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  • Garmin Connect App changes
  • andytherocketeer
    Full Member

    It’s the website that’s mostly just wasted blank space. Even when I have 2 windows tiled side by side, the connect one is about 40% content and 60% extra white space and a huge menu which could easily be reduced to 3 items (for my use case).

    It’s not the only site that does that 😉

    Free Member

    I was on the beta and I fedback I didn’t like the swipey layout vs the old scroll and see everything layout. It got REALLY laggy on my phone and sync got randomly unreliable so I went back to the old one.
    sounds like feedback was a waste of time.

    We fear change Wayne.

    Full Member

    Not a waste of time, just maybe not as overwhelming as the positive feedback…I suspect the lag stuff has hopefully been investigated and reduced.
    I’ve been fortunate by the sounds of this thread as I only use the app on my phone and think it has been a great upgrade as it works well for me.
    My watch sits in the top right and that gives me access to all my devices and sensors, so dead quick. The My Day thing I’ve added what I want to see and it shows the overview stuff on my screen. If I want detailed stuff, I tab a tile and it shows me more detailed stuff – I don’t want the detailed stuff showing constantly so more than happy with an overview.

    Free Member

    I really dislike the having to scoll left and right. I’ve no idea why you’d want to arrange the information sideways on a phone which has a narrow screen and is designed for scrolling up and down. You have to do a lot of editing the page to get it usable to how you’d like.

    Previously you got the latest information near the top, and then you just scrolled down, which seems like a major feature over this scrolling left/right/up/down thing.

    Full Member

    What information are you scrolling left and right for?

    Full Member

    Is that the summary sections where if you scroll right you get an overview of the various sports you do? If so, unsure that is an issue as it is just grouping similar info in a section.
    Aware I’m not really helping as the app seems to work very well for me and gives me quick and easy access to the info I want and a simple way to drill into more.
    Reading the thread it seems it doesn’t work so well for others though, which isn’t good news.

    Free Member

    The swiping left is the In Focus part, which appears at the top on mine. I haven’t worked out how to get it to appear below At a glance, but I may end up turning it off all together as it’s just slightly annoying and I’ll try just using the at a glance as buttons to see the information I want. Maybe that will stop me with the left/right, up/down thing.

    Previously I could get four bits of information and my eye would scroll down, and then scroll the page. Now, with “At a Glance”, I have four bits of information, presented smaller in two columns, so my eye has to scan left and right and down, and it’s harder to read for someone with aging eyesight. I fail to see how this is better.

    Add in the confusion of it not being consistent with how to change things (edit home page is at the bottom of the homepage, but edit Tabs is at the top right on “More”).

    It still suffers the problem of the connect app, and that’s it is difficult to find some of the meterics until you get really used to where they’re hidden. Maybe even more so now you’re having to search out things for your home page. I cannot say I’m that impressed with it. Still, I learn the quirks of the previous app and I’m sure I’ll learn to use the quirks of this one.

    Full Member

    The swiping left is the In Focus part, which appears at the top on mine.

    Ah yes. I actually removed that bit. I’ve been using the Profile icon to get a list of my activities. Again, not the most intuitive but it’s only two click (Icon… Profile)

    It still suffers the problem of the connect app, and that’s it is difficult to find some of the meterics until you get really used to where they’re hidden

    Ah. Would that be trying to remember what’s a Health stat and what’s a Performance stat?

    Full Member

    Is new Garmin playing funny with Strava? Tge activity has definitely synched which makes me think it’s more on Strava’s end, it shows on my dashboard but not in progress or history etc.

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