Has Sonos been fixe...

Has Sonos been fixed yet?

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Sonos boss stepping down due to the app issues
Will take them 20-30 million dollars to fix.

Posted : 14/01/2025 10:56 am
Free Member

Sonos boss stepping down due to the app issues<br style="box-sizing: border-box; --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgb(59 130 246 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';" />Will take them 20-30 million dollars to fix.

Just roll back to the old app, admit you were wrong and carry on. I don't recall having any issues with the old app - used to use it all the time. Since the update I've attempted to use it a handful of times and given up and used Spotify instead and selected to play via the Sonos speakers - works as well as Sonos' own app should.

Weirdly (or not given how shite it is), every Sonos speaker in my network disappeared for a couple of weeks recently. Couldn't see any of them. Tried all sorts - powering off the router, doing a full reset/re-acquire on the speakers etc and nothing worked. They all just reappeared randomly the other day just as I was thinking about killing them with fire.

Love the speakers themselves but the user experience has fallen to absolute rock bottom...

Posted : 14/01/2025 12:58 pm
Full Member

MikkelFree Member
Sonos boss stepping down due to the app issues
Will take them 20-30 million dollars to fix.

Just read this - schadenfraude isn't a wonderful emotion, but in this case (as a loyal sonos user) feels very justified.

Worth pointing out that it may cost them much more than $20-30m; that figure was his (Spence, former CEO's) original estimate. And given how badly wrong he was on various other things, it could well be wrong.

Also not stepping down so much as "gone by mutual consent" (ie ditched), I though?

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:10 pm
Full Member

Having lost the ability to play music from my NAS I’m never going to buy Sonos again. Will eBay my two speakers so I don’t grind my teeth every time I look at them. Muppets

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:12 pm
Free Member

Having lost the ability to play music from my NAS I’m never going to buy Sonos again. Will eBay my two speakers so I don’t grind my teeth every time I look at them. Muppets

I can play from my (admittedly home-rolled) NAS via a SAMBA share. I don't remember if it re-appeared or I had to sort it out via the desktop app, but it's there now. Probably worth another look before getting shafted by Ebay too.

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:20 pm
Full Member

Having lost the ability to play music from my NAS I’m never going to buy Sonos again

This features shows on the IOS sonos app, if you scroll down on the main screen past "your favourites" to "your sources" and music library is there

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:39 pm
Free Member

It was a terribly managed process and frustrated me along with the others.  My NAS drive is back, however.  As, finally, is all the artwork from my 500+ albums I carefully ripped to FLAC, tagged and added art to.   Luckily that's all back and working.

The app, and workflow, on the other hand, remains hard to use to achieve simple tasks.  I have multiroom and rely on the app to group rooms, play music in various locations etc and it's a nightmare.

As for a roll back, they are now in a pickle after pushing a firmware update that forced users onto the new app.  So new app works on new firmware, and old app on old firmware, but old app would need a downgrade process in place to also roll back firmware in parallel (or in advance, I guess).  Sounds messy and fraught with failure points.

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:52 pm
Free Member

I have 3 sonos players of different kind and age, had just got them all connected after having issues with connecting to my NAS, but that was user error on my behalf to do with the address i was using to map it.
But they soon disapeared from the app.
Also having problems with windows failing to connect to my NAS, an old WD mybook live, so haven't bothered to try get it working again, will try again once i get a new nas setup.

Posted : 14/01/2025 1:52 pm
Full Member

As for a roll back, they are now in a pickle after pushing a firmware update that forced users onto the new app.  So new app works on new firmware, and old app on old firmware, but old app would need a downgrade process in place to also roll back firmware in parallel (or in advance, I guess).  Sounds messy and fraught with failure points.

Do you think it's that the new firmware can't play nice with the old app, or simply that they locked it in so it won't do so? I had thought it was the latter, but that's probably uncharitable!

And you missed a point, which is that while the old f/w works with the old app, you can't actually do a bunch of stuff with it - like adding a new speaker to your system, indexing your local NAS (although there's a workaround), or some EQ options either.

Posted : 14/01/2025 2:17 pm
Free Member

I can't comment specifically on the can't / won't in SONOS case but I have been product manager on digital connected product launches.  There have been phases in the development process where a firmware and app update have gone hand in hand, and there's no going back after the update.  I am not a firmware engineer so can't say exactly why not, but we had definite decision points in the development phase.  Luckily this was all on tightly controlled pre-production samples to a limited number of devs and test users. Not a captive audience of paying customers with auto-update enabled on devices forcing them down a one way street.

Posted : 14/01/2025 4:02 pm
J-R and J-R reacted
Free Member

So decided to start the app and it connected to my existing system without any problems, updated the speaker and even commected to my NAS.
Nothing as confusing as tech 🙂

Posted : 14/01/2025 5:54 pm
Full Member

Interestingly, the Chief Product Officer has also been eased out the door marked "Do One" - and it's been pointed out that he was also significantly responsible for the sh*t show last year.

Shame they didn't do anything about this at the time, rather than wiping millions off the company value then getting rid of people, but hey ho

Posted : 16/01/2025 9:31 am
Full Member

Selfishly, my main concern is that as a company they survive for the foreseeable. All my kit is >10 years old, bought at a time when I can the kind of disposable cash I no longer have, but works pretty much fine. If the company went pop and that in turn bricked everything I currently have I'd be non plussed.

Posted : 16/01/2025 9:42 am
Full Member

I just reconnected my NAS, that i used to store all my old burnt CD's, last night and all was fine. Better sound than spotify.

