Girlfriend Problems

[Closed] Girlfriend Problems

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Hey I'm a regular poster on here but temporarily for this post I'm posting under a different name.

Basically I think I'm about to pull the plug on my girlfriend but just want to make sure the decision I make is the right one.

We've been together for 2 years now and generally things are great. She's popular, outgoing and good looking and even better - she's into surfing and skiing – the same as me (still working on the MTB though).

The downside though is that the bedroom action has not been what I'd call regular, even from the start. Perhaps once a week at first and then it has gradually reduced since then to around once every 6-8 weeks (currently it's been 13 weeks). And when we say action, it's always been pretty much no frills. It' the equivalent of a 'Tesco Value' get your leg over – just the basics, same every time, and never anything more.

I've brought the issue up with her on a couple of occasions and she swears she's really happy in the relationship – that there's noting wrong and that she still fancies me. It's just that she says she's not bothered about having sex and never has been, not with anyone. I'd love to work on this, to talk it through but it seems for her there's no compromise. Despite me telling her how important it is for me, she's not been willing to try to change anything, not willing to try anything new and the more we talk about this the more she shuts down. Communication would be the key but I've tried countless times and it's clear she does not want to talk about it.

So I've got to the point where I'm pretty fed up. We have just got back from a weeks skiing to a very romantic resort in Switzerland. Her desire to get up for the first lift of the day (every single day) was far more important than an extra 15mins and some fun in bed. In the evenings she was either too tired after skiing, too full after eating fondu, too drunk, or not drunk enough! It was the same on last years holiday too.

I'm getting fed up of feeling rejected. My previously high confidence is starting to take a knock big time. I feel like less of a man now than when we first met. As a result of all the frustration I'm becoming irritable, snappy and moody when around her – which doesn't help the situation one bit.

So I think I'm about to pull the plug. Despite her being one of the most gorgeous girl on the planet, I just can't take any more. After all what's the point in owning a Ferrari if you can't drive it very often - and then when you do take it for a rare spin, you find that it's limited to 30mph and that it won't let you slide the tail out?

I'm a little unsure though because now having gone out with an outdoors and sporty girl then I really like that side of things. I'm not sure if want to end up with a more typical type of girlfriend (an X Factor watching, celebrity obsessed, shopaholic) - just because she's good in bed. Surely there must be some good looking outdoor's type girls out there who value both type's of 'dirty weekends' in equal measure?

So before I make a decision I'll regret does anyone have any words of wisdom? Is a decision to leave someone based on sex not just a bit of a male cop out?

Oh and knowing this forum and before anyone asks, no I'm not rubbish in bed, she's not a secret lesbian, she's not having an affair, and she's got no other issues I'm aware of bar this 😉

Posted : 15/02/2012 12:00 pm

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