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  • Gaza
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    ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders:

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    Mr Netanyahu recently called the prospect of senior Israel figures joining the ICC’s wanted list “an outrage of historic proportions”.

    War criminal is outraged at the prospect of being arrested shocka

    Free Member

    War criminal is outraged at the prospect of being arrested shocka

    Wouldn’t surprise me if they claimed it was antisemitism….

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    Wouldn’t surprise me if they claimed it was antisemitism….

    The apologists are out in force on Twitter claiming the ICC are Nazis, seeing as the two countries not signed up to the ICC are Israel and USA I guess nothing can be done but it’s nice to see Netanyahu and Putin sharing the same bed

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    Netanyahu now faces arrest in half of the world’s countries.

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    Wouldn’t surprise me if they claimed it was antisemitism….

    They have of course as well as calling it a blood libel

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    They have of course as well as calling it a blood libel

    Just watched Netanyahu now on C4 news, its new form of antisemitism according to the wee gobshite, good…good…keep trotting out that bile and the world will eventually see your government for what it is.

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    Most already have.

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    There is a part-Jewish Polish guy who is very involved in the London section of the Big Ride 4 Palestine who attends all the London demos riding a bike pulling a coffin.

    On Saturday he was arrested and charged under Section 18 of the Public Order Act 1986 because he had written on the side of his coffin a quote from Marek Edelman, one of the Jewish leaders of the Warsaw Uprising:

    “To be a Jew means always being with the oppressed, never with the oppressors.”

    His bail conditions require him not to attend any pro-Palestine demo, not to leave the country (he was due to go to Poland on holiday) and to sleep every night at his home address.

    I have no doubt that his case will get thrown out of court. The idea that the quote is anti-semitic is farcical. But it is evidence of the intense political pressure from zionists that the Met Police is currently experiencing. The same zionists who a few weeks ago tried to get the Metropolitan Police Commissioner sacked.

    As zionists become evermore isolated they are becoming evermore desperate.

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    Good to see keir starmer standing with the ICC on potential arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant……….oh wait…….no he hasn’t

    Today, @DavidLammy and I met with members of the Hostage Families Forum.

    Labour demands the immediate release of all hostages.

    We continue our call for an immediate ceasefire to end the war in Gaza, a surge of aid into Gaza to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, and a pathway towards a two-state solution.

    Meanwhile the Israeli comedian/satirist/government gobshite/Labour shill David Mencer was on C4 news bleating away for his masters

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    Norway says it is ready to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant

    A day after ICC prosecutor’s announcement, Norway is first European country to announce it will comply if the warrant is issued

    The zionists are going to struggle to portray the Norwegian government as terrorist sympathizers, tools of Hamas, and anti-semitic.

    But they will give a go no doubt. What else can they do?

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    Might have been covered, but “From the River to the sea”

    Is this considered a contentious slogan, and if so how contentious? Someone at work was wearing a hoodie with it on today (plus Palestine flag colours) and while freedom of expression is supported at work, I’m not sure where this sits?

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    The pro-Israel lobby says it is – for me, Palestine being free doesn’t require Israel not to exist.

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    We are reaching Comical Ali levels of hasbara since the ICC announcement.

    The Schrodinger effect has also been turned up to eleven with the US are saying the court is illegitimate while also saying it is legitimate by investigating allegations of Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

    I also loved Slimy Gove’s cocaine-fuelled rant about anti-semitism today. Who needs The Thick of It reruns when you have modern politics.

    Peak post-truth? Still nowhere near there yet…..

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    “From the River to the sea”

    first time I heard this was from a Zionist in relation to the formation of Israel

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    Ireland, Norway, and Spain have announced plans to recognise a Palestinian state from 28 May

    At least 140 members of the United Nations already recognise Palestinian statehood

    That is out of 193 United Nations member states.

    It turns out that Netanyahu’s and his far-right government’s plans to starve a people and kill 15 thousands of their children, with no end in sight, is simply futher isolating and creating far more enemies for Israel, rather than bring it strength and security.

    Although I guess that they probably can’t help themselves – slaughtering the indigenous population should they dare to rebel is historically deeply embedded in the mindset of powerful colonial settlers.

    Full Member

    Ireland, Norway, and Spain have announced plans to recognise a Palestinian state from 28 May

    That’s very welcome news.

    Full Member

    Avi Hyman on R4 One o’clock news.

    A long, long speech of lies, the best of which is that any talk of starvation in Gaza is all lies.

    TBF to BBC the presenter did her best, listing all the international agencies who have reported starvation and warning of famine, but apparently they’re all lying.

    The only thing that is astounding is that our politicians continue to choose to believe the lies, and the lies, and the lies, and the lies, and the lies……..

    Skip to 3.10 for alexi’s summation of lies

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    TBF to BBC the presenter did her best, listing all the international agencies who have reported starvation and warning of famine, but apparently they’re all lying.

    This is 6 months old now but Nada Tarbush at her very best:

    Watch from 3mins 55secs for the relevant reference.

    Full Member

    This is 6 months old now but Nada Tarbush at her very best:

    A very calm fact led approach to Israeli obfuscation and lies indeed.

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    “France supports the International Criminal Court, its independence and the fight against impunity in all situations”, the foreign ministry said in a statement late on Monday.