Posted : 16/01/2025 9:48 am
Full Member

but I still miss the old Zone Controller

I had a couple of the 100, the big brick controller.

Have replaced with Lutron Pico remotes, limited controls, volume stop/start of present favourites, but I have it in each room wall mounted by the light switch so you can easily stop/start when enter/leaving the room

Posted : 16/01/2025 9:59 am
Full Member

convertFull Member
Selfishly, my main concern is that as a company they survive for the foreseeable. All my kit is >10 years old, bought at a time when I can the kind of disposable cash I no longer have, but works pretty much fine. If the company went pop and that in turn bricked everything I currently have I’d be non plussed.

Fair point! As I understand it the new Sonos app would be much more exposed as it interacts much more with the Sonos servers. The S1 app in theory could continue to run happily enough - and I guess the APIs to drive it from other apps (eg Spotify) would still exist.

But despite their recent kicking and financial hit, Sonos seems to be doing pretty well. They're even apparently working with The Trade Desk (an online ad platform) to create a new TV OS. Why after all this Sonos was deemed the ideal partner for creating an OS, who knows... 😀

Posted : 16/01/2025 10:28 am
Full Member

For those having issues with local / NAS libraries - are the folders you are trying to share under OneDrive's control? Sonos doesn't seem to be able to access these even if they are set to keep a local copy (may be Sonos, may be MS presenting the folder in a non-standard way). If you copy the files to another folder and then share that it seems to work, for me at least.

It's a pain to have to do it, but at least it's a workaround...

Posted : 16/01/2025 11:34 am
Full Member

Posted by: phil5556

What I have done recently is switch off the wifi on my wired units and connected the other 2 speakers to my home wifi rather that using Sonosnet - this seemed to improve things. Likely because the 2 other speakers are now connected to 5GHz wifi?

I've just bought an Era 100 to go in the bedroom once renovations are complete and I set it up the other day, the setup was flawless and was up and running in no time.


My comment hasn't aged well...

The Era keeps disconnecting and can't be found in the app or says "No Content" whilst it's playing. It doesn't cut out once it's started but I can't always find it to start something playing and once something is playing can't always change the volume.

Posted : 02/03/2025 6:14 pm
Full Member

I'm debating what to do with my Sonos system and wanted to get opinions. 

I have a bunch of Sonoses in various rooms: a Play 3, 4 Play 1s and a Beam, all running on the old S2 app (the gold one). It's not perrfect, but it's predictable enough. I also used to have a Connect, to play through my Arcam amp in one room. The Connect died, but I still want to hook my Arcam up to the Sonos system. Unfortunately adding a new Sonos device into the system means updating the app to the latest version so I really have two options:

- Option 1: buy a Port (£400 or so), upgrade everything to the latest Sonos app so it's all integrated and works together. It's a serious chunk of change, and I still have little confidence the new app actually works consistently as it should. 

- Option 2: buy an old Connect (£50), downgrade virtually everything to the Sonos S1 app so it's all integrated and works together. The Beam couldn't be downgraded, so would run on the new app on its own, but that's not really a problem. It's less money, but obviously means having 2 apps on the go, and S1 isn't great by any means with things like a mesh wifi network. 


Posted : 03/03/2025 11:56 am
Full Member

get the Port and look for a certified refurbished.

Posted : 03/03/2025 12:26 pm
nicko74 reacted
Free Member

There are third party Sonos apps that I'm told work very well. My S2 system has been fine since the update, the only thing i still cannot do is edit playlists.

Posted : 03/03/2025 5:56 pm
Full Member
Topic starter

I didn't think you could downgrade to the s1 app once using the s2 app

Posted : 03/03/2025 6:26 pm
Free Member

Only just caught this thread. My Sonos 5/3/Amp refused to work with my NAS about a year ago. Due to age of most of it, was on the S1 app. Tried everything to get it working, but gave up in the end. Don't know whether I can be bothered to try again unless I know it is working properly.

You can waste too many hours trying to debug something that used to be plug and play when I started on my Sonos journey about 15 or so years ago.

Posted : 03/03/2025 8:56 pm
Full Member

Posted by: Rockhopper

There are third party Sonos apps that I'm told work very well.

I’ve got SonoPhone which does work quickly but isn’t a particularly great experience to use, maybe that would change if I used it more - I don’t find it very intuitive 

Posted : 04/03/2025 5:37 am
Free Member

" Option 2: buy an old Connect (£50), downgrade virtually everything to the Sonos S1 app"

This is what we did. We have 2 play 1's and a connect. Got to be honest it's worked fine. never really had any issues. Hope they do continue to support it

Posted : 04/03/2025 9:27 am
Full Member

Posted by: jim25

I didn't think you could downgrade to the s1 app once using the s2 app

You can! Late last year the 'new' app finally had the feature reintegrated that allows you to downgrade compatible devices to the old S1 app. Compatibility list here: https://support.sonos.com/en-ie/article/sonos-app-version-compatibility

" Option 2: buy an old Connect (£50), downgrade virtually everything to the Sonos S1 app"

This is what we did. We have 2 play 1's and a connect. Got to be honest it's worked fine. never really had any issues. Hope they do continue to support it

Out of interest, what's your home/ Sonos network setup like? Do you have one hardwired, for example; and is your Wifi mesh? 

I don't have an iPhone, so the third party SonoPhone is out, I think. 


Posted : 04/03/2025 9:35 am
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