Markbass amps just work for me, great on their own or I use a HX stomp to model what ever I need in the bass world
Wow. I just tweaked my thing from yesterday and I've had two emails from people offering to give it some heavy airplay on their internet station and promote it for me.
I haven't been so surprised since an outrageously stunning woman wanted sex with me. Just like these music 'promotors' she spoilt it by asking for money...
Having used both Fender Rumble and Markbass I didn't find either muddy. The modeling Fender 800 stage had some very nice clean models and the 200 was clean with low gain, master well up and the overdrive off. I found the clean sound I wanted in less than a minute with both Markbass and Fender.
Anyone good with iOS Garageband?
I have most things sorted now, especially after the tip about learning to edit the drummers and am happy with the automation of track volume but can I do this with other parameters?
I'd like to alter Pan, Reverb and Delay levels.
Here's a thing: I've an electric guitar (Harley Benton PRS copy); cheap, but I'm loving playing it - especially since swapping the Roswell P90s for Kent Armstrong noiseless P90s - which cost about the same as the guitar.
It's got quite tall frets, so I had to learn not to press down so hard to stop the notes going sharp. For the last year since getting it I've been playing sat on an upright chair. Last weekend I got a new sofa bed for the spare bedroom to turn it into my music room. So yesterday evening had a great hour or so playing on the sofa. And the note-sharpening came back. Is this just because I'm leaning back more and my fingers are feeling the force of gravity acting down towards the fretboard?
Or should I just swap it for a Telecaster?
Or should I just swap it for a Telecaster?
No, you should buy a telecaster to go with the HB. Funds permitting.
On a similar note (see what I did there), what Telecaster for the adequate guitarist who's got a PRS SE semi-solid, a pointy Yamaha thing and a Les Paul Studio that I'm likely to sell?
Likes playing rock, blues and 80s hair metal (badly). Budget not really an issue, but is there any point spending £1500 on an American Performer II vs £350 on a Squier?
I'll probably wait til I can try some out, but interested in the STW views.
I’d like to alter Pan, Reverb and Delay levels.
Can all be done on the ipad version of garage band. In the tracks view, click on the icon which has 3 sliders on it. You can then click on each instrument/ track. That then shows options for panning, compression, eq, delay, reverb plus other plug ins
I have a squier classic vibe, it's surprisingly good, I can't see the bonus of a mexican one over a decent squier and I'd have to REALLY like a full american one to justify upgrading. They also have a very big cavity under the neck so you can get creative with pickup change options if that's your thing (but the whole point of a tele is the pickup configuration especially that bridge pu). There are probably ones available s/h as they are pretty common.
EddieBaby, that's awesome well done 🙂
I've got a TC Electronic 250 2x8 bass combo @oldtennisshoes - it's very small, loud enough for a pub jam night and sounds great. Not too pricy either.
Can all be done on the ipad version of garage band. In the tracks view, click on the icon which has 3 sliders on it. You can then click on each instrument/ track. That then shows options for panning, compression, eq, delay, reverb plus other plug ins.
Hi Bob. Yes I can see and use that but with the volume I can automate changes of levels as the song progresses. I'd like to be able to do that with with other parameters.
Maybe I'm asking too much of a stripped back (but still very useable) recording device.
@edhornby if that was response to:
Wow. I just tweaked my thing from yesterday and I’ve had two emails from people offering to give it some heavy airplay on their internet station and promote it for me.
I was joking and trying to point out that my crappy track is only being picked up by auto spambots offering to “help” me for money. Seems I’m as bad at humour as I am at guitar 😁
I’ve changed my soundcloud user name to Lipstick on a pig, I’m still getting comments that say my tune is ‘on fire’. Madness.
There's a great YouTube video "What Squier Would A Fender Master Builder Buy?" featuring Ron Thorn. I know he's talking Strats, but I'm sure you can extrapolate to Teles. It seems his favourite guitar at home is a Squier! And I want that blue one in the vid.
There’s a great YouTube video “What Squier Would A Fender Master Builder Buy?” featuring Ron Thorn. I know he’s talking Strats, but I’m sure you can extrapolate to Teles. It seems his favourite guitar at home is a Squier! And I want that blue one in the vid.
Yeah, enjoyed that 🙂
I've just taken the scary step of actually trying to play along with Dave Simpson on part 2 of his blues lesson. I was watching his hands move so that I knew when to play a lick. I did try just playing along to the backing track but couldn't get the timing at all 🙁
I'm in trouble....
