. I gave up caffeine drinks about 3 years ago so have no idea what oat milk would be like in builders tea - it might give me the boke. I'm only drinking redbush or barleycup with oat milk but i really like it. I used to think i'd never stop drinking normal tea but I was wrong - I found something nicer imo, and it seems to me that a lot of the time we are trying to replicate old habits and coming up short, when maybe the answer is to trying something else altogether.

Posted : 29/11/2019 10:03 pm
Full Member

I used to think i’d never stop drinking normal tea but I was wrong – I found something nicer imo, and it seems to me that a lot of the time we are trying to replicate old habits and coming up short, when maybe the answer is to trying something else altogether.

But why? What is the problem with tea? A good quality tea, especially green tea, contains anti-oxidants, and doesn’t need milk, only hot water. What could possibly be wrong with that?

Posted : 30/11/2019 12:13 am
Free Member

Yeah Vader, almost identical experience. Wanted to cut caffeine so looked for something else. Disliked green tea (will try again one day, maybe it was the brand). Found redbush/roobois about 20 years ago, didn’t dislike it, stuck with it, found I slept better. Grew quickly to *really* like it as my staple hot tea. Still like black tea (or ‘proper’ tea as some leaf-snobs feel their duty to inform you if engaged into tea debate 😉 ), especially whenever I fancy a non-coffee caffeine boost. As of now Redbush Earl Grey with Oatly barista is the King Of Teas for me. Spot of sweetener, sugar or honey. Perfect cuppa for me, and much less acidic than black tea and dairy. Enjoy any time of day = extra bonus. Tea is great.

But why?

‘Why do some other people like different teas to the one that I drink?’ Is surely more the question?

File with ‘Why do some other people like other bicycles/potatoes/meats/plants/energy-bars/shoes/sexual-positions/music/forms of exercise to the ones that I like?’ 😉

Posted : 30/11/2019 12:27 am
Free Member

this too:

so have no idea what oat milk would be like in builders tea

I use it as still drink black tea once in a while, and it tastes quite like full-cream dairy milk in same, but less acidic (to my memory). Just try it? Still prefer Roobois though. Dislike tea of all types if served without any whitener/milk. Typical Brit, I suppose? Black coffee I like.

Posted : 30/11/2019 12:45 am
Full Member

No! Lazyarsed because of sale prices on various Oatly drinks last week. They seem to last many days in fridge. Tastes amazing in tea. I like Roobois Early Grey with sugar. Delicious cuppa, yet seems somehow to trigger tea snobs if they catch you drinking it 🧐

Did you experiment further?

PS OAT base (water, oats 10 %), rapeseed oil, acidity regulator (dipotassium phosphate), calcium carbonate, calcium phosphates, iodised salt, vitamins (D2, riboflavin and B12)

dipotassium phosphate is to stop it ‘splitting’

You lazy man Malvern Rider! No more experiments here, lazyitis rules, Interesting ingredients though especially calcium carbonate which I use when making mouthwash and tooth powder. Definitely needs something else other than oats, water and cashews and may have a trawl around the web to see if other recipes exist. Was the Barista from the chiller or long life?

Posted : 30/11/2019 2:57 pm
Full Member

Are you gluten free cinnamon_girl? Oatly Barista in the UK isn’t

No, that was a short-lived fad ebygomm! Do you use Barista then?

Posted : 30/11/2019 2:58 pm
Full Member

Was the Barista from the chiller or long life?

I think Barista is only available long life - I've certainly never seen a short life version.

Posted : 30/11/2019 7:50 pm
Full Member

I’ve been milk free for 6 years. I’ve tried most of the alternatives and Oatly Barista edition is easily the best.

Posted : 30/11/2019 9:57 pm
Free Member

Definitely needs something else other than oats, water and cashews

You don’t/didn’t use any sweetening and/or salt? I’m thinking it would take small amounts of salt and the ‘correct’ amount of sweet?


I don’t like how porridge made with water tastes. Although I suspect by using oat milk, that is effectively what I’m doing anyway.

But would it? Now intrigued with the thought of making porridge using porridge oats + Oatly, and then comparing to porridge made from water. It should be pretty much identical. But there’s always a chance ...

Posted : 01/12/2019 10:10 am
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