• This topic has 15 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by IWH.
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  • Grease gun for Chris King BB
  • ace_sparky
    Free Member

    Can anyone recommend one together with some good grease to go with the injector tool.

    Thanks all.

    Full Member

    i got my BB from Aspirevelotech and got the Phil Wood grease gun at the same time. The grease is included.

    Phil Wood

    CK Tools

    Free Member

    pete you big tart!! :lol:

    go on, whats it like? my LBS produced one from under the counter the other day, telling me it was the only they had, should I go for it?

    Full Member

    Jealousy will get you nowhere MrNutt ! :wink:

    To coin the local vernacular it’s gert lush.

    Smooth as a very smooth thing and blingtastic in gold.

    Also buying from the above mentioned site was pain free and did not attract any un-wanted attention from Her Majestys Government.

    Free Member

    What’s the grease gun fitting like on the injection tool? It looks like a ball and socket type which Isn’t like the type on the grease guns sold at CRC etc.

    Full Member

    I’ll go check and report back.

    Free Member

    many thanks :-)

    Free Member

    Oh mother of god not more gold stuff on the scalpel Pete, will have to get darker lenses on my sunnies next time I join you guys!

    Ordered my King BB and Tool last week so fingers crossed it’ll be here soon, although the frame is still many weeks away :-(

    Full Member

    What colour?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Right the injector tool has a proper grease nipple which snap fits in to the end of the grease gun.

    Free Member

    So you would need a special grease gun which would fit the nipple on the injector 8O

    Full Member

    Yes. But I think its a standard nipple not CK specific.

    Full Member

    So you would need a special grease gun

    No you just need a bog standard grease gun to fit a bog standard grease nipple.

    Free Member

    Cheers, just read on the www that the injector comes with two sets of nipples for different guns :roll:

    Free Member

    Oh no, Chris King provide TWO choices of attachments to make sure you’re not left in the lurch. Pure evil. Will they never stop scheming? :roll:

    Possibly a silly question but did you use a standard HT2 fitting tool or the CK one? Just wondering about the potential for marking the alloy.

    Yes. I’m a tart.

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