My faithful Marshall JTM60 112 combo is too much for home use. I generally only get time to play in the evenings when the kids are in bed, so I can't get it cooking nicely.
I wanted something less powerful that I could drive harder at home volumes, so wanted something still powerful enough for jams etc. but good for home use.
My definition of downsizing apparently doesn't match my other halfs...
A Laney Super-cub top with 212 can...I see it as smaller since it can run at 1W or 15W, rather than 60W...although it take up more floor space! I'm after a natural tube breakup rather than high gain widdling, so prefer to drive the power stage hard, and am loving this right now.
Anyone want to buy a very loud marshall?
Nice. I like the powerbrake.
I'm currently trying to decide which of these 1 watters to keep. The Marshall is super bright, and the Blackstar is warmer. Both are way louder than expected!
Not a bad decision to have to make.
What Telecaster for the adequate guitarist who’s got a PRS SE semi-solid, a pointy Yamaha thing and a Les Paul Studio that I’m likely to sell?
Hi, i'm new to this thread and am enjoying the chat. I recently bought a Player series Telecaster to go along with my Epiphone Les paul and having never played a Tele before, I am delighted with the overall quality, ease of play and sound. I can't comment on it compared to a Squier or more expensive series however. Like bikes, I find it hard to justify the extra expense at my level.
Also really enjoyed the compilation you guys made a few months back when each jamming your own ideas over a backing track. Is this likely to be repeated as I'd enjoy trying.
I don't think there is anything with a tube n that will sound good at home volumes (define what that is for yourself)
Best I have so far is the original THR10 or a tube amp through a captor x on its lowest setting (though that's not really enjoyable at all it so quiet)
Benman - keep both, get a radial bigshot and then you can use both at the same time 🙂 you can run one clean and one distorted or even have effect through one or both depending on where you put them
Get him a Greenbox for it (tubescreamer/808), oldtennisshoes, then he'll have lead and rhythm at the click of a pedal. Try it with your Rumble too, probably better than the built-in overdrive.
I'm inclined to agree with plumber and just use the Mustang if I don't want too loud. It's not just the tubes, it's the speakers. All of my speakers sound better the harder they are pushed, the Greenbacks in particular add a nice grain to the sound at high volume.
@Edukator - the pedals
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]
OK, if I suggest a tuner you'll no doubt send me a pic' of one on the headstock. 😉
A 5w head and sounds excellent at home volumes.
As I said in my post define your home volume. That said I've never heard a good black star of any series they've put out - potentially driver error of course
So what I took from the "what squier" video was... I need to try some out!
Try some. What I like about about the 2012 Classic Vibe telecaster:
The frets, just the right height and shape.
The Fretboard feel, the glossy varnish works well on bends
The neck shape, standard very standard.
The pickups, especially the bridge, mine are 2012 which had a lot of bottom end growl.
The hardware, the 2012s had genuine Gotoh tuners.
The setup, I didn't even need to file the nut.
What I don't like:
The thick glossy varnish on the back of the neck, so I gave it a buff with 800 grit wet and dry used wet. The cheaper Squiers have nicer varnish. The Mexicans have a thinner matt finish which I prefer, and my Warmoth nitros are another step up.
The weights. The solid pine is too heavy and the thinline is too light. The swamp ash Warmoth is perfect.
@edukator he uses his phone or the inbuilt tuner on the GT40 😀
I’m slowly getting drawn towards the more expensive end of the bass amp spectrum - Aguilar and Darkglass stuff - which for my level of playing is frankly ridiculous 🤦♂️
Bit of Tony Iommi for me this evening thanks to a Marty Music Lesson. One day I will actually spend a decent length of time learning a whole song properly rather than trying something new every time I see a YouTube lesson pop up! This gave me a chance to play the Epiphone SG and drop the tuning to Eflat
Try these guys on YouTube. Lots of backing tracks and scale suggestions on there.
I decided a few days ago that I'm definitely going to buy my first 6 stringer. I'll never be a guitar legend but I want something to record into Garageband alongside my bass. I've also paid for Yousician which has accelerated my bass playing massively and there's a whole guitar section which I'm not using so I'm intrigued to see what I can accomplish with that.
Squier is the obvious choice as my Fender discount is still working. The problem is there's 17 different bloody Strat's and 9 different Tele's. How do you even tell them apart? It's worse than buying Maxxis tyres.
