Lots of things run through my head when cycling. My latest thoughts revolve about the lies of religion and heaven. My own belief is that both the afterlife and god is total bobbins. Neither can be measured or quantified using any methods we currently have at our disposal and so cannot physically exist. When debating about the existence of God the notion of an afterlife is always tied up as well but can the two be seperated. Can you believ in heaven but not believe in God? and if there is an afterlife will they have section set aside for athiests?
The concept of a heaven always raises great emtion in people. It gives people a lot of comfort to think that people who have died go on to a greater life, espicially if they have been ill close to death. But there is no heaven, we have simply evolved to have sentient thought and we are no more important that the slug. Do slugs go to heaven? I get so angry at people who just seem to choose not to think about or address these issues and blindly stumble on. There is no heaven you fools, make the most of every single second you have of this life you have NOW!