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  • Gravitational Blackhole stuff?
  • ton
    Full Member

    fistly I don’t understand it. also, what is the point?
    what good to mankind is wasting all the cash that it costs, ever going to be?

    cure cancer/aids/malaria/any other disease.
    don’t spaff billions on something that means nothing…ffs

    Free Member

    Ton you big cuddly troll you 😆

    Free Member

    I agree ton.

    Seems like a whole industry constructed to play with theories on a chalk board.

    Honestly can’t see why this is:
    a) such a big deal
    b) so important to humans
    c) any benefit at all

    Free Member

    😯 seriously, it is trying to understand how everything came into being. I think it is interesting and money better spent than bombing the shit out of people.

    I don’t understand any of it but that is not grounds to criticize it.

    Full Member

    but, what good is it doing?

    Full Member

    I get massively excited by science breakthroughs like this. Understanding and proving the fundamental laws of our universe is way up there an important thing imo. As is medical science too.
    Bombing shit – as important as conkers.

    Free Member

    It’s always very easy to pick a thing you don’t understand and say “XYZ is a way more important thing to spend money on”

    I don’t understand it either. But I reckon finding out how the universe works is worth doing.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I am sure the physicists will be along soon to help you out. I am way to stupid to answer but what if it gave us the ability to travel very quickly through space? Who knows what they will find, can you imagine people saying to Orville Wright why are you wasting your time trying to fly?

    Full Member

    Its advancing our understanding of the universe around us. Not all research is done with a project style ‘here’s the end game’ approach. Who knows where it will take us, the possibilities are endless.

    Take the discovery of penicillin for example, pure chance that Fleming came upon it whilst researching something else.

    Can you imagine how stunted a species we would still be without people actually researching and looking into these things?

    Free Member

    It’s all part of the great theory of everything helping us to understand the Universe and all its contraints / possibilities.

    Identifying and proving these theories to be true or false helps move the knowledge on a bit further. It might not in and of itself provide anything ‘beneficial’ in the sense of providing a cure for cancer or an end to drought, but all these bits together will eventually lead to a breakthrough that does materially change the world. Maybe it will allow time travel, or abilities to slow or speed time? I’m not clever enough to know what the advances will be, and these claims are so ‘outlandish’ that people will scoff, but on the grand scale of things it’s only a few years ago that we were living in mud huts and worrying about being eaten by bears. If we haven’t blown ourselves to shite beforehand, these things will come true.

    And then I’m coming back to edit this post and say i told you so.

    {and it’ll still be in the same 15 minute edit allowed window too}

    Full Member

    It’s out of these discoveries that things we reply on in the future come from. This question is asked about every major breakthrough, you need to play the long game
    “why mess around in space, we should sort out the earth first”.
    “why mess around with radiation, there’s more important things”
    “why do you need to talk to people in another town, just go and meet them”
    “a place to share info around the world to anyone who has access? useless, don’t waste your time”

    Full Member

    you don’t find out the unexpectedly useful shit by looking in the usual places.

    Full Member

    Also, how can this description fail to blow your mind? It’s incredible to think this stuff is actually happening / happened!

    From the BBC

    The numbers look bald on paper, but it’s when you try to imagine the scenario being described in those numbers that you rock backwards.

    Imagine two monster black holes spinning down on each other in space. One has a mass which is about 35 times that of our Sun, the other roughly 30. At the moment just before they coalesce, they’re turning around each other several tens of times a second. And then, their event horizons merge and they become one – like two soap bubbles in a bath.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I hear these gravitational blackholes are all claiming benefits too, it’s an OUTRAGE

    Full Member

    Theoretical physics -> experiments to test theory -> understanding -> laboratory experiments -> practical applications.

    Roll back a couple of hundred years and people were probably questioning the point in understanding electricity.

    Considering you’ve used a computer and the internet to post your question, would you rather they’d not bothered back then?

    Free Member

    1) it’s awesome.

    2) loads of new technology has been developed, lots of which will generate profit for the capitalists to **** over.

    3) it’s awesome.

    Free Member

    Don’t MRI & CT scanners have some link with Brian Cox levels of Quantum woo?

    The world spaffs perhaps a trillion dollars up the wall on beer*, fags, gambling and drugs so Cern & the like are ok by me and the collaborative engineering is awesome.

    * All beer is good.

    Full Member

    can someone name me one thing, that has proven a good thing to mankind, that has come from space travel/exploration.

    and not some theory or idea….a actual thing

    Free Member

    Think of all the useful applications that have now come from the discovery of other kinds of waves – radiation, electromagentic, light waves etc

    They had to be discovered first before we could have laser pointers to play with cats.

    Imagine if this leads to faster than light travel and us going out into the universe.

    Free Member


    Fill your boots. And if they’re thermally lined with reflective foil….. that’s your first.

    Full Member

    can someone name me one thing, that has proven a good thing to mankind, that has come from space travel/exploration.


    Free Member

    Ton – go get lost. and then turn on your TomTom.

    Full Member

    that list of nasa stuff is done in a lab, not in space….pppff.

    Full Member

    can someone name me one thing, that has proven a good thing to mankind, that has come from space travel/exploration.

    Just having to work in space is hard – it’s bought about lots of innovations.

    Nasa wrote a long paper…


    Free Member

    Weather satellites, environmental monitoring satellites, satellites that monitor for nuclear weapons testing…

    Free Member

    but, what good is it doing?

    Teaching us about the universe. How do you what good will come of it down the line? I bet quantum mechanics all seems like crazy woo-woo to you – and yet here you are typing on a computer using the internet to moan about it – none of which would’ve been possible without a bit of quantum mechanics.

    Just because you can’t see the use, doesn’t mean it’s not there. One day we may all be able to evacuate the doomed planet Earth and pop over to our friendly alien neighbours, and it’ll all be made possible with this useless discovery and others built on it.

    “What use is a new born baby?”

    Full Member

    I bet you lot are all into **** star wars and are all trekkies.

    Free Member

    pfft, not me!

    (Babylon5 ftw)

    Free Member

    fistly I don’t understand it. also, what is the point?
    what good to mankind is wasting all the cash that it costs, ever going to be?

    cure cancer/aids/malaria/any other disease.
    don’t spaff billions on something that means nothing…ffs

    If you don’t understand any of it, how do you know that there won’t be some practical application of this research in the future?

    Free Member

    The GPS that keeps your plane on track, or helps you navigate your bike, only works thanks to the maths from that wacky relativity nonsense that Einstein wasted his time on. How do you know what the benefits of this new knowledge could be?

    Detecting a change in distance the thickness of a human hair 4 light years away. What an incredible achievement.

    Free Member

    Without space travel, you wouldn’t be able to troll with impunity from the comfort of your own bridge to a global audience with almost instant gratification.

    Free Member

    Do you fear the Spinning Jenny? 😀

    Full Member

    GPS…….ffs, do you realise I am a member of the rough stuff fellowship and ctc

    Tallpall……….brilliant. pmsl

    Free Member

    Hate Star Wars utter bobbins, Star Trek is passable but not a favourite but I could watch Zoe Saldana paint walls. 😆

    Full Member

    couldnt of put all them satelellites up there without space exploraotion and physics

    which means no GPS

    which means no STRAVA!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Full Member

    im guessing that ton was trolling as he posted his anti science stuff on a virtual forum over the internet………

    Full Member

    can someone name me one thing, that has proven a good thing to mankind, that has come from space travel/exploration.

    and not some theory or idea….a actual thing

    Free Member

    even the support needed for this kind of research has benefits…. driving software development, computing power, networking for transferring data and sharing data (the WWW came from a need for collaboration at CERN).

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