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  • Garmin 800 questions
  • mattsccm
    Free Member

    Fairly new to the thing and two issues have come up.
    1. I have a cadence sensor on 2 bikes. Am I missing something? I cannot believe that I have to set the head unit up every time I swap bikes. Surely something this sophisticated can cope with 2 sensors?
    2. Out today and actually used a downloaded route. At the start it asked me to navigate to the start. I pressed yes and throughout the day the damn thing kept showing bloody great white arrows over the map and point all sorts of directions. Was this arrow trying to tell me the way to the start, even when I was 50 miles away? Didn’t do anything as I didn’t want to start the trip etc again.

    Full Member

    It is a good bit of kit but the user interface could be better…

    1. It can handle multiple bikes. Go menu, settings (spanner), bike settings, bike profiles, and set up each bike there. You can switch between them by pressing the power button briefly, clicking the bike name and choosing another. It’s a bit annoying it doesn’t recognise it automatically but seeing zero cadence usually reminds me to change if I forget.

    2. Yes, I did this once too and have never used the option to navigate to the start since. If you answer no, it will pick up the route when you start it and will handle diversions etc during a planned route too, works pretty well although you might want to disable off course warnings because they’re pretty annoying too!

    Good luck. 🙂

    Free Member

    1. Start of each ride, press power button on side .. search for cadence sensor .. couple seconds its sorted.
    2. As above. Dont select to navigate to start ..

    Superb bit of kit. Best to just have a play with it for an hour or so ..

    Free Member

    You can stop a course and restart it mid ride without any problems, so if you want to turn guidance off, to get it to turn off the guidance mid ride you will need to turn it off, then stop the course and restart it for the change to take effect.

    It is a good piece of kit – have a google for Frank Kinlan as he has a blog with lots of hints and tips.

    Free Member

    Your answers to 1 above confirm what I thought. bloody useless idea. Yes I know its just press a few buttons nut when the thing can send me to the moon and back you would think that it could do something simple.
    2 is as I thought. Ta

    Free Member

    “Your answers to 1 above confirm what I thought. bloody useless idea.”

    I think it is to prevent clashes with other bikes when you are riding in a group so not as silly as it sounds.

    Free Member

    yeah, imagine how fun it’d be if you were on a group ride and it connected to 20 cadence and HR sensors simultaneously or asked you for each one if this was your cadence/speed/HR sensor based on a long ID that it shows on screen. I usually change the bike over while it’s getting a GPS lock.

    Free Member

    Its not a big thing, just an annoyance. Surely it could have kept the sync once it was done for the first time? Even my telly which is 10 years old does that. Ah well….

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