    While US President Joe Biden called the legal step against Israeli officials “outrageous”

    This is represents a serious split among Western allies. The two opposing attitudes could be more starkly at odds.

    The problem for Israel and its far-right government is that all the attitudes are moving in only one direction – towards greater criticism of Israel and with growing hostility. It never ever travels in the opposite direction, ie, greater support and sympathy for Israel.

    They really are up Shit Creek without a paddle.

    Full Member

    About time, Israel told to immediately halt their assault on Gaza by the ICC, and allow unhindered access to crossing points.

    Soap on a Rope for Netanyahu and Gallant

    Free Member

    With global warming, it will be more economical for the planet to send container ships across the North Pole, rather than use the Suez Canal.

    Without using Israel as a military base, to police these old trade routes, expect the USA to make a massive withdrawal from the Middle East.

    As Chomsky noted, it was always the USA that blocked any negotiated peace treaty between Israel and Palestine.

    It was never reported much in the media, though.

    Full Member

    On the contrary, the vision is for a new trade route with the zionist state at the very heart of it. Which is partly the reason why normalisation of Israeli-Saudi relations is so important, and was possibly a calculating factor in the decision to launch the Oct 7 operation.

    I totally agree that the strategic importance to the United States of having what amounts to, metaphorically speaking, a huge aircraft carrier in an area brimming with oil will massively diminish in the coming years.

    In the last 5 years alone US oil imports from the Middle East have fallen from 20% of total oil imports to 10%. By 2035 at least 12 US states will have banned carbon fueled vehicles.

    The strategic importance of the Middle East to the United States will undoubtedly be re-evaluated. Being located on part of a trade route from India/China to Western Europe probably won’t figure that high.

    The United States has actively been trying to disengage from the Middle East recently which is another reason for their strong determination to normalise relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel – it will include a military alliance which will counter the threat posed by non-compliant regional states such as Iran.

    IMO the only reason that the United States props up the zionist state is because it serves the needs of the US ruling elite, it has absolutely nothing to do with a moral commitment to a “Jewish homeland”. And I certainly don’t buy the conspiracy based theory that Jewish zionists control the US government.

    The price paid in propping up Israel in recent years has been peanuts to the United States, and well worth it. But with its diminishing importance to the United States and its growing liability in terms of undermining US global influence and perceived moral authority I expect we are approaching the Use By Date of this relationship.

    I have no doubt at all that we are currently witnessing the beginning of the end of the zionist experiment. So I completely agree with you greatbeard but for slightly different reasons!

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    No surprise far-right Labour ghoul Ian Austin is on the wrong side of the argument.

    The UK should pull its funding from the ICC

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    Massive Gaza rocket barrage targets Tel Aviv, central Israel – breaking

    “The rockets were fired from launchers located hundreds of meters from IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip, Army Radio noted.

    Rescue forces are looking into reports of a rocket landing in the Tel Aviv area.”

    So the IDF’s “war” against Hamas isn’t quite going to plan then. Perhaps they need a few more $billion worth of weapons from the United States. That might do it.

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    Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry

    According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”

    *Terrorist regime attempts to use gangster tactics against the International Criminal Court shocker*

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    A question which you very unlikely to hear being asked on either the telly or the radio.

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    I saw that video of the father holding up his childs headless body on the “Eye on Palestine” twitter feed along with other horrific images – I sent it to as many politicians as I could, to think there will be hundreds/thousands of such deaths amongst the Palestinian victims makes hundreds/thousands more recruits for Hamas.

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    Dispatches was harrowing last night – especially if you watch the previous Gaza one in front of it which covers the aftermath of the 2010 incursion into Gaza.  You can almost fill in the gaps and see the timeline that led to the events of 7 October 23.  The 6,7,8,9,10 year olds that had their families killed in front of them just wanted revenge in the purest form and even though they had no ill feeling towards the Israeli children at the time, put 12 years between them and that’s easily forgotten.

    Watching the 2 programmes gave no doubt as to which side is more to blame than the other.

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    Nikki Haley going full genocidal on this one, WTF is possibly the nicest expression I can muster at the moment, I’d prefer to see one of these go off in her face though.

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    Well at least she has accepted that the zionists are losing the narrative. I would say that the situation is every bit as critical for them as she makes out it is.

    She even admits that Hamas launched a direct attack on the zionist state a few days ago.

    With less friends every day what a terrible time to be a zionist!

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    I see the floating pier has been completely dismantled, $320 million to deliver 500 tonnes of aid. Netanyahu must be pissing himself with laughter

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    Does Genocide Joe actually have any red lines?

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    Does Genocide Joe actually have any red lines?

    Doesn’t seem to have, all the talk of outside interference by Russia and other state actors through the use of social media and yet Netanyahu will decide who gets to be president.

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    Good gob, that Lloyd Russell-Moyle voted for a ceasefire, no wonder he’s been de-selected.

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    In a letter sent Tuesday to UNRWA, the ILA wrote that the agency owes it NIS 27,125,280 ($7,326,711.19) for operating on land belonging to Israel without consent for the last seven years.

    How ironic that a government which illegally occupies land should accuse the United Nations of illegally occupying land.

    And to add to the irony UNRWA was set up almost 75 precisely to provide support to Palestinians driven from their lands.

    UNRWA currently supplies most of the aid to Palestinians facing starvation and homelessness due to the terrorist actions of the IDF, so the determination to shut them down is understandable.

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