I'm currently going on looks alone so if anyone has any input it's much appreciated. This is on the shortlist even though I'm not sure how 'modern' a Tele should look. It's very sparkly on Youtube.
Rosewood board on my Teles but that just my preference
That looks like a very modern take on a tele - the neck humbucker is a common modification, while it has a hot-rails style single-coil humbucker at the bridge, so it may not have the classic tele sound.The purists would also turn their noses up at the six-saddle bridge, but hey, who wants to play in tune anyway.
If you are after a more 'classic' tele, look at the squier affinity series, or for a 70's style instrument then they do a classic vibe series which has either neck or both neck and bridge humbuckers.
I decided a few days ago that I’m definitely going to buy my first 6 stringer...
I assume that for the time being, this will be an only guitar? Clearly, then, versatility is the name of the game. ('Standard' SSS = since coil x 3) Strats are great for being strats but won't give you an enormous range. Teles are a bit more versatile, and a tele with a normal bridge + humbucker in the neck will be even better in that respect.
Something like that tele is not a bad shout. This one is probably more versatile though with a standard single-coil + humbucker. I'm not mad on the aesthetic, though.
Or you could get one of the modern strats with a bridge humber.
Or just play it safe and get a Classic Vibe which won't be the most versatile but is very well-regarded and will have plenty of resale value.
Black Star HT5 is a great amp. Head anyway, speaker in the combo is garbage.
For low power valve Marshall gain look at the zvex nano head. Brilliant! But expensive
Fender just launched a range of contemporary Squiers yesterday. The Tele is lovely
I assume that for the time being, this will be an only guitar? Clearly, then, versatility is the name of the game. (‘Standard’ SSS = since coil x 3) Strats are great for being strats but won’t give you an enormous range. Teles are a bit more versatile, and a tele with a normal bridge + humbucker in the neck will be even better in that respect.
Thanks for the tips. I've always preferred the look of a Tele so that's a bonus. Yes it'll be an only guitar and while I can't justify anything expensive I like to get nice things and keep them forever.
I really like that 70's one as well.
Fender just launched a range of contemporary Squiers yesterday. The Tele is lovely
That's what I'm looking at. That pic I posted is the gunmetal version but the white looks very nice as well.
I think it's between that and the Classic Vibe 50's in butterscotch. They're both £303.
I'll probably buy a Fender amp eventually because the student discount makes them the obvious choice. I don't need one yet, I'll play through the iRig and Amplitube until I start getting up to speed.
It's all going to sound tragic to begin with anyway!
What’s the Fender student discount? 10% off anything?
I've got a Totum card for students. 20% off absolutely everything on the site. At the start of the first lockdown a year ago I bought a Mexican jazz bass. It's a beauty and I've played it nearly every day since. I want to see how much (if any) of the new skills will transfer to a a delicate little guitar!
@jca - won't that cab stand on end? See? Instantly half the size! And vertical 2x12s are very IN right now... (just see Victory, Marshall, Blackstar...etc) 🙂
I've just had a message from the rest of the 'dad rock' band I joined last summer that rehearsals are all back on as soon as we're allowed. (I'm assuming indoor rehearsals are the same as any other indoor fun thing and limited to mid-May) - I'd better start working out what amp and guitar to take... Ooh, and what to wear! (OK, T-shirt and jeans - sorted)
@chipps - yes it will, but then the logo would be sidewise, which is one step further down a treacherous path.
What will happen next time I change my tyres...
They also do this as a 112 combo, which is really not very big, but I preferred the sound through the 212 - seemed more 'open'
I just got all psyched up to do the deed and discovered that every Squier Tele is out of stock in every colour. I didn't realise until after I'd reach peak excitement so now I'm stuck in the office trying to simmer down.
I could just go around the corner from my house and buy this...
I have always wanted an SG.
Get the SG @Sharkattack!
For some strange reason Chipps decided to sell this lovely thing and I haven’t been able to put it down or stop looking at it since! My bass guitars are now starting to get dusty.
Oops I seem to have bought a bass head and cab
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]
At the cheaper end, but who wouldn’t want some Danish engineering in their studio 🤷♂️
I do like TC gear. (But I know nothing about basses or bass gear.)
Bought a Mexican fender tele about 10 years ago on eBay with the intention of learning to play it. It’s been in the loft for the last 7 years gathering dust so was thinking about selling it.
Anyone any ideas if it’s actually worth anything?
Think it’s from 97.
Put some pics up and someone here will probably buy it 🙂
Haha. I would if I could workout how to upload a picture onto here.